Kraut and Tea

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Panties are getting wet
I wonder what it will be like reading through my browser history in 3-4 years.


—Kraut and Tea 3-4 years ago (this post didn't age well)

Kraut and Tea or Joseph Lancaster single-handedly stopped the raise of the anti-semitic, meme-spouting, racist-fascist, white-ethnostatist alt-right by making poorly researched videos on race realism, where it was quite evident he had no fucking knowledge on the subject. And these videos were fucking boring as Joseph likes to try to sound smart, but he just isn't. And his voice is that of under-developed Microsoft Sam, with an awful German accent.


Before his time on YouTube as a protector of the fair Jewish people, Joseph was busy protecting M'Lady on various atheist forums, where he tried to his abysmal spelling to impress all the fair maidens, so they would have sex with him.

Hello, i have registered to this forum after simply googleing "atheism" and klicking the first thing that turned up. I have been a atheist for a very long time of my life, pritty much having a catholic mum and anglican father made me dought at an early stage why there should be so many versions of the same thing - and in conclusion why such a thing as god/s should exist after all.


—Actually better English and research than his current videos.

Anti-race realism

If you have low iq, you might like Kraut. You might also be a nigger, because this low iq-having cuckboy likes to pretend that all races are equal, despite that virtually every video he has produced on the subject has been ridiculed, debunked, memed, debunked again, proven wrong, debunked and ridiculed, by even the complete fucking idiots of the alt-right.

Doxing Cabal

In December of 2017 it was found that Kraut's crack team of researchers were trying to dig up old posts to find dirt on alt-right losers. Newsflash idiot, the alt-right are already lolcows. They touch their tiny dicks to traps and anime tiddies and will never touch a real girl. Something both the alt-right and Joseph have in common. This caused Kraut's best friends Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) and Veemonro (Codrin Stavri) decided to ditch their support for him.

Vee gives up on Joseph

Carl gives up on Joseph

And then the unthinkable happened. He got doxed. By using the powerful wayback machine, someone with a whole load of free time figured out his real name, and decided to post the result on Kiwi Farms.

Oh He also Runs a Nazi Page on FB

Someone found his old username @The_Germans_Are_Coming and then dug up a facebook page that seems to glorify Hitler. It even has the same autistic Thomas the Tank edit photo he has on all of his other profiles!

It was actively posting pro-Hitler shit this very year so at best Kraut is a crypto-nazi.

I dont even know who Is Jewing Who anymore.

Evidence That this FB page is him is Him


Literal cuck

Sexual Fetishes


See Also

External links