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The man himself, failing to capture Reaction Guy's natural expression

JonTron (AKA Jon Jafari) is an Unfunny youtube gaymer that always makes amazing review videos. He has over 1,700,000 subscribers that would suck his dick anytime and about 200,000,000 views that have made him lots and lots of Jew Gold for doing nothing but a lot of screaming with some jump shots in between. The only reason he is famous that makes him stand out of the 4 trillion other Youtube reviewers is because he was in Game Grumps and for some reaction gifs posted over and over on /v/.

Life before the JonTronShow

How to stalk JonTron!

Nobody cares about Jon's life before YouTube. He got his start in Newgrounds in 2003 as "BirdmanXZ6" to sound edgy like a NGFag would. It's a little-known fact that Jon has quite the onion fetish as most of his animations were about onions and whatever he thought was a good idea while in a creative mood. The only thing we know and actually care about is that he got abused by his parents and that's what got him to have his random personality.

JewTube career

The Start

On August 31st, 2010, Jon created his brand new channel for his brand new show, under the name of JonTronShow, advertising it on his Newgrounds, which did jack-all for his career but left us with some nice juicy evidence of how much of an attention whore Jon truly is, leaving a trail of fail and shit so pathetic and uneventful that nobody cares about it. Jon whored himself out everywhere except for Twitter (which was too hard for him), proving that he was more clueless in Computer Science III than your sexy teenage sister.

His first videos were... special.

Before devolving into virtual diarrhea, Jon started as an actual "reviewer," marginally better than Game Dude, but for the most part generic. Eventually he captured a niche audience of sugar-high 13 year olds and turned into his modern "lol, so randum", off-topic, mfw asswipery.

Game Grumps

Moar info: Game Grumps.

After lots of time, he created lots of videos, made lots of fans, and made lots of precious Jew golds. After that all that happy horseshit happened, he decided to completely abandon his channel and fans to create a new channel with his Newgrounds buttbuddy, Egoraptor, called "The Game Grumps".

They basically just played video games while Jon made funny noises with his armpits and Arin went batshit. It was as if you combined two Let's Play channels into one for twice the boredom and quadruple the faggotry. Shame they didn't show themselves on camera, due to the lulz of watching Jon bang Erin's bitch while he plays Sonic the Hedgehog potentially making up for years of obnoxious yelling.

Big surprise, he left GG after some time, and all the fantards cried in sorrow. He said that he left because he actually wanted to make videos on his channel instead of making videos on Game Grumps, but nobody believed his bullshit. The conspiracy theorists started thinking that there was something deeper in this story. Most thought that he actually left because his friendship with Arin started fading thanks to him getting his gypsy juices on Arin's girlfriend. The most believable theory of them all is that Arin's girlfriend punched JonTron's girlfriend in the vaggoo. (Did I mention that he got a girlfriend?)

Jon went back to making videos for his channel, he got replaced with Danny, but the theories are still being made and the fans are still whining about him on every comment section of the new Game Grumps videos, with Arin drinking up the fanbois' tears like his favorite bar drink.


Now his videos are way better. He actually records from a quality HD camera and not a potato. He only got really popular with the Game Grumps, but the thing he got the most popularity from probably are the meems he spawned from his gypsy ass.

What about the Maymays

By "memes", we mean reaction GIFs, but he made them into a meme thanks to the material he provides to make them. And yes, he's aware they exist, he doesn't care, and is the only reason his videos have any notoriety outside of his cyborg bird. In Jon's videos, there are a lot of moments of him just reacting to stuff in a shameless display with a rapid close up to his face when he does it. So his fans, thinking that these moments should be immortalized in gold and diamonds, took these moments and posted them on 4chan as a reaction reacting to stuff to get more reactions.

Anyways, because JonTron is a greedy jew that only wants money, he knows that his reactions are really popular among people, and that they are posted all over the internets. So he started shoving as many reaction moments as possible in his videos as shameless as he possibly can make them, so people can post them and make him get moar moneys. Essentially, it's free advertising by making a shit-caked ass of yourself. I don't see anything wrong here, moving on.

The "Retard" Controversy



—Jontron, on PSNow and some fag.

He said the r word :'(

Sometime in 2014, Jon BTFO'd some sissy faggot that got butthurt of Jon's use of "retarded", so naturally all the tumblrettes got up on arms. Or keyboards, rather. After all the expected death threats, Jon declared Tumblr the worst site ever. There was a huge period of butthurt, everyone forgot about it, and that's about it. And people wonder why we got more sensitive to everything over the years, it's like our skin grew thinner as we grew older.

Extrenal Links

JonTron is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

JonTron is part of a series on


Visit the Gaming Portal for complete coverage.