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Victoria King

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Just when you think furries and larpers are at the bottom of the barrel you’re introduced to their illegitimate crack baby known as TLK RP. TLK RP is made up mostly of morbidly obese high school dropouts with no drawing skills so they do the next best thing; they rip off screen caps from The Lion King or Lion King fanart and bucket fill them in MS Paint, resulting in shitty looking sparkle lions. Amongst these halfwit crayon dribbling tards is one Victoria King, presently the "little bitch" of the community, she's currently engaged with numerous other members in an all out tard fight over who has the most the derivatively cliche sparkle lion.

The beauty queen herself! Note the giant coldsore on her lip.

As a result of these tard based sub-furry communities having effectively zero creativity and imagination everything they do is an incredibly generic, nondescript, boiler plate crate of baited bitch snitting. Their ideas and concepts are so infantile and childishly simple that they've all essentially been done before countless MILLIONS of times over. Because these deficients are so lacking in creative perspective and so wholly devoid of any real talent they actually believe their halfass spaghetti bitched slop work to be entirely unique in the world with absolutely no one having ever done anything even remotely similar.

As you can probably imagine, that set of circumstances, coupled with your average furtard NEED for frothing drama and hysterical histrionics eventually implodes in on itself with every other person in the community lashing out at one another screaming about STOLLED ARTSES and running around making overly blatant attack articles on ED. Often times the brunt of this hormonal tweenage trainable angst will get directed at a sole individual within the community, in this case Victoria King, with all the other hapless dings ganging up on them and snitting over every last inconsequential failing and fuckup they make, practically jerking themselves off with every overly ecstatic finger point of a nitpick.

The Self Proclaimed Queen of Lion Roleplay

The Stolen Character, Uploaded by the actual artist!

One of the first instances of her theft was when playing a lioness a Lion King character named Divinity. Now her story doesn't start there but that is where we are going to begin this little adventure. Divinity was the leader of an Earth themed pride. She was Queen and sure liked to remind everyone of it, either by trying to fuck anything with a dick or by having her e-tits rubbed by everyone else's praise. Little did the rest of the Disney ripoff fanclub that not only was their queen copier but an outright thief as well. At first no one thought too much about the look she had, everyone thought she had just done it herself. It wasn't until she started stealing layout setups as well as being just a down right whore and going after every male lion that was in the new members section. After being called out she denied everything, even after being provided screencaps of the layouts side by side and attempted to play the victim card and using the layouts on all her alt accounts.

The pride itself was a complete failure. As soon as she had a falling out with her daughter who she later tried to throw under the bus and blame the incident all on her, the pride fell a part and she ended up deleting the account. Soon after someone came across a fanart done on deviantArt. Victoria King's second known offense of stealing was a look that was created back in 2011 by another lion fantard. Even after further proof surfaced of her thievery she continues to feign innocence to this day.

Since then she has been known by many more characters. Each one of them claiming to be a close friend or a sister, yet all of them were and are just her sad attempt at friendship. This girl had tried to make other prides and each and everyone had fallen apart. Now miss Victoria goes around stealing other peoples storylines, editing techniques and anything that might make her more beloved by the rest of the jobless cunts of roleplay. What Victoria believes is that she can steal and take ideas, but she can't take the backlash of it. If someone calls her out on it she'll play the "I'm a nice person, why does everyone hate me" card and then block you. Why? Because she knows you're right. If she's not jacking your crap then she's posting status after status about how she knows how to draw and she will show you in join.mes how she edits... Yes, because we all want to sit in a boring chat room and watch your shitty Photoshop attempts. There has been tons of looks and edits that she has taken and then goes and poorly learns how to do it to try and 'prove' her point.

The Characters

The Dick Trap.

Naughty Indian Princess Nitika was the biggest whore known to Lion King roleplay in the early MySpace days. Known for shacking up with countless males, leaving them after only a week of inactivity and giving birth to so many cubs that would make polygamists jealous. Soon word spread amongst the male lion populous that Nitika was a dick trap and many began to stay away. Nitika didn't learn her lesson until she tried to trap a male by the name of Barbarian by getting knocked up with his cubs. His mate, Horrific Mistake came into the picture, where Nitika learned that men want housewives, not hoes.

Doing what she does best!

Another whore character that Victoria Queen had was the Queen Mystic Snow Pride, Queen Neiva, Lame fucking name but let's roll with it. This was another pride and character that had to be queen of the pride. She was so desperate that she would add and flirt with fucking everyone. Join her pride and she'll suck your lion cock. The problem was after everyone had a piece of the Queen Neiva they became inactive and wanted nothing more to do with her or the pride to the point where it became inactive. She currently still logs onto that lion with the sad attempt of bringing the pride back. However she's moved on to another character.

A few years later on Aniroleplay Victoria created Nova Storm; a slutty cub who would jump on any male dick that she could find. So who did she find? Some horny black cub named Nightfall. It didn't take one day for her to be all over this cubs dick and 'fall in love' with him. As for knowledge of what happened between the two, no one knows for sure. Nova Storm was so much of such a slut on this account that when another Nova Storm showed up all the males went to her thinking she was the same slut.

Georgia Peach • This cat vomit colored lion showed up out of nowhere, claiming to be Victoria King's sister and Nova's real life best friend (coincidence amirite?). This was another account she copied things off of. The whole outlook of her layout was taken from another roleplayer. Down to the layout itself and the placing of the same pictures.

Queen Aphrodite • Not only a shitty lion look but a Hercules rip off as well. Taking a screen shot of the Aphrodite from the Disney Movie Hercules and just taking the hair from the screen shot and pasting it over top of a shitty pink edit of Kiara. This was another pride she had tried to run and it failed miserably so she went and made another one.

She claims over and over how she doesn't have more then two accounts but when she does join mes she's always editing looks for multiple accounts. She also writes the same way! It's so funny to try and watch her talk to herself on her various accounts same exact way on each. How sad do you have to be that you have to make tons of accounts and pretend you have friends. It's called getting off your ass going out and getting a job. Nope! This girl is all about Lion King Roleplay going so far as having her boyfriend, or fiance as all Lion King roleplayers have one or the other, support her. She lives and breaths roleplay, from creating the edits to making shitty cut and pastes videos and posting them on Youtube, one such video implying that Scar rapes Nala. Most likely her wet dream. With each pride she creates she abandons in less than a week once she becomes bored or finds someone else to steal off of. Now if you steal something from her or anything that she 'for once' comes up with herself then a tons and tons of status are posted in the group about how she's being targeted and how everyone is just going after her for no reason. This bitch has more faces than Harvey Dent. She will act like she is all nice and sweet and "OMG I love your look!" and then snatch the look right from under you.


The Lion sleeps tonight... About missing Pics
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See Also

External Links

  The Lion King RPG Facebook Group
  Her LiveJournal
  Her Deviantart


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