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User:Halcy/AnonTalk Spam: Difference between revisions

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The fine art of spam.
I've asked you countless times, but you just won't spread the word…?


—Kimmo Alm, September 2009 bulletin

The year 2009 marked Kimmo’s attempts at spreading the word of AnonTalk, the holy land for pedophiles. Seeing how his users were too busy boasting about their esperiences in kiddie fiddling instead of spreading the word of their pedo enthusiasm, Kimmo decided to spam – errr, advertise AnonTalk on other chans. This then spiraled out of control and lead to Internet war.

Why are you reading this instead of posting quality topics and spreading the word?


—Kimmo, nagging to his users on the May 6, 2010 bulletin


Nope, no spam here.

Time Magazine says "Spammers don't even bother to spam 4chan." But anyone who has been to 4chan can tell you that every single thread has "w w w . A n o n T a l k . c o m" in it, often several times. Time Magazine, of course, is what Wikipedia considers a reliable source. later changed to a huge image macro and they increased their spamming so that 50% of all /b/ posts are spam. Even when /b/ goes down and no one can post, this bot is still able to post somehow. Spooky. AnonTalk even has a thread surveying the site and everyone there found the site through spam on various chans.

Kimmo, while having a life mostly consisting of nothing his pathetic failures, actually managed to make some win on the internets with his autistic compulsive superpowers. He succeeded in trolling moot with an epic spamflood that had been going on for too long.

On 10 March 2010, in utter desperation, Moot posted the following message in the top of all boards on 4chan:

Obviously, the posting of this message resulted in Anontalk being gangbanged by Anonymous as can be seen by the following message on the Anontalk status page on March 20:

I’ve tried everything, but the old server is just too weak. Since you never donate, I have tried countless things to optimize everything, but it’s simply not got the power needed. Right now, it’s being maintained, which takes forever.


—AnonTalk, defeated once again

But, as always, Anontalk survived the raep and a couple of weeks later moot removed his desperate outcry despite the spam still being epic in proportions. Result: Anontalk gained huge exposure on 4chan for free. Kimmo couldn't have hoped for better publicity in his wildest wet pedophilic dreams.

Meanwhile on #anontalk:

Use scrollbar to see the full text

<Sysop> Can you access AT?
<zork> im on skype with annabelle
<zork> lol
<zork> yeah i can :)
<zork> Slow though
<rnd> only if i use
<rnd> doesn't work
<zork> i use
<zork> works
<zork> but slow
<rnd> doesn't work either
<Sysop> Fucking retards. This planet is full of worthless dumbcunts who all try to destroy anything that is good.
<zork> True
<Sysop> I have to get a hardware firewall now.
<zork> Sounds awesome, i have no idea what it is
<Sysop> I don't even have money for fucking food.


ISPs Block 4chan

Moar info: AT&T Blocks 4chan.

File:4chan filtering anontalk spam.png
moot learns how to filter.

As the press such as Fox News [1] have mentioned, Kimmo used IP address spoofing combined with DDoSing and filing lots of false reports to cause major ISPs like AT&T, Comcast, and Cogent Communications to block access to 4chan.


You are still hosting the illegal clone "" of my Web site on your servers. Remove it immediately or I will sue you for $100,000/day. Respond to me ASAP.



Tinychan shut down January 2010 due to DDoS.

Jan Martin was one of the first moderators ("wiseguys") of AnonTalk back in 2008. After being unmade as a wiseguy in 2009, Jan founded the first clone of AnonTalk and began spamming it on AnonTalk. Lulz followed.

Use scrollbar to see the full text

You have 24 hours to take down your AnonTalk clone or I will contact your
host and get them to remove it for me. I've done it before to another
thief and I will do it again. I will also contact PayPal and you will lose
your account with them if you keep this up. Sorry. It's nothing personal,
but I cannot allow you to drag my hard work around in the dirt like this.
Maybe you are just a kid who got inspired by my work. Sort of flattering,
I guess, but you need to think for yourself!

Thank you in advance for understanding and cooperating.

> Unfortunately sysop your copyright claims are unfounded, unless you can
> specifically show me the piece of coding which conflicts with your
> copyright terms I have no reason to take down or make any changes to my
> site.

Are you blind or just a little dumb? It's a clone. Admittedly a crappy
one, but still a clone. The worst part is that you don't even give any
credits and claim copyright on top of it.

Take it down, kid, and do something original.

> In fact I hadn't even heard of your site until a user mentioned it to me.

Bullshit. Take it down.

> Now that I have seen your site I am very disappointed to even be
> associated with the content posted there. Pedophilia is a crime, and if
> you aren't part of the solution you're part of the problem.

Now I'm 100% sure that you are a retard.

Your site will be taken down.

> I apologize for being so aggressive, I understand that you are suffering
> from a serious mental disability.


Ever since then, AnonTalk and Tinychan have spammed and DDoSed each other back and forth. Eventually the DDoSing got Tinychan kicked off Dreamhost, though Kimmo being the pathological liar he is claimed that it was all his complaints to Dreamhost that did it. Then Tinychan moved to 4chan for extra lulz.

AnonTalk ads

Absolutely no spam.

On July 2, Kimmo published a bunch of posters in PDF format on the /save_AT page. If you ever encounter one of these posters in real life, make sure to contact your local police station immediately, most likely there's a child molester living nearby. Be sure to point out that AnonTalk is a pedophile site and display evidence of this.

However, Anonymous soon abused this as well. A guy named "ltamake" added a "poster" that actually had a copy of ATBBS hidden inside of it (original can be seen here). Kimmo raged, deleted the image, and posted a bulletin about it. After that, he stopped accepting posters.


We do not spam

The sysop of AnonTalk, under the impression that Wikipedia is full of pedophiles, lets his spambot loose there. Of course, too lazy to write a proper spambot that inserts links into all articles, he just had a bot that pretended TOW was a message board and his bot did to TOW what he does to 3-year-old boys. So Wikipedia did this[email protected]/2008-06/msg00904.html

Butthurt, Sysop posted anonymously pretending to be some innocent third party with a fake story:

Anonymous 21cc9a050a0d5529e7644530ce4cd225 started this discussion 3 months (2008-07-04 02:04:06 UTC) ago:

I repeatedly tried to add AnonTalk as an article, with a well written text about the site, but within seconds some fucking faggot inserted a "tag" which "speedily deletes" it and posts a lot of pre-written drivel on my user page. Now the article is blocked from being created at all.

Don't bother wasting your time contributing to that shitty site — your edits will just get reverted instantly by the 16-year-old mods who sit on huge butt plugs and fap to their powers as they destroy your work and ban you. Same story as always…

An example spam is this unsneaky spam. Kimmo often hits the same article over and over; see the history of "Until It Sleeps"; now he's spamming the link of 4chan in the same article, big surprise.

Kimmo's spam of Wikipedia is so bad that Wikipedia's Abuse Filter even has four of them for AnonTalk, #7, #215, #228, and #230. You can even see the spam flooding in here with #7, #215, #228, and #230.

To top it off, many bots copy Wikipedia articles and sections of them verbatim without reading them. Occasionally, this will happen while AnonTalk spam is still on a Wikipedia article. This has resulted in AnonTalk's spam spreading far and wide everywhere!

Kimmo is also known to spam ED, FuckedCompany, KKK and every other site with a submit function.


In March 2010, Kimmo has been filing fraudulent DMCAs for non-copyright violating YouTube videos about him or his website and he has been filing them under the name of one of his enemy, Jan Martin. TehBigToaster later claimed that he actually did this, but who the fuck knows?

He has hit every single video mentioning him or AnonTalk on YouTube. A small selection of the biggest loses are: Anon5850 who has been posting a video of Anon visiting Kimmo's home. He also took down the funny Hitler video. He has also been hitting Kakashi465 who has posted several rant videos against the pedophiles of anontalk. Below are Kakashi465's responss:

Kimmo, in his usual style, has basically admitted to all the false DMCA claims.

Thanks, person/persons who report illegal YouTube videos and other harassments related to AT to the respective sites. Keep up the good work - it appears to be working.



See Also