Portal:Social Justice/Featured Article/Archive

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<Portal:Social Justice
<Portal:Social Justice/Featured Article
Newest to oldest articles

December 2017

Featured Article - Kraut and Tea

Kraut and Tea or Joseph Lancaster single-handedly stopped the raise of the anti-semitic, meme-spouting, racist-fascist, white-ethnostatist alt-right by making poorly researched videos on race realism, where it was quite evident he had no fucking knowledge on the subject. And these videos were fucking boring as Joseph likes to try to sound smart, but he just isn't. And his voice is that of under-developed Microsoft Sam, with an awful German accent.

Before his time on YouTube as a protector of the fair Jewish people, Joseph was busy protecting M'Lady on various atheist forums, where he tried to his abysmal spelling to impress all the fair maidens, so they would have sex with him.

In December of 2017 it was found that Kraut's crack team of researchers were trying to dig up old posts to find dirt on alt-right losers. Newsflash idiot, the alt-right are already lolcows. They touch their tiny dicks to traps and anime tiddies and will never touch a real girl. Something both the alt-right and Joseph have in common. This caused Kraut's best friends Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) and Veemonro (Codrin Stavri) decided to ditch their support for him.


May 2017

Featured Article - Michael Fitzhywel

Michael Fitzhywel, also known as pantmonger on the interwebs, is an Australian 40 year old artist and proud feminist in the Warhammer 40,000 community of Tumblr. He is well known for being unable to take any forms of criticism. He is “known” for his female space marine artwork and shitty Lovecraftian webcomic series nobody really cares about. The only reason tumblr likes his artwork is because they need more lesbian muscular femdykes to fap/schlick to. Like a typical tumblr feminist, he is bound to doxing and using the block button to fight the grimdark patriarchy and show those mean old neckbeards who is boss. Michael Fitzhywel and [Andrew Dobson] have numerous things in common which can indicate that they could be brothers from another mother. Both are bald and share levels of douchebag facial hair, draw unappealing looking art, are male middle aged feminists who will bend over backwards for their Amazonian overlords, proclaimed professional artists, nerds, and take any form of criticism as trolling or harassment.

The one thing that sets this male feminist overlord apart from his American counterpart is that he refuses to put his minions on a leash, and will have the tendency to sic his rabid Warhammer social justice tumblrina minions on you. If you even FUCKING DARE OPPRESS HIS EMPOWERING LESBIAN FEMINIST ARTWORK!! YOU SHITLORD NECKBEARD MALE GO BACK TO 4CHAN IT IS LITERALLY THE CURRENT YEAR!!


April 2017

Featured Article - Shoe0nHead

June La Porta/June Lapine is like a 33 year old boxxy wannabe with even less common sense, a bigger ego and a free-for-all pussy, who occasionally makes uninteresting videos with some of the worst editing you have ever seen. An attention whore of the highest caliber, everything she does is done to pander to the beta virgin anti-feminist crowd. Naming herself after an old meme, copying boxxy's look, her clickbait video titles and thumbnails, parading her tiny tits around, and her edgy anti-feminist opinions were all calculated acts done in order to net her the highest possible amount of Youtube jewgold. The saddest part is that it totally worked, as she now has over 400k subs.


September 2015

Featured Article - Gen Zed

Gen Zed is a Drawn Together ripoff, Real World-type web cartoon which panders to SJWs and tumblrinas in ways never before thought possible. Created by a Jew named Hayden Black with a failed career, and starring a tranny Jew with no career to speak of other than a couple voice-over roles, it stars a red headed tranny who is clearly supposed to be a ripoff of Claire from Questionable Content but looks and sounds more like Brianna Wu when he colored his hair red and went through his hysterical goth phase. A stereotypical big-lipped, wide-nosed dindu that looks like Michael Brown and a privileged rich azn drug addict who loves anime and Oxycontin. You would think that would be enough to make the Tumblr crowd wet their collective panties. However, they decided to really crank it up to 11 and made the only straight white guy on the show an angry violent psychopath who, in the brainwashed minds of SJW cult members, is the personification of all white men.

((Being tranny is sooooo BRAVE!!!))

April 2015

Featured Article - Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a basic as shit grammatical rule that substitutes for a noun, a concept that has recently succumbed to the abuse of Tumblrtards and autists who seek to maintain their special snowflake status.

Normal people are perfectly happy being referred to by normal, everyday pronouns (a pronoun, by definition, should be as simple as possible). However, special snowflakes, don't like the idea of being normal in any way, so they insist on making multiple sets of "new" pronouns and forcing everyone to refer to them by said pronouns. If you refuse to do this, you are "misgendering" them.

(( Fag/Fags/Fagself))

October 2014

Featured Article - GamerGate

GamerGate occurred when the seedy antics of Zoe Quinn exposed wide scale collusion in the indie game industry, benefiting developers, reviewers, journalists, and everyone else involved. That is, everyone except for you, the gamer. As a matter of fact, according to the gaming industry, this entire episode if entirely your fault.

The gaming media refused to apologize, accept accountability, or in any way commit to adherence to any kind of higher standard of journalism which would (at least) include not sleeping with the subjects of their articles. Instead, they placed all the blame on the gaming community, concluding that their audience is now their enemy. This was done to ensure they could continue fucking desperate game devs, as this is the only pussy these shills will ever be able to get.