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Hope you like shitty Dragon Ball Z jokes, 'cause like TFS, this article is full of them.

Team Four Star (aka TFS) is an internet "company" founded by Scott Frerichs, Nick Landis, and Curtis Arnott. These weebtards are best known for crapping out the Dragon Ball Z Abridged series, (and some other less popular abridged trash). Their channel was first created on YouTube on May 25, 2008 after a circle jerk turned into a collaboration on what not to do with your life. The three troglodytes fell in love and decided to become a few of YouTube's biggest faggots of all time.

DBZ Abridged

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The average DBZA fan. Note the lack of friends in the background.
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Combining their shitty skills together into what appeared to be a half decent hangover shart, the three stooges (along with some of their stoner friends who nobody gives a fuck about) made the DBZ Abridged series.

What's that? You don't know what an "abridged series" is? That's probably because you're an intelligent person with a job and a family that loves you. It's basically when you steal someone else's show, dub over it with your own whacky voices, make lame jokes, and swear a lot. This results in dumb kids on the internet shooting Four Loko out of their nose while laughing in between bong hits. Abridged series videos are considered to be some of the easiest, laziest ways to get rich quick on YouTube, right after booty shaking videos and Family Guy laugh challenge compilations.

Every DBZA episode goes pretty much like this.

Anyways...The DBZ Abridged series is best known for blatantly ignoring basic copyright laws and pretending to know what non-profit based parody" means LOLLL they admitted their own bullshit. The level of fucks these shysters don't give about ripping off DBZ is far more hilarious than their actual videos.

TFS spitting in YouTube and Akira Toriyama's faces at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, the series became pretty popular (because the shit they stole already was) and made Team Fag Star the most shekels out of all the other shit they made. Their response to this money and fame was to tell their loyal, cock gobbling audience that they were going to continue the series and make the next arc; DBZA Kai. They continued to lead their audience on with this promise for months before finally telling them all to go fuck themselves. They cancelled the series because they were "burnt out", probably from being constantly shut down by copyright claims or, possibly, from rectal trauma after so many years of slamming each other in the ass.

This doesn't make much sense because burnout implies you are overworked. But TFS just kept working after cancelling DBZA so, in reality, they just straight up didn't want to do it anymore and made shitty excuses as to why. The honest answer being that they wanted to make gay porn, er I mean their new show, Unabridged.

TFS being totally honest about why they cancelled the show.


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The average Unabridged fan. You can smell the Cheetos breath and basement mold from here.
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Unabridged in a nutshell.

After quitting the series that had made them rich and famous, they decided to undo it all by making their newest series: Unabridged. This new "show" demonstrates why most voice actors should be heard and not seen, and why amateurs shouldn't make... well, anything. These fugly neckbeards bring cringe to a super saiyan level as they desperately pretend to be funny; as if they weren't following a poorly written script that was shat out by autistic basement dwellers.

Unabridged is basically The Office for college dropouts who grew up watching YouTube Abridged series in between hentai porn videos. Everything about this show is done poorly by idiots who have little knowledge on how to make a proper production. The acting is awful, the writing is shit, the directing is amateur, the audio and video are both lacking, even the lighting is bad. The whole thing screams low budget dog shit. It was one thing when making a low budget abridged series; it was expected to be amateur and shitty in quality. But when trying to look pro while making a live action show you need to use professionals or it just looks like your little sister making home movies in the basement with the special ed class. We can only hope this new series fails and Team Cuck Star goes back to doing what they do best; stealing other people's work, pretending it's hard to do, and lying about making a bunch of money off of it.

WARNING: Watching this may cause brain damage and a lack of sex life.

Other "Shows"

I suppose if you put a gun up my ass I would be forced to mention that these butt clowns did make other garbage besides DBZA...

  • Other Abridged Trash: If it's popular with weebs, these dipshits have made an abridged series out of it. It either happened during a member's time with TFS directly, or before joining the "company". The point being; these dorks have been stealing from anime/everything to make money for a while now. Here are just a few of the things they have stolen from: Hellsing, Final Fantasy 7, Yugioh, Sailor Moon, Gantz, Attack On Titan, Yu Yu Hakusho, Sonic, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Smash Bros, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Star Wars, Frank Sinatra, Sword Art Online, and Pokemon. This is seriously just a small portion of the list.
  • TFS Gayming: Like most other lazy, unprofessional cunts on YouTube these cum wads have also used their "fame" to leech off of the hutt that is gaming. By "gaming" we mean that they roll their diabetic asses into a bean bag chair, put on a headset, and "play" a game (be it video or board) while trying not to die from cardiac arrest in the process. For your viewing pleasure they record these abortions (usually while doing stupid voices from their various abridged series) in hopes that you, the viewer, might call 911 in the event that they slip into a diabetic coma or kill themselves during play after realizing they are wasting their lives.
  • Four Star Bento: TFS' Main weeb channel on YouTube where they takes turns stroking themselves while they talk about anime and other nerdy shit. Watching any of the shows on this channel is 100% guaranteed to cause brain cancer.
  • TalkCast PodShow: Can’t get enough of these weebs talking about weeby shit? Well, then you’re in luck because these turd burglars have a podcast. It normally revolves around stupid news people have already heard about, or other dumb topics nobody is interested in except TFS themselves. The show does make for good background noise while you’re writing your suicide note before starting your car in a sealed garage.
  • Fist Master: Cool name, am I right? It makes the joke for you! This crap is the only original animated content ever made by TFS, and it barely passes as such due to being so blatantly derivative. It’s currently on the back burner due to the fact that making an animated show requires actual hard work and creativity which TFS is clearly allergic to. Yet another low budget turd not worth watching.

The Crew

Fag's Name Embarrassing Description Humiliating Picture
Scott Frerichs AKA KaiserNeko, which means he's a nazi cat I guess? According to the TFS wiki, he is both a furry and a faggot. This form allows him to take his faggotry power level to well over 9000. He is married to Cristopher J. Kirkhoff, a biology instructor at the McNeese State University, and a well known ponce. Judging by Chris's sickly appearance one would guess that he is the bottom. However, when taking a look at Scott, the Chinless Wonder, it's pretty obvious they take turns pretending to be the woman every five minutes. On camera he has the acting presence of a wet fish, the voice of an incel, and the body of a band geek that frequently skips field practice.
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Scott is ready for that dick in his mouth.
Nick Landis AKA Lanipator, which apparently "comes from a series of 2 or 3-letter abbreviations: "La" from his last name (Landis), "ni" from his first name (Nick), "pa" from his mother's maiden name (Parker), and "tor" from the city he was born in (Torrance)." This is easily the stupidest thing anyone has ever said and it's just the tip of the dumbass iceburg that is this neckbearded fatass. Similar to French Stewart, Nick is perpetually squinting and no one knows why. It's mostly likely due to the fat on his face pushing his eyes shut from all directions. That, or he has some chink blood in his veins. On camera this douchebag comes across as a smug pompous asswipe, enough to give Kevin Mcconaughey a run for his money. The difference there is that Kevin is an attractive alpha male who fucks hundreds of women a year and is a millionaire that's starred in dozens of professionally made films. Mr. Landis, however, is a fat, hairy, tub of lard that probably lost his virginity to another bear and whose career is made up of stolen cartoons made for japanese children. Why he acts like he is God's gift to man remains TFS' biggest mystery to this day. He is currently married to a meme.
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The King of Cringe himself.
Curtis Arnott AKA Takahata101. In 2019, during a livestream on his Twitch channel, he mentioned his porn name is Fricassé. Judging by how many kids were likely tuned in to his stream at the time, this implies that Curtis is a sick pervert that isn't afraid to get intimate with his underage fans over some wine coolers and a rag that smells like chloroform.
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Those girls should get away from "Fricassé" before it's too late.
Lawrence Simpson AKA MasakoX. We could make jokes about his username being derived (stolen) from Masako Nozawa, a Japanese voice actress; he's a weeb lord blah blah. We could also make fun of him for being a britfag or that he has an obvious lisp that makes his voice acting embarrassing to listen to. (Really shows how much TFS cares about quality, am I right?!) But the real draw here is that this guy is attempting to beat the record for world's largest forehead, currently held by Megamind. He would have it by now if he had the balls to shave that watermelon he calls a head, currently covered in heeb locks. This could be the result of a mild case of Dwarfism, or perhaps he's the illegitimate son of Jay Leno. Despite his hideous appearance this freak is actually engaged... to a fat ugly she-beast.
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Seriously, you could land an airplane on that thing!
Anthony Sardinha AKA Antfish, which is him referring to the size of his micropenis. The token gangbanger of the group. He's also Canadian, as if things couldn't get worse. Former pathetic artist on Deviantart with some of the worst drawings ever seen by man. Oh, and he's also a big fan of lusting after white bitches like a true ape. Also a Pedo fan. "I've been told that i look like a good Pedo bear" he said while wearing a Pedo costume. Coincidentally this was at the same place where he took pictures of white women he considered raping.
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Anthony Sardinha thirsting after the white woman behind him. He would have raped her but apparently her ass wasn't "dat" enough.
Corinne Sudberg AKA Megami33. The "mega" part of her name most likely refers to her bullfrog-esque second chin. She's the token girl of the group, although she appears to be unfuckably hidious so no one really cares that she exists. Her boyfriend is as ugly as she is, so all we can do is pray they don't reproduce and bring more frog goblins into the world.
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Ribbit Ribbit
Kirran Somerlade AKA, LordMoonstone. Some shit bird nobody cares about.
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What a fucking faggot.
Cliff Weinstein AKA AinTunez. A Mexican Jew mutt that does musical related shit for TFS. He's a prominent ebeggar because apparently his Jew Mexican family doesn't love him. He needs 8,000 dollars for his teeth (even though the picture shows his teeth looking just fine. Maybe show some x-rays or something, dumbass). This shows that, despite being a member of TFS, he doesn't make shit for pay. Apparently the trio at the top are the only ones raking in the dough. He serves as another token minority for TFS. Gotta check all those boxes right?
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Licking his lips as he checks out his GoFundMe page.
Grant Smith AKA MasterWuggles, which is most likely his midget name. This obese neckbearded hobbit is in charge of TFS Gaming and the TFS Twitch streams. GAYYYYY.
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Grant showing off how gay he is.
Tyler Koi The bald fatass that plays pretend as the "cinematographer" for Unabridged. Ain't that cute? He looks mentally challenged, and probably is.
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A face even a mother couldn't love.
Stephan Krosecz Yes, this fag's name is actually Stephan, pronounced "gay as fuck". Here we have yet another fat cringy neckbeard. He's the newest "employee" for TFS and calls himself an animator despite having little skill and the production speed of a couch potato in the middle of a my little pony marathon. He's the one to blame for the dried up turd that is "Fist Master"; the crappy "original" cartoon for TFS. Like every YouTube animator ever in history he likes to BAWWW about how hard animation is and how long it takes for him to simply do his fucking job.
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Another fat neckbeard stuffing himself into a dorky t-shirt he has long since outgrown.

Frequent Partners In Crime

  • Brian Olvera
  • DasBoSchitt
  • Faulerro (Chris Tout)
  • Gaijin Goombah (Micheal Sundman)
  • GanXingba (Marc Soskin)
  • GeneralIvan (Christopher Guerrero)
  • hbi2k (Ben Creighton) (Left)
  • Kaiga12 (Chris Schanley)
  • Kirbopher (Chris Niosi)
  • LittleKuriboh (Martin Piers Billany)
  • Lyle McDouchebag
  • NateWantstoBattle (Nathan Sharp)
  • Nowacking (Jessi Nowack)
  • Ovarku (Mike Varker)
  • Psychicpebbles (Zach Hadel)
  • Purple Eyes WTF (Nick Lizzo)
  • Remix (Joshua Gotay)
  • Rina Chan (Kira Buckland)
  • RicePirate (Mick Lauer)
  • ShadyVox (Blake Swift)
  • Shudo Ranmaru (Amber Lee Connors)
  • TehExorcist (Howard Wang)
  • The Living Tombstone (Yoav Landau)
  • Vegeta3986 (Brandon Rainsford) (Fired from TFS for sucking at voice acting.)
  • Xander Mobus

See also

Japan - The place that would sue the shit out of Team Four Star if they could.
Anime - The shit TFS steals from and makes a profit with.

Team Four Star is part of a series on YouTube.

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Team Four Star is part of a series on


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