Low Tier God

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Low Tier God sparrow25, (Dale Wilson), is a lolcow nigger that roams in the bowels of the SF online gaming network . Appropriately named "The Black DSP", he actually makes DSP look like Ryan Hart; the only thing LTG has over him is not being a manipulative ass to his own fans and viewers. That aside, they're exactly the same person: An ignorant, whiny scrub who refuses to actually learn how to play the game.

I still rage quit in street fighter and always will as long as 50/50 mix ups exist and Oki. Idgaf


— Low Tier God, being a bitch ass nigga


Low Tier Shit is known for his online videos of him being a scrub in SF4 and KI, which includes him talking trash to other players and calling them mashing scrubs when, ironically, he does the same things he complains about. Anyone who beats him is a braindead mashing scrub. Anyone who he beats is a mashing scrub that sucks. He literally hates any player/character that defeats him; if/when he loses, he ragequits and/or sends hatemail, which has gotten him banned from XBL across 7 different accounts.

He made a video literally attempting to justify ragequitting (something he's infamously reputed for, especially in SF). That, and his 0-2 record in show matches, pretty much add up to why people actively dislike LTG. He sucks at SF. He sucks at KI. He thinks that the only fair characters are Guy, Cody, Dan and Rose. Despite using the name "Low Tier God" he constantly picks top tier characters, showing he's nothing but a lying nigger.

LTG raging in all its glory
Typical LTG post-defeat butthurt mail
Yes, this was serious.
Quitting all day errday
It never gets old.

How it all came to happen

Accurate dramatization

His rise to infamy took place on June 2014, when he did a FT5 online with a player named Viscant (A Marvel vs Capcom 2 player back in the day and an OG/Veteran) and won, subsequently talking trash about him in pure niggerdom fashion. Viscant challenged him to play some more, and moped the floor with his ebony ass after a 20-6 victory. Low Tier Fraud lost his shit afterwards and cried everyday on Twatter about it, basically harassing him constantly and accusing him of being a drug addict among other things. Eventually he made an assravaged video using Viscant's picture as the portrait of the 'unhealthy gamer'; this triggered an exchange of angry twits that culminated in a FT10 WFN Grudge Match on October 2014, where Viscant won 10-6 despite barely even playing SF4 and effectively pwnd the clown for the final time.

The Match that ended everything

Right before the so called "Grudge Match" even started, he insulted Viscant ON CAMERA on a personal level and threatened him with violence. When LTG got his ass handed to him, not only did he try to play it down by accusing Viscant of playing lame, he also used the race card like the white washed nigger he is to defend himself from any criticism and backpeddaled like a mofo by saying the shit he threw at him was "not personal".

Viscant, having a killer death stare at this point from both exhaustion and pure hatred, being a hard honest worker, who works his ass off at two jobs while volunteering at a drug rehab center, verbally ripped Low Class Nigger's balls off and made him his bitch. Dale did not recover from this blow up to this day and shall not ever again, with a little help from ED.

The "fit" and "fashionable" gamer

Fit = Large biceps

Being the USI nigger he is, he made a "fitness video" showing him in the gym with horrible posture, poor technique and overtraining his biceps (a very small arm muscle) several times. The only reason he ever had any gains so to speak off, is because he's a skinny, tall bitch with a high metabolism; people with high metabolism tend to be low on fat no matter how much they eat, but they also tend to trip over and die if you don't feed them every 12 hours.

His dieting skills shown on video consist of packaged egg whites (he's too much of a cheap nigger to use real eggs), turkey bacon (mmmmhh, lots of fat, so healthy!) and salad (wow duuuuude, ALL OF THEM GAINS FROM THE GREEN SALAD, BRO!) while insulting every other gamer on the planet of being unhealthy.

Low Tier Bitch poses like a obnoxious hoodrat every time he introduces himself, calling out his name in three slow moves that are supposed to show his mutant biceps. LTG is an attention whore that tries to show off with overpriced label clothing and ridiculous sneakers while driving an old-ass car from the 60s, getting pulled-over by cops every now and then for obvious reasons.

In the end

Like DSP, Low Class Nigger will continue to whine and complain and be ungrateful to those who actually support him.

Butthurt to the max.

Videos of SCRUB

The video that sealed his demise
Low Tier Bitch, everyone
Can't stop talking shit
His "fitness" routine
Best fitness meal, yo
Vanity nigger
Of course, he's a lazy nigger

Gallery of SCRUB

Scrub Niggerdom About missing Pics
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See Also

External Links


Low Tier God is part of a series on


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Low Tier God is part of a series on YouTube.

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