Leonard Nimoy

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Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy is a well-known pop singer with tragically deformed ears (apparently, he got his head stuck in a mechanical rice picker), severe arthritis of the hands and Asperger's Syndrome. Aside from his musical recording career, his considerable achievements include doing WTC and Spock. In spite of his crippling aspiness, Nimoy shows genuine fondness for his fans by good-naturedly offering to pose at their drawing club meetings, frequently in the nude.

Nimoy of the Now

Captain, charge phaser banks to batshit insane!!1!

Leonard Nimoy Mans the Harpoons!

Leonard Nimoy is also a photographer. His subject of choice is Jewish "BBW" models. Naked. No, srsly. His "works" regarding prancing, naked fatties can be seen on display in major art galleries and museums across the nation. some argue that he does it for teh lulz and to revel in watching from a remote location as those who attend his showings eventually projectile vomit all over the gallery floors, generating another form of "biological art".

See Also

William Shatner
Star Wars
Nimoy talks about his contributions to the Jewish world takeover