User talk:Meepsheep/December 2011: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 16:31, 28 November 2012

Please Ban

User:Fedscov and User:Alfredoneon HITLER???? 11:23, 3 December 2011 (CET)


Why thank you. ~Oblique 06:57, 4 December 2011 (CET)


Wikipedia:Human_defecation_postures HITLER???? 19:29, 5 December 2011 (CET)

ban plz

Hey meepsheep there is this fag called Roidsage Who keeps vandalizing my User page And, keeps doing it please ban him and, stop him from spreading his faggotry...CLICK THIS...Or you know what happens.. My talk (Contribs 05:01, 6 December 2011 (CET))


I noticed you were the one who uploaded Panyd.jpg. I found a couple more pics of her. Check out the new Apps subsection. Also, she's running for Arbcom now, 2 days after she announced it, Cavalry announced he was stepping down, to get a new job because being on arbcom and having this job was a conflict of interest. But I guess your waifu having that old conflict-ridden job is fine. Oh and can we nominate her for WOTN in P:W? Carolyn Doran was for November so we need a December. Also when you update the portal, do you archive the past features? I think we should do that. Can I has assitant caretakership? Ty-cmeal 21:28, 6 December 2011 (CET)

  • Neat, prior to doing that, do you think it would be worth splitting their pages, seeing as how she's running for a position? Sort of like how Jimbo and Angela have separate pages? Or especially if she gets elected, but I think it would be good to call attention prior to it, so that voting is influenced. Are you on IRC? Anywho, I'm thinking her now, then Cav in Jan. The idea is to prevent her from getting the job, and then make him lose his new one :) Ty-cmeal 01:32, 7 December 2011 (CET)

Also I've been thinking, since there's now a Category:Arbcom as a wikipedia subcat, since the wikipedia/wikis suck categories are cluttered as shit, do you think a subcategory for wikipedia administrators would make sense? I would move AC as a subcat of that. I think there's a greater number of them.

Also I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for recovering more pages? I know a lot of old ED content hasn't been rehosted yet, like I had to put Christianhillbilly back up for example... it seems Wayback is a huge fail lately though, like they weren't crawling as much as they did in the old days (probably due to all the extra content) so less is backed up. Unfortunately the OhI guys don't seem to be forthcoming with whoever had a copy of the latest source codes. Ty-cmeal 08:27, 8 December 2011 (CET)


Once I get better at editing pages I'll consider it. For now I'm just making small edits that don't mean much. 22:27, 7 December 2011 (CET)


Uum Meep?

Ikr forgot to point that out  — Preceding comment added by Roidsage (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

I approve of this greatly. ~Oblique 00:42, 10 December 2011 (CET)

Yo Meep

Don't know if you're on your phone man, but can you get on Skype or IRC when you're available thanks dude. HITLER???? 21:49, 10 December 2011 (CET)


k-fff  — Preceding comment added by Roidsage (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

jared milton

I want to see what he is up to lol. you can reblock him if he doesn't make a move in the next few minutes. <3 --zaiger (talk) 02:37, 12 December 2011 (CET)


I just see a lot of dudes put large text up yelling PRESS THE FUCKING + BUTTON so I decided to make a damned template.

Oh, yeah, great! They have the same thing on Uncyclopedia! Still, a month seems harsh, sheepmeep.--brxbrxbrxbrxbrxbrx-brxbrx 04:10, 13 December 2011 (CET)
It's not just about this, Roidsage has been a nuisance for the past two months who has continually ignored the warnings that he should learn his place. Even so, the majority of his edits are on talk pages, so nothing of value was lost. 04:25, 13 December 2011 (CET)
Alright, cool--brxbrxbrxbrxbrxbrx-brxbrx 04:40, 13 December 2011 (CET)


Do you know how to make a rotating banner in the sidebar? --zaiger (talk) 08:18, 13 December 2011 (CET)

My Little Pony article.

Gray keeps undoing all my shit on that My Little Pony article. Anything I should do about it? Lord Tony 10:10, 14 December 2011 (CET)

  • Nevermind Lord Tony 10:21, 14 December 2011 (CET)

Sherrod Degripcock

On Article Sherrod this picture should be the first, it is updated and shows how much of a lard ass she has become

HITLER???? 08:17, 15 December 2011 (CET)

By saying become, are you implying she was once not a total lard ass????????????? ~Oblique 08:22, 15 December 2011 (CET)

Pumba Jeffery Larocque

hi. i manually moved this article from the gallery is not quite right tho, maybe you could have a look? thanks. :) -hipcrime 22:38, 15 December 2011 (CET)

SNN update

JaketheHedgehog was banned from SNN, might want to update it. --Imgur 01:10, 16 December 2011 (CET)

Because he was a fail. He went on chat and insulted everyone, and then left SNN for a week and came back and made a blog saying he was leaving and pissed off every user on the SNN. --Imgur 02:12, 22 December 2011 (CET)
Yes. DarkFuture ended up banning him for a year, I might change it to infinite, but one of the other admins, 58SlugDrones! thinks he should be unbanned because he likes her art[1]. --Imgur 02:16, 22 December 2011 (CET)
[2] That is it, if that was what you were referring to. --Imgur 02:22, 22 December 2011 (CET)
lol I can give you screenshots of his face because he sends me them for retarded reasons. Make a skype account of "cesarteamhyro" and he will accept a friend request from you (I believe I have already told you his skype). he is a fail. he dates some girl from another country he doesnt even know [3] lulz. --Imgur 02:28, 22 December 2011 (CET)
LOL. if you need anything about jake tell me. he gives away all his personal info to random strangers and trolls on the internet. --Imgur 02:33, 22 December 2011 (CET)
December 12th, 2011 on SNN chat

10:18 Rainbowroad6w Im still mad at that idiot for posting that picture of me

10:19 Mewkat14 what picture?

10:19 Rainbowroad6w Encyclopedia Dramatica is full of fools

10:21 ModrenSonic eww

10:25 Rainbowroad6w I hate them, they are ruining my reputation on the Internet.

10:25 ModrenSonic yeah they are eww

change in subject to something weird

11:45 CesarTeamHYRO about RR's reference to Encyclopedia Drarmatica, some sheep keeps making fun of me

11:46 ~ CesarTeamHYRO has left the chat. ~

11:51 MetalShadow272 please do not bring up trolls

LOL, I forgot to show you that. --Imgur 02:50, 22 December 2011 (CET)

Thos faggots just banned me for NO reason,actually no that's wrong they banned me because they think I'm you. He blocked me from editing my own talk page and then when I used a diff IP he was like "Oh well now I'm not going to unban you because you sockpuppeted to tell me that". Faggot you blocked my fucking talk page wtf else was I supposed to do? So now I am in the middle of trying to get Tor to work on Ubuntu and I am going to upload hedgehog roadkill until they turn the uploader off.  — Preceding comment added by Zaiger (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!
I believe Wikia blocks Tor, so you'll have to http proxy, which is a lot easier. 03:04, 22 December 2011 (CET)
Also, with checkuser and google you can know when an IP is a tor exit relay or http open proxy. (and/or XFF) º_º 03:13, 22 December 2011 (CET)
Wikia admins don't have access to checkuser, that is reserved for the stewards. 03:14, 22 December 2011 (CET)

can i ask for some halp

I'm trying to restore an old article from the old ED via the wayback machine, I have a problem though. I can't get the original names of the files so they can also be later restored. When I run my cursor over it to try and find the file name it's only giving me the caption. I think you're restored articles this way, how do I overcome this? ~Oblique 23:52, 16 December 2011 (CET)

hmmm... when I try and view the source, I get redirected to OhInternet. ~Oblique 00:03, 17 December 2011 (CET)

Look into this pl0x

User:Vintalc - spammer LulzSec/LulzPirate - i dont know whats this supposed to be Quarelin 20:48, 18 December 2011 (CET)Quarelin


What I said in August was all cocks. Arjun Burwal didn't go well, did it? No apostrophes and no punctuation next time, idiot. TehNOTHINGofTehLulz 23:43, 18 December 2011 (CET)

You wouldn't by chance have some time to troll #wikipedia-en now? TehNOTHINGofTehLulz 00:37, 20 December 2011 (CET)


Do you liek User:Severus_Snape/special? (I'm done making it) :3 º_º 02:44, 21 December 2011 (CET)


What is this? How will I get to play free Bratz dressup game now? :( Ty-cmeal 02:46, 21 December 2011 (CET)

Negi Springfield

Hi, what's the problem with Negi Springfield? I understand that one picture doesn't make a good article but I was in the middle of writing the rest of it. I have enough funny material to write a longish article, unless there's some overriding reason Negi shouldn't have an article. Thanks, KimmoB 23:58, 21 December 2011 (CET)

Holocaust Denial

Holocaust denial I added a boat load of pics, what else can I do to make it good article status, maybe even featured one day :) HITLER???? 00:51, 26 December 2011 (CET)

  • What seems to be the problem with it? HITLER???? 18:46, 26 December 2011 (CET)

Ban plz

Ben Simon is back under the name Buffcoat and he keeps vandalizing my user page.--Shitfacedcockmasta 03:27, 27 December 2011 (CET)

Butt out

Butt out, bestiality boy, before I bitch slap you out of your mother's cunt. This is between Mark and myself. Unless he is sucking your bitty prick (which would not surprise anyone) in which case you should sit back and watch like a good little whore. Or do you have a thing for old, saggy, shapeless, pasty gray men?

Well Played

Dayum! I think he hates uncle more than ED. I didn't think that was possible. - Kick Shitter 00:28, 29 December 2011 (CET)

Homo tendencies?

You sure do enjoy raping other men up the ass Derek. Think perhaps you have some unresolved homosexuality issues from all that ass play your old man got over on you? Not much to do out there in Colorado I imagine. Sure does explain a bit. You have my pity.

Keep the up the raping. I can come back as often as I want. The only thing you prove to me and anyone else whose cock you're not slobbering on is your need to keep raping men up the ass, virtually or otherwise, for which, again, you have my pity.

Try a girl once, not only will it get you out of your mom's basement (and obsessing over a wiki, A WIKI MAN, do you not know how pathetic that is?) but the sunlight might do you some good. If you aren't twinkie yellow from jaundice, a little color to make that ghost white skin go away would also be beneficial. You want Mark's address? Since you clearly like formless old men, and Mark likes to stick it in anything fat, stupid and gay, you two should be a perfect match.

And the name is Ryan, putz.

You say that without the slightest hint of irony :> 00:35, 29 December 2011 (CET)

Re: Advertising

I got your message. Yes, I understand that talking shit about people is your particular disease and there is no cure. I don't really care what content you produce as long as it draws hits to my site. Advertising is simply saying only good things about a person, place, or thing and making up good things if there are none. Rednecks and red states are the only things relevant to my interests at this time.

I'll make you an offer. I will "donate" $50 US via credit card. You op this account. You get fifty more, and I get a month to make rednecks look awesome. Mullets will become stylish again. Essentially, I want to spam links and will pay to do it and pay for an account that allows me to block people that interfere. If that's something you can make happen and sounds reasonable to you, great.

I do need those traffic stats to justify the expenditure, though. Sorry if that is dull. We'll worry about a written contract later, after good faith has been proven. Mandrake 05:54, 29 December 2011 (CET)

just lol ~Oblique 05:55, 29 December 2011 (CET)

Sorry Meep

But I didn't know who totalk to to make this information known. I'm kind of in a hurry and I just wanted to get it out there. Juggerbot 20:54, 29 December 2011 (CET)

Not so much anagenda, but the last time something big like this happened on Youtube the collective forces of Anon were dragging their feet. We have a chance to get this just a couple days into its inception, and turn what could be another falls-through-the-cracks missed opportunity into archive gold. I have watched anon languish too long without something noteworthy to whet the appetite, so I guess I kind of rushed it. Turns out its even bigger than I thought- Its not just nationwide, its global. This is a lolcow that needs tapped. Juggerbot 20:59, 29 December 2011 (CET)


I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu when I saw P:W, do you remember if Jessica might've been featured back on the old ED or something? I don't think we have the records for the portals from back then, I know they were documented as they were now, but such weird Deja vu... sort of like how I think I remember doing Jimbo's girlfriend back then. Also I was thinking you know how there is Portal:Wikipedia/Archive which links to the old topics, but doesn't actually include the unique flavour text writeups from each time. Can I add them by looking at what is in the history of the previous midstuff content? Ty-cmeal 07:54, 30 December 2011 (CET)

Bill Waggoner Page

I made the Bill Waggs page as you suggested.

However, as the BWC is almost a different entity, I think it is deserving of its own article. I just wanted to check with you because BWC are prone to getting flushed

Sl0nderman @AB7 22:53, 30 December 2011 (CET)

YOU are a fgt!

Grace Saunders thinks you a huge faggot, and that there's really nothing we can do about it! :-)

Grace Saunders thinks you a huge faggot, and that there's really nothing we can do about it! :-)

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Grace Saunders thinks you a huge faggot, and that there's really nothing we can do about it! :-)

Grace Saunders thinks you a huge faggot, and that there's really nothing we can do about it! :-)  — Preceding comment added by 21.12.2012 (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

Meepsheep needs to be sectioned!

That user is really very crazy.

This is why you should always take your mEDication! :-)

Remember, it's important that you take your mEDs.

Doc Tar Hoo 20:13, 31 December 2011 (CET)