Talk:Lord Foxworth

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Yo, nice article but I gotta agree with the previous edits

Just like that other faggot was saying in the edits when you both had your editing shitstorm, you should leave in the part where it shows this is real. Nobody other than Jace would go through this much bullshit and fuck themselves over with this much OC, and like your buddy said, it makes it all the more disturbing on his end if this shit's real. I, too don't believe for one second that this faggot actually blew his interests up to simulate cringe, I think he's just another sick autist like JustinRPG. Even if he did make his interests seem cringy, he at least has some form of obsession with anime. The guy's fucked up in the head for sure. Came here from reddit after discussing this with some others on skype if you're wondering. Other than that, this is actually a really funny lolcow and I'm glad you discovered him. - Fishgenocide (forgot to sign, no problem dude)

  • I think this article / lolcow has a lot of promise. Have you crazy kids thought about dicking this guy around a bit? I bet the results will be fantastic and you can post them here. Not trying to come across as a know-it-all, just curious to see some nice results. Again, great job on the page though. I'm watching it like a hawk and kinda anxious to see what happens next. Good hunting, friends! --TROLAHOAR (talk) 08:00, 8 April 2015 (EDT)
  • I have to agree with Fishgenocide that Foxworth is kinda fucked up. Even after he has claimed that he is a troll, why the fuck he keeps making more and more cringeworthy pics? Ok, maybe he does it "to get some laughs with friends", but I really don't understand, let's say, this:

He's definitely about to cross the line between trolling and becoming a lolcow. --Günter 08:21, 8 April 2015 (EDT)

  • After looking at John Cena's edits, it may be true that Foxworth probably came out as a troll to avoid future trolling, and then decided not to give a fuck. If you look back and read his announcement, he goes into detail several times about how he really is a waifuist and "self admitted weaboo", and also admits to masturbating to hentai and having delusional relstionships with fictional characters, so he never really said he was fake. If he really was a troll, you're right that he wouldn't be making even more cringy pictures to this day. Just look at Foxy's deviant art, he just uploaded some more weird photoshops. Also, that cum pic sort of makes me believe he's for real. Why the fuck would he cum on his laptop for lulz, that picture is totally fucked. I think we should remove the "Damage Control" and "True Reason" sections, add in John's edits again, along with Foxman's newest uploads to deviantshart, and add in the fact that Foxworth tried coming out as a troll to simply ditch the trolls that were trolling him. It's also possible that he didn't even make the "King Internet" shoop, he has big enough of a following now that faggots from *chan made it after he posted that pic on /chuckecheese/. As for calling him an attention whore who wants to be a forced meme, I can't imagine anyone would want to live the meme life, so I have to disagree there. He's just fucked in the head.

In conclusion, I have to say that Foxworth came out as a troll to avoid future trolling and decided to undo that because he just couldn't hold himself back from obsessing over anime girls. Do what you wish though, just my personal opinion on the situation. This dude's right up there with JustinRPG and the others. Great page nonetheless.  — Preceding comment added by Fishgenocide (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

  • This guy is in no way, shape or form a troll if you ask me. He spents a lot of time making all those tardo photoshops and what not. Also, usually when you look at trolls trying to become a mark they're very obvious, they don't allow replies, out of fear for being called out. I even saw one recently that made "video of the now" a couple of times. He supposedly had this michael jackson mask because "he couldnt get a guy fawkes mask" shit like that. The dude was obviously a troll and never claimed to be that, either. This guy is just claiming to be to save face. --TROLAHOAR (talk) 20:35, 8 April 2015 (EDT)
Am I the only one that finds fishgenocide's edits troll shielding?  Agent Otter Whiskers  15:35, 8 April 2015 (EDT)

  • You think its possible Spergelord Coxworthless himself? --TROLAHOAR (talk) 20:38, 8 April 2015 (EDT)
I don't know anything about this queer fag, but those edits seemed off to me.   Agent Otter Whiskers  22:21, 8 April 2015 (EDT)
  • He doesn't seem like the type of person to tamper with his own article, especially with the way people have been doing so. I would guess that if he were to have the balls to come up here and edit his own page, all he'd do would probably be blanking it. That's what most tend to do. I do agree with Fishgenocide, Trolahoar, and seemingly now Günter that as more on Foxworth comes out the more real he seems. You guys are right that he wouldn't put so much time into this and still be doing it if his first announcement was true. --Foxworthismysenpai 09:37, 9 April 2015 (EDT)

Nice, but kinda fucked up the meaning of A-Logging

This is a very nice lolcow, that A-Logging thing isn't correct though: The act of A-Logging is severely hating Chris-chan and wishing ill upon him. Foxworth didn't do that, he drew the straw picture as a TRIBUTE, thus being the exact opposite of A-Logging. Just saying. I didn't remove it from the page since otherwise its such good quality, but you may wanna fix that. A-logging is giving hate to Chris, not love. Foxworth wished well upon Chris, thus it would be anti-a-logging/doing good. --TROLAHOAR (talk) 08:23, 4 April 2015 (EDT)

Schnookums 11:59, 8 April 2015 (EDT)
Schnookums 11:59, 8 April 2015 (EDT)

Child Abuse?

I'm just sticking the pedo series on the bottom to see how it looks, maybe get a few laughs... Jazzybellio4912

Incoming - He's gonna make a response video.

  • yumyumyum gimme gimme gimme, does this faggot even have jewtube? ah yes hear nvm --TROLAHOAR (talk) 09:13, 15 April 2015 (EDT)

This, I reckon, would be his BAAWWWW video. --TROLAHOAR (talk) 20:14, 20 April 2015 (EDT)

Any relation?

Just wondering if this is the same guy as Patrick Jenkins of Dr.Choker and Pals fame? The guy looks the same as the OC, and the drawings are equally shitty. Jazzybellio4912

Please discuss deletion in this section

I'm nominating this article for deletion because I feel as though it is ethically (in a natural sense) wrong to attack the love a man dedicates to his waifu. Though I may not agree with some of Foxworth's waifu practices, I understand his spiritual dedication to the various 2D girls he obsesses over. It is clear Foxworth's ability to love, no matter how obscure it may seem, is beyond that of most individuals. As detailed by Kierkegaard in Works of Love, to truly love is to make love one's subjective duty, thus solidifying love in the eternal. If this is the case with Foxworth, it is quite possible he has obtained some kind of Godpower through the eternal dedication he has given his waifu. Since it's best we not try to interfere with this, because love ("God") will ultimately succeed, I propose we remove this article asap. 12:01, 4 May 2015 (EDT)

  • I too love mai waifu. oddguy 12:15, 4 May 2015 (EDT)
Speedy keep per epic feels, tempered by the wisdom of a philosopher for the ages. —  VX  22:19, 4 May 2015 (EDT)

you'll all be sorry 14:30, 14 May 2015 (EDT)

Knew the guy before all the autistic stuff

I was in a raiding/ebin trolling group with the sick fuck and a few others before he started making vids, and I believe that he isn't faking his autism. He dropped out of school (he was in 9th grade last summer, believe it or not) specifically to animate his queer little videos. Before he started animating, he had an over the top infatuation with pre-2000s tech, and when we would hang out as a group in tinychat/skype, he had some kind of infatuation with me as well. He loved/hated me, and really seemed to want to stroke my anal pipe. He was a fedorafag as well. I may still have some of the messages he sent me if anyone is interested. Also the page is split up into 'eras', but is missing the pewdiepie and chuckecheese era. Too lazy to add atm but jus sayin. Ayylmao43 21:05, 30 May 2015 (EDT)

  • That's very interesting that you knew him, but remember that his internet fame is because of his weeaboo trash photos and CGI videos. So any older eras that aren't weebshit and didn't land him infamy are kind of irrelevant at this point and would probably derail the page. If anything, this page needs even more coverage on his anime obsession than his attempts to deflect trolls. Foxworthismysenpai 06:51, 4 June 2015 (EDT)

Checked up on him recently, article seems disorganized

I've been checking up on Mr. Foxworth lately, and it still seems that nothing has changed. The article seems a little disorganized, so I'm trying to clean it up a little. There is too much emphasis on his troll deflection attempt post than the actual source of the stuff he does. There should be more coverage on his obsession. Feel free to trim down the parts that need trimming without giving him the easy way out on the deflection post, as well as adding more about his sickfuck fetishes. Check out his DA bio, it's a goldmine of creepy quotes. He calls himself an "anime fetishist" now. Also, check out his new post which I added, we were right.

Also, have any of you tried contacting Foxworth privately? Through skype or anything? I bet you could get some good lulz if you tried. I'm not good with that sort of thing, so I don't think I can do it. I also added a few new sections as well as some more stuff I found while digging. --Foxworthismysenpai 00:40, 24 June 2015 (EDT)