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Ryan733 is a fat Ventrilo user who is renowned for his love of butter.

hueger than XBox, amirite
Sometimes Ryan will go outside to take a dip in the pool and masturbate to loli being held by the illegal alien his parents are harboring.
One second later.
Ryan's Afternoon Delight
Ryan on Stickam, Notice the fat fingers and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th chin.
Ryan's father arrested back in the day for violating the fire safety code.

Ryan's Ventrilo Drama

Ryan started using Ventrilo by going onto the YTMND Ventrilo server. Unfortunately, he was hard to understand because of the blubber overlapping his mouth (and from his fan constantly running in the background to keep him from breaking a sweat merely from breathing). He was lolled at and eventually Ryan decided to leave willingly to a different Ventrilo based on 4chan.

Ryan had a clean slate on the other Ventrilo for about 3 seconds before he was called out again on being a basement dwelling tub of guts. He was just as impossible to understand unless he was speaking eloquently in defense of himself. His fetish for butter was blown out of the water there, and he is forever reminded of his unhealthy eating habits.

Ryan also attempted to join the newest 4Chan Ventrilo server to escape persecution, but after crying to one of the administrators about how no one understands him, he was banned.

Ryan's Response to ED Article

The first time an article was started on Ryan it completely failed because the person who started it didn't know what they were doing. It wasn't long before Ryan discovered the article and signed up to ED in an attempt to blank it. Ryan got banned for vandalism and bitched about having an article made on him. Eventually everything was redone and Ryan declared butthurt and said he was leaving Ventrilo forever. Of course, he was only gone for 10 minutes after realizing he didn't have an alternative to waste his time.


Ryan requested an arbchat which was chaired by weev. The result was a majority vote declaring him a fat sack of butter-covered meat as opposed to a tub of lard. Ryan was requested to come clean about his hatred for the butter jews and to record it on video, but he failed to comply. He got pwned for half an hour before finally told to gtfo and grow some balls about his article. (Arbchat Log Available Here)

After arbchat, Ryan felt even moar butthurt and left the Ventrilo he was already on for one that actually accepted him. He was offered a proposition: he would give his new Ventrilo information in exchange for a few pictures on the article being removed. Unfortunately, he forgot that deleting is pointless as it can be instantly reverted. So the pictures were down for about a minute... and went right back up after he gave the new Ventrilo information. Hint: Dallas9.NationVoice.com:4003 Ventrilo Spy

Famous Ryan Quotes

Hey, Elektro... you know what I love? I love butter! Nom nom nom


—Ryan professing his love for butter

Hey, Ryan! Would you like some butter in your ass? Would you like my almond nut butter all over your face dripping onto your tits!?


Anonymous taunting Ryan

I'm a huge faggot.


—Ryan coming out of the closet.

Ryan Paintballs

Srsly Nobody can miss a target that big!

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