User talk:EdLulz/Terraria

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Terraria (better known as Minecraft 2: Electric Boogaloo) is an online sandbox game created entirely in C# with XNA and is the brainchild of the brilliant programmer Red. The game was viral as fuck and was created in merely 4 months, and it shows. Being a game made in C# and XNA it's a cookie cuter, uninspired, and overall extremely terrible; in fact being made in C# is the very reason why you shouldn't play it to begin with. But the game itself is not as notorious as the fact that just after its release the serious video game reviewers THE BEST GAMERS made a fair and balance review of the game, just to be taken down by Blue, Red's lover.

The Game

As you can perfectly see the game is pretty much Minecraft, meets Cave Story starting Bartz from Final Fantasy V. Also another interesting thing is the apparent relationship of the developers Red & Blue. Rumour has it that they in fact are lovers and that they RAPED AND MURDERED A YOUNG GIRL IN 1990. Not saying that's true but also not saying that ain't false either.

Oh Viral

You see there was one a game called Minecraft that was a sleeper hit. Part of the Reason it was successful was because Notch went web site to web site promoting his game. Red wanted to be exactly like Notch did that but instead of being True and Honest he told Blue to deal with it. And deal with it Blue did. Blue promise free games to Autistic Nerds if they went to different websites and promote the game. And soon Terraria started to appear everywhere. It was so bad that on /v/ a thread about terraria would end up in a sage bomb of epic proportions. The game was even "leaked" but we all knew it was part of Blue's plan to use an alpha versions part of his viral schemes.


The game was released and hordes of Autistic Nerds rejoice. Everybody was saying it was the second coming of Christ but then they came. Realizing that this game was fooling everyone and turning them to scrubs, THE BEST GAMERS did a review on this game. They pointed out the fact that it was a simply rip off Minecraft and that it has Stolen Artwork. But the kicker was at the end of the video THE BEST GAMERS did an investigation of the developers and found something quite interesting. They found information on Blue, showing the world how big of a faggot he is.

To make matters worse Blue was so pissed that THE BEST GAMERS revealed the truth of his game that he reported the video to Youtube by claming DMCA on them. Of course this was an ilegal request because the video is protected under fair use.

Who is Blue

I could say many things about him but as they say a picture is worth more than a 1000 words.

The Art of Touching a Women

Like a hand in rushing water, a cool and tangible surface, like a hand out a car window, the wind controlling its movement, like a hand upon green grass, as you watch it bend in softness, like a hand touching fire, every moment leaves a mark, like a hand in the frozen snow, your warmth could melt it all,

gently, slowly, specifically, all detail matters, and every inch is art, I could tell you about a reason, to love a moment like this, but its better left, unsaid,

for a touch is worth a thousand words, and pictures just don’t matter anymore, for only a memory of your touch, can bring that look to her face, and that longing, to her eyes.

As you can see, Blue is a master of fiction. After all how could he write something like that when he has never touch a women?


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See Also