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braumsgirl26, aka goldendragon26, selenafan27, pilotofburning, kawaiifoxgirl, and bscfanc, is either a troll or mentally challenged. She haunts customers_suck, bad_service, and c_suck_snark, picking fights in order to show off her incredibly witty and devastating insults. She is also active on AIM, Yahoo! Instant Messenger, and MSN.

You know that bad storm Hurricane Katrina? that was sassy_wench and inbred girl aka hotclaws throwing a tantrum cause the zookeeper didn't let them take a rubber duckie into the hippo pool with them at bathtime.


—braumsgirl26, ICE BURN

Braumsgirl has four kinds of insults:

  1. ur fat
  2. u wear diapers
  3. ur a dog
  4. ur a baby

To be fair, this isn't much different from the arsenal of the average ED user, but Braumsgirl can be identified by the incredibly convoluted and repetitive structure of her insults. She can barely understand what she's saying, so she has to repeat herself and circle back in order to achieve full comprehension, giving her work the disjointed quality of schizophrenic ramblings. Her lack of cognitive ability, of course, leads her to believe that anything difficult for her to understand must be utter brilliance.

What Is It?

In January of 2007, Braumsgirl posts to customers_suck about a bad experience she had at work: she was verbally accosted by a stranger, which made her cry, and her manager accused her of scamming for a free meal. She says she only works two hour shifts, two days a week, and has a four hour commute. Not only that, but her stepfather actually drives her out and back. The mod, pezstar, starts deleting comments to freeze drama.

Later that day, she posts a remembered suck, wherein she has trouble waking up at 11am and cries because a manager she liked had been fired. Someone teases her about crying, to which braumsgirl26 can only say, "Mew??!" Then someone gives her a present because it is her birthday. Yay!

The weirdness gets written up on c_suck_snark, someone links her to it, and she posts this:

so theres this two year old retard lianzim74 that seems mad because while I have my two hour job and manage to get my work done and still care for my co workers.........

it is busy trying to learn to do basic things. Like act human.

I have to bust ass to not give up hope since I got stuck with a operation that was suposed to give me more years at work with those I cared for (and more hours) but it revered itself because I did too much too soon. Granted I could never work the all day everyday shifts of my managers even if things had turned out right.

And baby lianzim74 is all mad because even if it ever grows up the only job it'll be able to do is work in one of those sheltered programs.

Or maybe just doing simple tasks will be 'job' enough for it.

I can see it now.... a few years from now when lianzim74 is 30 years old now and still living with mommy and its 40 brothers and sisters cause mommy can't keep her legs closed.

lianzim74's Mama : Baby mama will give you a whole cookie if you'll get up and walk down to the corner and bring your sister home from her job.

lianzim74 : Me walk!!! *gets up sloooowwwlllyyyyy and toddles down to corner*

lianzim74's mama : good job!!!

lianzim74 : *returns 11 hours later* here sissy ma-ma! *points to inbred dog*

lianzim74's mama : No. I know I called your sister a inbred dog but..........nevermind good try.

lianzim74: Me did good! *drool*

how do you like it fucktard?



This is, perhaps, the textbook example of her labored attempts at an insult. It's clear she worked hard, and is proud of herself for her viciousness, and yet TL;DR.

She Really Loses It

Just a few days later, Braumsgirl posts about how a woman threw a fit at her workplace while she got paid to play in the playground.

At 1pm I clocked out and once in the van I let the tears fall. Mock and Snark me all you guys want but I felt bad. I'm not going to be made to feel bad because I have feelings and I felt bad for K.



Once again, people question her story and she lets fly:

then again maybe I should ask trinity1986 since they know everything

oh btw I'm being sassy. But it's cool I've always thought animals less intelligent then human beings would be mad that humans are better and smarter then they are and trinity1986 proves tht point by being mad that I'm better then it is.



Might want to take a bath then to see if that helps sassy_pumpkin that is if you even know what a bath is or how to take one. Since you already don't see to know what a life is.



how do I set posts to humans only? wait nevermind that if I did such a mean thing then half of you couldn't even reply and show off what sorry spoiled crotch drippings you are. Or the fact you have no lives and mommy and daddy do everything for you so you have no clue what jobs no matter how big or small are because you don't have one! I'm day I envy your 'lives' except for

1) I'm human and humans don't envy those lower then them.

2) I would rather word for my food/roof/money/clothes/shoes

3) While you're all sitting around waiting for preschool to start again I'm actually doing something with myself.

4) When my parents grow old and die my thought will be 'I'll miss them' your thoughts will be (if you are even capable of thinking all by yourselves) 'Oh no who's going to wipe my ass/feed me/shelter me/give me everything I bawl for!'

5) see point #1 if you even know what a 1 looks like.



Then, out of fucking nowhere:

Don't blame how god damn ugly you are on others who are better looking then you.

that was to the OP I'm not taking any shit anymore. pezstarx has a problem with it then it can just say so to my face a good five seconds before I punch it's teeth out.



Death of Braumsgirl; Enter the Dragon

Soon afterward, she starts to die, in standard LJ fashion. Presumably resurrected as goldendragon26, she continues to bitch about customers_suck. She also begins to haunt the journals of Avatar_fans members, with such gems of wisdom as

Please remove yourself from my friendslist and my life as I don't care to lower myself and associate with avatar fans. so in other words GET BENT!


Nice to do list moron. Add making the world a better place by fucking the hell off to it PLEASE because YOU'RE what's wrong with the world! go rot.


on a user named Dungeonwriter's journal. The intrepid young lady sold the story of being stalked online to a newspaper and is laughing all the way to the bank. When she mentioned this on her journal and suggested doing a follow-up, she was rewarded with this fine threat,

only if you want to be sued as well as go to jail and have to explain to your parents why you got their net shut down |color=silver|size=360%}}

from an anonymous source. Three guesses who it was?

She then makes up trolling live journals such as pilotofburning

Well as they say here goes nothing. I hope by weeks end I'll have enough to rid the net of the 'person' that keeps stalking my friends and random people all over the net. on here they go by dungeonwriter I've read some of their posts and it seems what I was told is true. they're nothing but a psycho that thinks they own the world including the net so they can do what they want. Your basic spoiled two year old brat. Only s/h/it is apparently 'grown up' they think they're some great law school student when in real life I bet they're nothing but a twelve year old trying to impress the entire 5th grade. they also love to hack people. I saw their confession to that and made sure to copy paste it into an email and send it to a friend in NYC with instructions that they're to send it to the police right away if I don't say otherwise by Tuesday. I also have the person's IP address so I can find out what ISP they use so I can report them properly. The internet isn't for people like that.


Needless to say, Dungeonwriter is still on the net and found the entire situation hilarious, since she is a pre-law student and is quite eager to pass the bar and put people like this in mental institutions where they belong.


from [info]pilotofburning I friended you so I can help gather evidence against you so the people you're harassing can finally be free of you. I've seen logs and you are too psycho to be on the net. I mean really! Since when do you have a right to get over 500 different live journal, AIM , MSN, IRC, AND YIM accounts to harass people just because they're better then you are? Reply


— Add as friend, Mark as Spam

Dungeonwriter especially pitied the troll when she realized that

A. She is so desperate for friends that she has to friend people to stalk them B. This person is clearly deluded and paranoid C. That the insults are laughably pathetic. That's the best they can do?

She then veers into actual Anti-Semitic attacks, making people wonder if she's a fake Nazi as well as a troll. The two do go together.

Not letting Dragonbat2006 get me down [Oct. 8th, 2008


—05:02 pm though every time i turn around I have to empty my PM box of spam PMs and threats from those two freaks I'm not going to let Dragonbat2006 or stupid get me down.

even though I'm having to help the 100s of people those two have hacked here and on other sites I'm not going to let them win.

I mean even though Dragonbat2006 threatened me till I broke if off with a good friend who never did a bad deed to me and hacked my MSN accounts and caused the tragic fight between me and another friend I don't care

Dragonbat2006 is naturally stupid (a quality that Jews seem to have by default) so though she caused a fair bit of damage because she spends her day writing stupid fanfics and harassing people she overlooked the security info on my MSN so I was able to recover my name. (Only untill I get ahold of everyone and let them know my new SN and make sure she didn't upset anyone.)

So to Dragonbat2006 and the unfortunate accident known as dungeonwriter

You won't get me down! I do want you to stop your constant PM attacks of threats and spam and your IM hacking and your harassment of people just because they do the right thing and hate your guts or just because they're something better then you(easy task there)

But I won't let you get me down.

ETA : AWWWWWW MAN! I just tried to sign onto my new MSN to get my buddy list set up and it's not working! Great this means they found it and hacked it or hacked MSN itself

ETA 2: GOD! they keep knocking me off Yahoo! DAMN!


Read Stupid two's LJ enteries she's so self centered it's all Me Me Me My My My Mine Mine Mine with her and how she thinks her shit don't stink because she can string together words all by herself really burns me up! (Note to DW my two year old cousin can string words together too so you're not special unique or anything else.)

Atleast my posts touch on other people's activities and things.

DW's name from her mom is 'Hippo' God. Bet that fits in more ways then one.

It really BURNS ME UP that she thinks she and her fat family are SOOOOOOOO SPECHUL (Mis-spelling ment) because one of them gave birth! HELLO IDIOT! OTHERS GIVE BIRTH TOO !!! IT'S HAPPENED BEFORE AND WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. GET A LIFE!

I don't know if DW is selfish cause she's so fat she can't see past her ass so she thinks she's the only person (or hippo) on this earth or because she was raised getting everything she wanted. And I don't care. I just wish she'd stop causing me and my family to have bad luck.



Then, she has a birthday and becomes selenafan27. Her new target, bad_rpers_suck, calls troll; she calls them babies. Fucking harsh, dude.

That was your fat mama showin off her pussy coat cause she's too fat to reach there to shave



News flash you stupid assfaced retards

Hate to burst the bubble that a combination of being shortbus riding retards and mommy and daddy allowing you to live in such a fantasy world. I really do. But you see darling retards

rpg is not for real it's just pretend! it's made up! transformers aren't real neaither are kitsunes harry potter sailor moon or any other made up cartoon book or what have you.




The BRPS users laughed her off, but they shouldn't have; after all, her neighbor is a cop who has a list of IPs from brps and is going to do...something.

Gaia Online has BAD SERVICE

In February of 2008, bscfanc posted a sad tale to bad_service and gaia_online: Gaia Online would not take her fistfuls of money.

Gaia sucks

Gaia sucks! They won't let me buy monthly letters from them because my phone number is in use and I live in an apartment and can only afford to donate maybe $50 or a little less a month. They're being really rude about it. Yeah my phone number is in use it's MY PHONE NUMBER! I USE IT! What did they want me to do make one up?! Morons and this is a year after one of the mods got mad and banned me for wanting to put some of my items on a backup account they said I was doing it to avoid them. WTF? Losers.

THe mod I talked to even told me that gaia didn't want my fake money or my phone scam shit. WTF?!


—bscfanc, and

Where she gets $50/month to spend on Gaia when she only works four hours a week is anybody's guess. The better question is, who the hell spends $50/month on little hats for your avatar?

Members comment with variations on LOL WUT -- you know it's bad when other Gaia users are calling you an idiot -- and it gets posted to a snark comm here (locked), but nothing much happens until a week later.

Then, she comes back.

I'm snarking all of you for being a bunch of crybaby losers! Oooh wah wah wah you whiiinnneeeee she can afford to donate 50$ my allowance from ma ma is only 2 cents wah wah wah!



—bscfanc, missing the point

At the moment this poster's identity is not yet confirmed, but since the trademark preoccupation with scat and infantilism is present, as is the inability to spell or form proper sentences, there isn't much doubt.

2010! A return of old Braumsgirl?!

February 2010. A recent post on customers_suck is thought to be from old braumsie herself.

Calling people babies? Check.

Calling people animals? Check.

Calling people fat? Checkity-check.

Crying and being babied/praised by manager/co-workers? Of course!

Horrible grammar? Check. Check. And checkkk.

All arrows seem to be pointing at her (and that dragonfier28 username isn't helping). The post has already gone through three edits, a shitload of tags, a ton ofmacros, and comment deleting has (reportedly) occurred.


waaaah waaaah waaaaaaah bunch of babies wouldnt kno a troll that isnt a tresure troll that mooomie and duddy got you for your baby toy collection. i actualy WORK for my roof/food/bills/toys/stuff instead of relying on mooomie and duddy to do everything for me. waaah waaaah mommy change my diaper wipe my ass i need you to deverything for me!! yeah well guess what im an adult that works and can take care of myself what are you gonna do when moomie and duddy finally kick you out and get tired of you and stop paying your bills and wiping your ass??


—dragonfier28, now don't some of those things sound familiar!

And again..

Although changing her M.O., this post to customers_suck is quickly spotted for what it is.


if I want to call someone a name I will. you need to mind your own beeswax no one was talking to you so SHUT UP don't you know how to fucking respect people BETTER than you are?!

the creeper stands. infact I bet it was YOU fucking perv!


— We see what you did there, "Tenaya7"

After many comments calling her out, bramsgirl decides to lay on some snarky wit.

Let's sit back and wait for the drama!

Braumsgirl26 is part of a series on


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