Lord Foxworth

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Nicholas "Lord Foxworth" is a man who enjoys 1990s computers and anime. For a while, Mr. Foxworth created a persona in which he took his actual interests and blew them out of proportion to simulate cringe.

He would create photoshops of himself with his then waifu, Mio Naganohara of Nichijou. He has a YouTube channel where he creates animations and other videos. Foxworth has recently confirmed that his real waifu is Yuuko Aioi of Nichijou and the persona was only his interests just amplified with a lot more added autism.

"You may be wondering, what's satire and what's real on this account? Well, the answer is simple. This account is basically the fine line between satire trolling and reality. The majority of viewers here will probably assume that I'm some ridiculous autist who resorts to photoshopping himself with his 2D significant other. However, this is not the case. I know how the internet works, I used to post on 4chan's /b/ and I still do lurk 4chan's /a/ and /g/, I know exactly how cringe pictures circulate and grow. I have contributed these images to cringe threads. I know the culture like the back of my hand, so that should be self explanatory. I find it quite humorous to reverse image search them and find a goldmine of commentary.

Now, let's get to another point. What's real? To simulate authenticity, I have fused a lot of normal aspects of my life and interests in with this persona. The first being the appreciation of 1990s technology, hardware, clothes, and media. This has been a long time interest and hobby simply because I enjoy the way things looked and worked. And it's a genuine hobby, which adds authenticity to this persona. If it wasn't, I would have collected so much of it within the last few years. Secondary to this, I am also a huge anime fan in real life. My favorites include obviously Nichijou, Watamote, Lucky Star, K-on, etc... This is another genuine hobby/interest of mine which I have fused in with this persona and blown to an extravagant proportion.

How do I really feel about Mio and other anime girls in a love sense? Well, as a healthy self-admitted weeb such as myself, I do have a waifu. It's not Mio though. Yuuko's my waifu. Just not in the way I have been presenting it in satirical means. Do I masturbate to hentai? Fuck yes. Do I find Mio sexually attractive? Of course. Do I find other 2D girls sexually attractive? Of course. Do I value them above all things in life and dedicate my entire existence to them as I have been presenting? No.

I still will be updating my YouTube channel very soon as I will be getting new equipment for music/animation. The animations that I create are intended to be mediocre to replicate an early 90's feel simply because I just like the style.

To wrap things up, what I have basically been doing with my account is taking advantage of certain interests of mine and blowing them to an extreme proportion and amplifying the autism by 90% to get a few laughs and have a few inside jokes with a few close friends.

I truly and genuinely thank you for the laughs you've given me through this account. One honorable mention would be kiwifar.ms LolCow board. I enjoyed your brief attempt to unlock the mystery behind this account.


If I were to do over, I would have picked Yuuko as my girl of choice. Mio comes super close though. Before I even watched Nichijou, hakase was originally going to be my waifu but then I realized her age and moved to Mio because I was SURE she was old enough. (16). Yuuko has always been my "real" waifu even though I totally find Mio adorable. And then there's Nano. Nano's probably the best looking out of all the Nichijous, but she is an android and incapable of loving me. You don't even know how close Mio comes though. A Mio that doesn't draw yaoi and has her hair down would be as good as Yuuko.

The reason I never said anything about this was because I started in on the pictures etc before I watched the anime simply because I found Mio cute and hardly knew about Yuuko. Then I watched the anime and realized that Yuuko was the choice for me but stuck with shitposting about Mio because I had already started that and it would have been strange to suddenly switch girls just after starting with one. LITERALLY ALL FEMALE NICHIJOU CHARACTERS QUALIFY AS MY WAIFUS. We're talking about Nichijou here. Of course it's going to be hard to choose. They're all adorable.


And of course, there's Tomoko of Watamote. I love Tomoko so much. The reason I haven't really said much about my love for Tomoko would be because she's insanely popular. (Oh the fucking irony) It would just blend in with the rest, but nobody will ever know my love for Tomoko like I do.

And then this brings in Mako from Kill la Kill. She's another honorable mention for my waifu desire. She's cute and adorable too and is definitely on my list. Looks like Yuuko, that's probably why.

So, who's my waifu? That would be Yuuko Aioi of Nichijou. I really don't want to be a polygamist but to be honest I'd have to say my waifus are Yuuko, Mako, and Tomoko. Thank you for reading and have a nice life. "

-Foxworth, 2015