I accidentally (x) — where 'x' = a noun of the poster's choice with the preceding transitive verb missing — is an Oh Exploitable meme of the textual variety, deployed in the same basic fashion as the pretty cool guy meme. Here, "accidentally" means "mishandled" in some manner; the point is to the noun at the end of the OP's original above to something lulzy and the missing method of mishandling up to the minds of the peanut gallery. Bonus points are by adding a macro to illustrate what the missing verb might be.
This meme actually dates back to 1992 - the Australian pop band Frente! accidentally Kelly Street, but it didn't become a meme until 2008.
In May 2008, many Anon were greeted by an OP who doesn't .rar files and verbs.
hey /g/ I need your help
I accidentally 93MB of .rar files
what should I do...is this dangerous ?
Later that evening, another Anon - probably the same nitwit behind the Meriwether Speck trolls and the Catholic Cardinal trolls - resurrected the meme with the phrase "I accidentally 40lbs of mangoes." It was much funnier. But not really.
Most people are familiar with the OP having accidentally a whole coke bottle, however. A /b/tard tried to claim it was first posted on /b/ on the 20th, but failed miserably.
On April Fools Day 2009, I accidentally X was confirmed as being stale and unfunny when Google included it on their image search page. Though in truth, it wasn't so funny before that either. It became even older and unfunnierwhen this happened.
I was trying to practice a solo and I accidentally my guitar.
I managed to get out, but then I got thirsty and I accidentally a coke bottle.
While out for a walk, I began to have to pee very bad. I stopped at the nearby gas station and I accidentally the stall hard.
I got tired of accidentally everything, so I made dinner to sit and think things through, but I accidentally my dinner too.
After dinner I decided to go for a walk, so I grabbed my shoes, but accidentally not my pair.
Once I arrived back home, I was feeling pretty bad. I knew some video games would cheer me up, so I busted out my Nintendo, but I accidentally the game.
I've had it. I need to hang out with someone. I decided to call this girl up that I've had a crush on for quite some time now to hang out. She came over and as soon as she entered her gauge got accidentally too hard.
She left abruptly. I couldn't blame her. I realized I had some crabs left in the fridge, so I cooked one up, but I accidentally my meal.
The crabs and the chicken had started to mess up my stomach. I went to the bathroom and my balls accidentally so hard.
I've had it. I've lost all of my appetite. Today needed to be over, but I figured I would be able to get down a piece of toast before the day was over. I accidentally the toaster hot.
I finally thought of one thing that would cheer me up. I love arts and crafts. I was feeling very artistic, so I took out some coloring tools. I accidentally the scissors.
My pee pee became very sore from today's accidentally. I went to my room, got my favorite cassette, and accidentally the music genre.
The whole bottle!
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