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The Alt-Lite (also called the "New Right by themselves) is a circlejerk of conservatism and Classical Liberals who spend their days watching Milo Yiannopoulos speeches, Sargon_of_Akkad and Paul Joseph Watson videos. They tend to be civic nationalists, Cultural Libertarians, and like to LARP as free-speech fighters who wave Kekistan flags at places wherever Antifa goes. You can find them making threads about Kekistan on /pol/, in which they are told to return to their natural habitat, /r/The_Donald, a terrible place full of people who unironically say "BTFO", "Pedes", and "FUCKING BASED".


A typical member of the alt-lite from /r/the_donald who went on to /pol/
An Alt-Lite figurehead, Paul Joseph "MAINE STREAM METEOR" Watson.

After just 3 rogue audience members at the 2016 NPI Conference who were attending a speech by Richard Spencer decided to throw up a Roman Salute, E-celebs like Paul Joseph Watson, Mike Cernovich, and Milo Yiannopoulos decided to disavow the Alt-Right in order to save their own image. These people would then form what is now the Alt-Lite/"New Right". The Alt-Lite is Civic Nationalist, Zionist, and Culturally Libertarian. The Alt-Lite is not to be confused with Alt-Centrists (There is a name for everything), people like Sargon of Akkad and Armoured Skeptic, who think they are better than you because they got centrist on a Political Compass Test.

Today, You can find the Alt-Lite expressing their autism in public


is part of a series on
The New Right Reich

[Stop bullshitStart bullshit]

is part of a series on Politics.
Ideologies: [You are wrong!We are right!]

Alt-rightAnarchyCapitalismCentrismCommunismConservatismCyanismDemocratHippieLiberalismLibertarianismMiltopismNaziNihilismNeo-conPacifismRepublicanReconquistaSocialismStoner GuruTory

Issues: [Fuck it, Too lazy.Get it fixed!]

AbortionArab SpringBahrainBarron TrumpBirthCISPADeath penaltyDrugsEnvironmentalismGaysGeorge Bush doesn't care about black peopleGirlfriendsMarijuana AddictionGround Zero MosqueMarijuana AddictionMass ShootingGun controlGunsHealthcare (2) (3)• HomelessHousing CrisisHuntingIceslaveIranMarriageMiller TestMiltopiaNAUPimpin'RacismShoesTaxesTerrorismUnemploymentWarWelfare

Politicians: [Rigging Elections is funVote for me]

AhmadinejadAkinAOCB.AllenG. AllenAngleAshburnBachmannBhuttoBin LadenH.BidenJ.BidenBlagojevichBlairBoehnerG.BrownS.BrownBunningJim TraficantDubya BushGeorge H. W. BushBurrByrdCainCameronChavezCheCheneyChomskyChretienChurchillClintonClinton IIChelsea Clinton Hillary Clinton CleggCohenColemanCorbynCowgerCraigCthulhuCunninghamCurtisD'AlemaDeanDelayDuterteDwyerEdwardsFaganFiorinaFoleyGerald FordRob FordGellerGillardGingrichGiulianiGonzalesGoreGrahamGravelGreeneGriffinHagueHansonHardingHarperHitlerHowardHuckabeeHusseinJacksonJamesJidetteJohnsonJohnson, BorisKennedyLaRoucheLBJLottKerryKindKissingerKucinichLewinskyLiebermanLimbaughLoughnerMajorMarceaux.comMarxMcBerryMcCainMcConnellMcHenryMcKinneyMercerMichael BloombergMooreMorocco MoleMussoliniNaderNixonObamaO'DonnellOsbornePainePaladinoPalinPaulPelosiPencePerryPinochetPrittPutinQuahQuayleRasanskyReaganRendellRiceRobertsonRomneyRoveRuddRumsfeldRyanSaakashviliSandersSantorumSchumerSchwarzeneggerSharptonCyril SmithJacqui SmithSpitzerStevensStranahanSupremeTaitzThatcherThompsonThorleyTPMMuckraker MoleTrudeauTrumpVenturaVitterWarsiWashingtonWaxmanWeinerWestWilliamsWilsonWolfowitzXXenophon

Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

America's Third PartyBlack BlocDramacratic PartyHard PartyLemon PartyLiberal Party of AustraliaNorth American DONG PartyOBAMACORNSocialist Workers PartyPirate PartyZapatistas

Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

2013 US Government ShutdownBlaming ChinaCaptain Nigga DefendaCloward Piven StrategyCritical race theoryCuckservativesDemockeryDoomsday ClockG20 Toronto LollercaustLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberal guiltMacaca#NotMySuperbowlChampsOccupy DemocratsOperation LemonpartyRaped StatisticsThe ResistanceUpworthyWunderground

See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade