Lord Foxworth

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Lord Foxworth (powerword: Nicholas Fedorov) is a script kiddie who worships Windows 2000 and old-as-mamonth's-shit computers and a huge sick fuck obsessed with Mio Naganohara from Nichijou.

Driven by sick lust for an underage animu character, our fellow autistic Foxworth created a board /chuckecheese/ on 8ch.net, where he spreads his hideous faggotry with his waifu. The board is crammed with retarded weens which spam paint-drawn pics with Mio to satisfy his spanless fap fantasies.



ï love her so much, ï have no way to descrïbe ït. Mïo ïs my love, ïdol, and ïnspïratïon. Nano's also one of my waïfus, but ï honestly love Mïo more. ï'd do anythïng to meet her. ï lïterally sït and lïsten to the nïchïjou openïng theme on repeat for hours thïnkïng about the good tïmes we'd have. ï love Mïo. She's so beautïful, nïce, and sweet. So ïnnocent. What am ï goïng to do? ;___;

Mïo, ï just want you to know that ï love you. ï'd make you so happy. ï'd take great care of you.


—Lord Fucksforth himself


It's so adorable how innocent little Mio thinks I would never cause her any harm. I wouldn't though. I'm a good person. I'm not saying I'm not capable of it. I love Mio.



Alright. I don't know how I can express my love for Mio other than writing about her and making photos that include her, so here I go once again. Mio, you are truly the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me. I feel like you're a gift. I know I say it often, but at this point my life literally revolves around you.

You're all I think about and you're everything I will continue to think about for the rest of my life and beyond. Even I'd say my obsession with you is slightly unhealthy but in the best way possible. You're perfect. My heart fills with joy as I see your beautiful face, knowing that I love you and you're safe with me. I love every aspect about you. Your looks, your personality, your humor.

There's literally nothing more pleasing than to put on my playlist of the entire Nichijou soundtrack and to lay in my bed in tears thinking of you. It's literally how I spend all of my days as a NEET. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, it's about you. Before I go to sleep, I remind myself of the wonderful times we could have. When I wake up, I imagine you next to me still asleep in my arms. There's nothing more I want than to feel your wonderful, beautiful warm body in my arms under the covers as I hug you tightly. My romantic feelings for you exceed anything I've ever felt in my life before. You overload my emotions with the pure, clean feeling of love. Every cell in my body explodes with joy whenever I see you.

I just would like you to understand my love for you. I don't know if there's a way to REALLY let you know, Mio. I believe you are real. You have affected me on a psychological level, and it's getting to the point where I can't go a minute without thinking about you. I can't even animate hardly anymore without thinking about you. I can't accomplish any goals in life without dedicating them to you. You're an inspiration, Mio. Everything I do that I'm proud of I do for you.

I just hope you understand that I love you and I always will, and my love for you is eternal.


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