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Chyuu = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

Ew.. Butterface much?

Chyuu / Sibyl / Zailey / Naptime Pony (Georgie Bender) is a fat, lonely, saggy tit,furfag who is 20 years old, "gender fluid", supposedly with a IRL Fiance, possibly lives with her Grandparents from being kicked out and has lots of online drama!!

She has over 1,500 watchers on FurAffinity and just cannot get enough attention, if it wasn't obvious enough!! There is no telling what other dirt she has in that vagina, mouth, and disgusting mind of hers. Like almost every furry attention whore. Chyuu, is only interested in dating, having sex, causing drama, cyber sex, using people to buy herself shit, and getting porn of her fursona therefore turning it into a dirty prostitute. She constantly stirs up drama and cries in her Journals or in PMs, and then she wonders why everyone hates her and ends up getting her ass-licking followers to pity her, which isn't surprising because they don't know the real person behind that cute character she just so happens to own. She also gets people to buy her shit, and her excuses seem endless and continue to flow and continue to be faulty and see-through. Not only has she tried kissing all professional artists' ass, she also has even flirted and denied doing so with JasonaFex, which the relationship he is in, is closed, loyal, and Chyuu was denied. Lol No Thx.

I hold my breath every time I am stuck seeing you pretend to be so nice.



The furfagot's character

Chyuu actually has a very creative and nicely created fursona named, you guessed it, Chyuu. Even though the character is extremely adorable, it's just ruined with distasteful porn and the attitude of it's owner. Plus the fact that anyone who isn't kissing Chyuu's ass is treated like

Like wanna-bes she stole Falvie's character and claimed as her own. Lolz


With a bad reputation, as she had with her other character, she'll probably trash it and start over, or "Lack of attention." will make her restart.
She has at least re-posted this 5 fucking times already!!1

She also has been holding an auction of her old fursona, and has continued to re-post, due to her not getting as much as she wants. Literally more than $150 which is complete bullshit for such an ugly and distasteful design, plus the shitty art it has.

Let's start off of WHY She's a horrid person.

Why was this article even made and why are so many people hating and trolling her?? Chyuu, never apologizes, instead she plays victim, as all guilty furfags do, and tries to persuade her followers that she's innocent. Chyuu is also an extreme whore and slut, who like some furs, are actually into fucking dogs and is in bestiality and is also a confirmed babyfur. She does not like the "negative" attention of being a whore, which many find odd, because it's a lie and she does enjoy it. Chyuu removes messages all the time from her page, skype, blogs, and public view 24/7, when confronted or starts being a bitch.

She kept asking me to get her art, yet avoided me when I brought up the Bad Dragon shit I bought her..


—A Recent Chyuu Victim.

The adventure begins!

When handing out nudes like it's candy on Halloween, it's common sense that it will automatically backfire. Oh nyu! It seems Chyuu did not know this or heed her momma's advice about peoples on internetz. And in return the rumors and pictures spread everywhere all over one of the most biggest online games for furries, SecondLife. Her username on the online game is fuzzball.zuzu They continue to spread today due to the way she acts and treats people. A never ending cycle.

People are gonna spread nudes around they always do, come on it's the interwebz! And that's just what happened to Chyuu. Sadly, Not all of her followers and friends know about all her drama that just can't poof away like she's wanting for it to. No fucking way it will ever do that! Not after how she's even continuing to create more drama.

After taking horrifying and disgusting nudes of her fatass self, (she said without mentioning the nudes or story behind them to her kiss-ass followers) that harassment was never ending and just hurt her oh so much! The lies are building each day, just as her excuses of being forced and sexually harassed by someone who was supposedly her best friend at one point and time, also with her automatically assuming shit and things.

The nudes were sent to her online "Boyfriend" at the time and were then spread around, after She cheated on Him. Many white-knighting douchebags and friends of hers, take up for her and her lies. When the untouched and unchanged chat logs were also thrown around and shown, and by the person she cheated with as well! Such Karma! Knowing this information and a lot of others knowing her past, everyone knows that she was the one who cheated in the so called "relationship" as she does in them all due to her wanting as much attention as she can possibly get her nasty hands on.

Not only that, but she had also lost her viriginity IRL to her Step-brother, you heard right, she lost her virginity, no one seemed to want, to her step brother. Or, "God Brother" In this case. Lmfao. As if things couldn't get nastier about her! Ahh!!1

Your friends, oh you mean all the famous people?

And we couldn't even become friends because you just up and proofed!
Really hope you get what's coming to you :/
Too much brown-nosing sooner or later gets all that shit caught in your nose.


— Chyuu to an Auction Bidder via PM.


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