Made in Abyss

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Made in Abyss is a lolicon BDSM watersports guro doujin created by a greasy middle aged Japanese man who enjoys drawing little girls with tits. The manga is set in a world where every white spot on the map has been explored, except for one place ; a massive, gaping hole called The Abyss, on an island in the middle of nowhere, which was discovered at least 100 years ago, yet has not been fully explored due to the untold dangers lurking within.

One beautiful summer day, our protagonist, an 8-year-old loli named Riko discovers an abandoned chinese megaman clone while being exploited as child labor to extract exotic sex toys from the abyss, after assfucking his unconscious corpse with a ruler (that actually happened) she determines him to be a robot that can shot lazers and gets her stuck up nerd side character friend that nobody cares about to restore his functionality with his makeshift texan execution device. She names him "Reg"

Not much happened after that until last tuesday, when Riko obtains a message from her mom, Lyza, a famous white whistle who got her blond retard ass stuck on the bottom of the abyss because she's a woman, which inspires her to leave the surface forever and delve far into the deep web.

Plot Summary

Layer 1

Basically the green hill zone of this series, nobody cares about this arc

Layer 2

Every chapter

This area is an upside-down forest inhabited by giant birds and hostile brazilians, this is where our heroes run into a permanently salty passive aggressive old cunt named Ozen, Ozen hates Riko because her mom did some retarded shit while exploring the abyss with her a decade ago and she's been stuck in a perpetual state of butthurt ever since. After beating the shit out of Riko she suggests they stay and camp in the forest for 2 weeks for no reason while a creepy old man watches, to which they oblige.

Layer 3

It's just a fuck you vertical drop, literally nothing happens on this layer aside from Riko and Reg getting attacked by a giant floating dick.

Layer 4

An area ripped off from HunterxHunter, Riko gets instantly blinkied by a giant hedgehog or some shit and passes out while vomiting and pissing herself, Reg starts crying like a faggot while trying to amputate Riko's arm she got stuck in with an unsanitary field knife, which in real life would just make her die even quicker from blood loss or an infection and isn't a medically recognized treatment for any kind of venom. Luckily, Pedobear's cousin, a furfag called Nanachi appears out of nowhere and starts calling Reg a retard, the two drag Riko back to his dungeon where Nanachi treats the poison with buttplugs and magic mushrooms instead, he then wastes a bunch of chapters/episodes giving Reg a TL;DR explanation about how the curse of the Abyss works and also his unsolicited emotional backstory about how a Darth Vader wannabe transformed him into a furry while Riko gets molested by Nanachi's quadriplegic vagina faced dog, which he asks reg to bust a cap in. After doing nothing for like a week, Reg agrees to pop a cap in the tard and after a lot of whining and bawwwww Riko wakes up again and predictably, pisses herself, which is a theme at this point. The three then move on together.

Layer 5

a frozen shithole ocean inhabited by tentacle monsters, the aforementioned Starwars fan, Bondrewd, lives here in his child sex dungeon with a bunch of nazis who look exactly like him, he approaches the crew and asks if they want to help out with his science project, to which they agree like total idiots because a masked man wearing all black comes across as totally trustworthy, and not the least bit sketchy or morally deprived. The one condition being that he won't raep them, to which Bondrewd goes "lol, nope" and immediately tries to kiddy fiddle Reg, the crew flees along with some random loli sex slave but gets pursued into the ocean so Reg has to drown the fucker, pulling him 10 meters down and then back up so he turns into a giant pile of cancer, but he apparently has the ability to transfer his consciousness or some shit so he didn't die, then he caps Riko and reclaims his loli, which he immediately sacrifices to Satan so he can transform into a furfag, but Reg tells him to yiff in hell and kills him again before fucking off to level 6.

Layer 6

This place looks exactly like a bunch of shit thrown together in photoshop MSpaint, there's a village here populated by furries who can't leave, making it a lot like /b/. This arc is very confusing because a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense happens like Mitty being alive again, also Nanachi becomes emo and kills himself


Riko - The main character that tumblr hates because she's good at cooking and presumably because she doesn't look like a fat American like they do. Other than that, her talents include pissing herself while crying.

Reg - Effectively the main character because he's the only one who can do shit, despite being a robot he has a fully functioning penis, which technically makes him a shota sexdoll.

Habolg - Some fat loser who encourages child endangerment.

Jiruo - Another fag nobody cares about who runs the sweatshop/bondage club where Riko was raised.

Maruruk - Ozen's personal bitch which she forces to crossdress. He can't leave the abyss because he's "sensitive to light", something that never gets elaborated on. All he does is look at a telescope all day.

Ozen the Immovable - A dusty old lady who thought she was lesbians with Lyza until she one day trolled her by saying no homo m8 and marrying some guy who died in 3 seconds. She's called "The Immovable" because she's jacked up on magic steroids that give her the strength of 120000 men, an ability she uses to fight prepubescents.

Torka - Riko's dead father that looks exactly like her except with green hair.

Lyza the Annihilator - The worst mother in history, she gave birth to Riko while on the 5th layer of the abyss, which killed Riko, but she revived her with black magick, which means Riko is actually a lich. she's currently stuck on the bottom of the abyss and can't go back up without turning into brutalized flesh pile that would get posted on

Nanachi - An orphan who thought going to the most dangerous place in the world would make things better for him, he was experimented on by Bondrewd and transformed into a rabbit who can see the curse of the abyss, an ability that gets mentioned once and never brought up again. His life goal was to murder his retarded friend until Reg showed up and accomplished it in 0.23 nanoseconds. He enjoys looking at kids getting boners. Nanachi's gender is actually unknown, which means fapping to rule 34 of him makes you gay, bringing this up with fans will get them pissed.

Mitty - The aforementioned retard who looks like an animated fleshlight. She got dipped into the 6th layer by Bondrewd and became a retard while Nanachi became a furry instead due to the power of friendship. In more recent chapters, it's revealed that she was reincarnated.

Bondrewd - The 3rd member of Daft Punk who's hiding in his underground meth lab called idiotfront built on the 5th layer of the abyss so he can avoid Chris Hansen. He brings kids underground to perform experiments on them; he's a white whistle who petitioned the government to let him bring his mexican landscaping team down there so he could build the damn thing. He has a sword called spergamos.

Faputa - A nigger loli who smells like a Norwegian man who's been in Majorca for 2 weeks without showering or wiping his ass.

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