Fatemeh Khavari

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'Fatemeh Khavari or Fatima Khawari (or Fat-me Kawaii)' is a fat not-a-male-despite-her-ugly-face-and-deep-voice 17-year-old mudslime who lives in SJWeden. She is known for pretending to be a leader of a fake organization called "Ung I Sverige" (Young in Sweden). Her goal is to make Sweden filled with Afghani men cosplaying as kids because she is wants to prove to everyone that she is such a good little anti-racist who is the opposite version of Adolf Hitler. She believes it is a right for men from Afghanistan posing as kids to enter Sweden illegally. She receives a ton of love and support from Swedish women and men who don't bother to question her actions and motive. She also wants to become Prime Minister of Sweden.

File:Fatemeh Khavari.jpg
The fat fuck Fatemeh/Fatima herself
The goal is to become Prime minister


—Some fat female migrant in Sweden.

Rise to fame

The whole saga began somewhere on August 2017 where a group of so called "unaccompanied refugee children" began to strike, without permission from the police, on Mynttorget in Stockholm because all of them got BTFO'd by the Migration board. Fatemeh saw this as her chance to gain some attention and claimed to be founder of an existing organization called "Ung I sverige" (Young in Sweden), even though there is ZERO proof that is so-called "organization" even exists.

After finally getting some attention from Bonniers owned daily newspapers such as Dagens Nyheter and Expressen to worship her lying ass, a group of Nationalists from the organisation "Nordisk Ungdom" (Nordic Youth) decided to cause some mischief as seen down below.

However, little did the members of "Nordisk Ungdom" know that this would ONLY give Fatemeh a chance to use the victim card and gain even MORE sympathy from the media and anti-racist activists. And seeing how Mynttorget was now an unsafe place thanks to those EVIL "right-wing extremists", she and her gang of men pretending to be kids moved to Medborgarplatsen instead.

A few days after moving to their new destination a group of demonstrators organized by some Alt-right loser by the name of "Christoffer Dulny" decided to go and confront Fatemeh and her gang of sand niggers. And how does the sand niggers respond? With face paint, Swedish flags and lots and lots of signs with a big red heart on it.

You are all Soro's little whores


—Something a kid with Aspergers would shout.

A liar and a hypocrite

It shouldn't surprise anyone that a person like her could gain so much ass-kissing in a muslim-loving country such as Sweden. By simply lying to people that she is an innocent muslim who wishes to spread love, diversity and destroy racism forever she receives so much love from mostly Swedish women who spits on white men because they are a part of the evil patriarchy but has no problem fucking migrants from the middle East pretending to be kids. Although just by LOOKING at the "kids" who are a part of 'Ung I Sverige' and are protesting against racism it shouldn't be that fucking hard to understand that there is no fucking way they are children .

  • Back in 2013 The Migration Board had access to 930 alleged refugee children and decided to age test merely 60 of them and SURPRISE, 44 were lying about their age.
  • In 2013, an whistleblower says 116 out of 134 children aren't actually underage.
  • In 2014, 77% of children who were tested turned out to be older.

A popular lie "refugees" like Fatemeh likes to spread is that "Afghanistan is not a safe place" and is basically to dangerous to return to. And yet, ONLY 2 out of 32 provinces in Afghanistan are unsafe.

Also, she is either incredibly retarded or simply even lies about her actual age. She claims to be 17 years old but if you ask her what her age is she will respond with "I forget what I want". Not a joke. And she lives in a house that was meant for Swedish pensioners, which is funny consider how she once said that "the pensioners who built this country should not suffer".

BUT, because this whole circus takes place in freaking Sweden, you will of course be labeled one or all of these words below if you dare to prove that Fatemeh is a lying piece of shit;

1. A racist 2. A sexist 3. A Nazi 4. A xenophobe 5. An Islamphobe 6. A right-wing extremist

Her supporters

What the average female supporter of Fatemeh looks like.
File:Swedish man.png
What the average male supporter of Fatemeh looks like.
This is about children! THIS IS ABOUT CHILDREN!!!11!


Some annoying bitch.

As you can imagine, no sane human being would ever support people like Fatemeh, so it makes sense that only Swedish women and men does. Her fanbase contains mostly of communists who love to repeat nonsense such as "Everyone's equal value" without knowing what the fuck it means. Her female supporters are elder feminazis who, has mentioned before, just HATEZ Swedish men but loves Arabic cock, even if the Arab is pretending to be a kid. What's that? You don't believe that? Well, here's some proof down below but be warned. You will need a paper bag before watching because you will puke:

How to make her fans cry


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See also

  • Sweden - The country where she gained her fame in and worships her
  • Feminists - The majority her fans are.
  • Afghanistan - The country where her precious gang of bearded children comes from.
  • Islam - The feminist religion she believes in.
  • Attention whore - What she his.

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