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'''Anti-Encyclopedia Dramatica''' is [[SpleeNfat]]'s attempt to produce an [[asking for it|anti-trolling wiki]].  Because one article alone could not contain his sheer faggotry:
SpleeNfat is a [[Muslim|goat-fucking towel-head]] who declared [[jihad|e-jihad]] on [[ED]] after reading the [[Lulz|cruel and inaccurate]] articles about [[Islam]]. He has decided that [[hypocrite|the best way to deal with trolls is to insult and harass them]]. Sadly he doesn't realize that no member of [[ED]] or any experienced troll will give [[shit nobody cares about|a mouse-sized shit]] about what anyone says about them on the internet.
In short, think of him as [[Insane-Reynard]] v. 2.0!
{{morphquote|mqtest|background-color: lightgray;|font-weight: bold;
|>Welcome to Anti Encyclopedia Dramatica! [[BAWWW|You can post articles about trolls, politics, or anything that pisses you off]]. [[Unrealistic_expectations|I hope you can make ED look like a complete retard!]]
[[Hypocrite|The Administrator doesn't like trolls. If you are one and actually stupid enough to act like a complete asshole, you will be humiliated with an article posted on this site.]] Also, don't vandalize the articles as well. It's a wiki, not a video game. Think about what are you editing, how did you edit it, and your purpose for it. If you vandalize an article, [[lie|you too will be humiliated]] and get banned from Anti Encyclopedia Dramatica. Then the final rule...[[Anti lulz|NO RACISM!!! EVER!!!]] It's fine that you can be funny in your article, but you can't be racist on this site. Remember, we are [[Ohinternet|the OPPOSITE of ED]]. We don't want to be racist. If the [[fag|administrator]] sees ANY racist remarks in an article WHATSOEVER, you will be asked to edit, take down your article, or would be banned from Anti ED.
Encyclopedia Dramatica was founded by lifeless nerds who went emo over Blacks, Jewish people, Asians etc. [[LOL_WUT|They tried to post a wiki about blacks, but they failed.]] So they made a Wiki of their own called Encyclopedia Dramatica. Being the morons that they are today, they made bullshit statements that no one cares to listen to. Unfortunately, more morons find that site funny and started to praise them like Jesus. [[Lies|Soon, they started to bring these ideas to the web. unfortunately, they can only reach YouTube and devaintART.]] Today, these dumbasses keep posting articles about people and try to bash users. [[USI|This will change because there will be articles about trolls.]]|[[No|But did it?]]
Retards are at it again! Encyclopedia Dramatica posted an article about THIS site! It's really hilarious. They cry because the "Precious" site was threatened by Anti Encyclopedia Dramatica! How cool is that? They don't realize is that without ED, I wouldn't have created this web site in the first place! Thank you for setting an example of making yourselves look like fucking retards! Anyway, ED is scared. Scared of being humiliated by Anti Encyclopedia Dramatica. It's really ironic that Encyclopedia Dramatica talks shit about other people, but at the same time, they don't like to be dissed. Don't worry, we have plenty of articles planned for you, ED.
This proves that there are ED crybabies. The user will have an article written about him!|If you will provide drama then we shall document it.
[[Image:AntiED Dead.JPG|thumb|400px|[[Jenkem|AntiED seems to get high off its own shit.]]]]
[[Image:Praise_to_muhammadkipz.PNG|thumb|right|Spleenfag's wiki]]
===Wannabe DA Dictator===
[[Image:Spleenjihad2.jpg|thumb|[[Pedobear]] recently stated his approval of SpleeN's e-[[jihad]].]]
SpleeNfat tries to get most of his recruits from [ devianTART] but often [[fail|fails]] because even these [[16 year old girl|teenage]] shitty artists realize that [[ED]] and [[anonymous]] cannot be taken down - as well as the few [[you|TARTlets]] who find [[ED]] funny. In the same manner as [[Suede Bear]], SpleeNfat uses his fursona to prove how [[hardcore]] he is because an imaginary [[furry]] [[lol wut|is more threatening than he is]]:
How is racism and death threats to innocent people funny? Ive seen bad things my whole life, but this is just cowardly. I am not a coward and I will stand up to anonymous. The [[Wolfaboo|WOLF]] [[LOL WUT|never cowers into the den if they met a formidable opponent.]] Anonymous attacks nuisances in a cowardly way that even a person would take Anonymous out if met face- to- face.|Another reincarnation of Ebon Lupus.}}
Recently SpleeNfat had claimed he has the powers of the dA mods behind him and is currently [ hunting trolls].
===HAR HAR FOOLED [[YOU]]!!1!===
SpleeNfat has recently decided to [[DivineAngel#It.27s_a_TRAP.21|pull a DivineAngel stunt]]  and claims that his BAAWWWW-ing was a [[fail|successful]] attempt to generate [[lulz]].
[[Image:Antiedfrontpage.jpg|thumb|center|600px|SpleeNfat's legendary computer skills make trolling anti-ED impossible.]]
{{squote|I don't try to destroy them, I just try to humiliate them! :D|[[Oh ok]].}}
[[Image:Spleenfatfail.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Even [[DA]] does not support his antics.]]
{{squote|you're sooo into it though...
yeah, [[opinion|I don't always agree with them either]]. but [[Free Speech|they have a right]] to do what they do and they have enough fans and [[money|funds]] that some Pokemon obsessed kid isn't going to do anything. I mean, they made an article about you which is actually pretty funny. After reading the article and looking at your page I realize why they made fun of you. you act like [[Sonichu]].|[ This guy actually fell for it.]}}
{{squote|No...It's actually fake. All of this is fake just to gain the most epic lulz I could get! :D|In which case why doesn't he have an ED account?}}
Another member of [[ED]] recently e-mailed him in order to delve into the murky mind of a [[butthurt]] [[TARTlet]]:
{{squote|I recently emailed him the following out of sheer curiosity as to what he would say:
"I bet you expected me to fill this whole box with JIHAD JIHAD JIHAD and other racist remarks. I'm not going to attack you with ad hominems. I'm not going to make personal attacks. I try to rise above that. However, I think you really need to revise your articles. They really just are as bad as the [[original content|original]] ED articles. For instance She turned [[emo]] when ED was humiliated and started to [[cut]] herself in the process. She [[masturbates|masturbate]] to [[Mudkips]] and likes to eat 20 Twinkies a day. She pretty much hates anything that is not associated with Encyclopedia Dramatica, and is a real [[attention whore]]. You think posting things like that are really going to get people to respect your cause Do you really respect yourself All you're doing is [[fail|hurting your own cause]]. Your cause has been completely discredited. You will [[fail|lose]], guaranteed. I fear no one. Slander me all you want. I'm just saying. You are fighting a losing battle. I have fought [[stupidity|ignorance]] my entire life. You are but another opponent. You will be no harder than the rest to defeat. Anonymous will defeat you and all you stand for. They have much less mercy than I. Just saying."
Interestingly enough, he replied with the following:
"Destroying ED isn't our primary goal. Our goal is to mock ED. It's satire. Nothing is really real."
When [[ED]] makes fun of something it's [[racist]], [[homophobia|homophobic]] and [[sexist]] too - but when [[SpleeNfat]] makes fun of something it's [[unfunny|satirical]]. Clearly a massive two (yes, TWO) articles would bring [[ED]] to it's knees and have the entire internet shaking with laughter. [[DivineAngel|You'd think he would learn from history.]]
{{squote|Remember, we are the OPPOSITE of ED!|Of course you are, dear.}}
[[Image:Anti-ED logo.png|center|300px|]]
===The Editors===
[[SpleeNfat]] works under the username ''Azad Rouhani'' and so far seems to be the one and only admin on the site. His primary e-mail address is:
* [email protected] ([[Internet tough guy|But beware - he may write a scary article on how retarded and fat you are]].)
<b>UPDATE:</B> ''[[SpleeNfat]] is now [[B&]] from [[deviantART]] - hopefully he will actually start paying attention to wiki or, more likely, create yet another [[dA]] account. We at [[ED]] are on teh lookout for sockpuppets.''
*''Hussain-bhai'' <strike>is possibly one of his sockpuppets, as SpleeNfat is not known for his good hiding skills: [email protected]</strike> Actually [[User:CityBlues|CityBlues]], [[fail|sucking]] at being a good [[Metal Gear Solid|spy]].
* There is a third, rather familiar editor named ''Finney''. [[User:Finney|Hmm...who could he be?]]: [email protected]
* T-elos789: [email protected] - Who eventually destroyed AntiED [[Hypnotoad|ALL GLORY TO T-ELOS789]]
* [[DivineAngel|Lelouch_Dragon]]: [email protected] The most obvious example of DivineAngel/Lady Hisoka trying to cover shit up, possibly because she doesn't want any more trolls on her page. Bawww. No, apparently this person who has exactly the same skills of literacy and spelign is just a "friend", who, strangely, has never been mentioned before...Note how vehemently this "friend" defends them and their shitty art [ here]
===OH NOES===
<blockquote>To All New Editors & Writers:
We are a new wiki but we won't back down. We are getting more and more people on our side:
* [[fellatio|Recruit]] as many people as possible.
* [[Masturbation|Write as many articles as possible.]]
* Be [[butthurt|scathing]]!
* Remember to add links, pictures and screencaps.
* [[?????|?????]]
Give it your best shot, really go for it - let's show Encyclopedia Dramatica [[dildo|what we've got]]!</blockquote>
===Articles and How to Get One===
Although the site is called Anti-[[Encyclopedia Dramatica]], increasingly the people who make it onto his sad excuse for a wiki are people on [[deviantART]] who [[truth|said mean things about him]]. Getting a page is incredibly easy, but because he and his followers are lazy-ass motherfuckers it will take fucking ages to get one.
<b><big>How to Earn a Page on AntiED</big></b>
* Suggest (politely) that by mocking troll he is also a troll himself.
* Point out that one day he will claim to be the greatest troll of all time, followed by being an avid troll-hater the next day.
* Beg for an article.
* Beg to him not to write an article.
* Request access to his wiki (also incredibly easy) and vandalize the shit out of it.
* [[LOL]] At a comment written by one of his non-fans.
* Say Muslims did [[9/11]].
{{cg|The Big Kids Club|antiedgallery|center|<gallery>
Image:AED front page.png|Front page. Douche didn't even realize his official logo was actually a swastika for almost a week.
Image:AntiED Angel.JPG|[[user:Angelinriotgear]]
Image:AntiED Far2.JPG|[[User:Far2]]
Image:AntiED Guns.jpg|The-Enemy-Guns
Image:AntiED Girlvinyl.JPG|[[Girlvinyl|"Girlviny"]]. In this he claims that Girlvinyl is a [[fat]] [[attention whore]]. Although some [[EDiots]] my take offense to this, the reason everyone on ED loves her is ''because'' she's a fat attention whore. Don't worry, ma'am. [[Sex|We still love you.]]
Image:AntiED Hamster.JPG|[[User:Killhamster]]
Image:AntiED Mudkips.JPG|[[User:MudkipsPlz]] - wait, ED ''pays by the hour???'' And I've been writing articles for free? FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU
Image:AntiED Mystery.JPG|Mysterybot
Image:AntiED Nsgrif.JPG|[[User:NsGrif]]
Image:AntiED Orange.JPG|[[User:OrangeFlavouredPie]]
Image:AntiED Steel.JPG|Steel Girl
Image:AntiED List2.JPG|Having a mention here will inflate your ED [[e-penis]].
Image:AED Girlviny.png|HAHAHA
Image:AED Mudkipsplz.png|OH WOW
Image:The REAL ED user.png|The REAL ED user.
Image:The REAL girlviny.png|The REAL girlviny.
Image:The REAL killed hampster.png|The REAL killed hamster
Image:The REAL mudkipsplz.png|The REAL mudkipsplz
===The Rules===
* You are NOT ALLOWED to troll.
* You are NOT ALLOWED to write articles that take the piss out of other users.
* You are NOT ALLOWED to write homophobic/racist/sexist etc. articles.
* You are NOT ALLOWED to point out how [[unfunny]] an article is.
* ...Except about [[ED]] users.
* Anyone who breaks these rules will be [[B&]] have a [[unfunny|vicious]] article written about them.
Like all [[Terrorist|Muslims]], not only does SpleeNfat have no sense of [[satire|humor]] - he has even less sense of logic.
One day, a [[troll]] got bored. So, disguised as a [[weeaboo]], Yorichan posted this statement on the website's front page comments, before flooding every article with [[Rickroll]]:
[[Image:YHBT screen.JPG]]
Image:Rickroll_Anti_ED2.JPG|I'm in ur wikis, fucking up ur layout.
Image:Rickroll_Anti_ED3.JPG|Improving [[User:MysteryBot|MysteryBot's]] article.
Image:Rickroll_Anti_ED5.JPG|Same for the-enemy-guns.
Image:Rickroll_Anti_ED6.JPG|Front Page looks a lot better.
Image:Rickroll_Anti_ED7.JPG|So I herd u liek [[Rick Astley]]?
Image:Rickroll_Anti_ED_Result.JPG|Got an article for it. Shame [[User:Chunkmunky|the author]] [[YHBT|doesn't use spellcheck]].
{{cg|Screencaps Gallery|scrncpsgallery|center|<gallery>
Image:Antiedwhoring.jpg|SpleeNfat using his high-traffic site to get some [[Buttsex|love]]
Image:Lalalaicanthearyou.jpg|SpleeNfat believes in [[Delete_fucking_everything|frank and open discussion about anti-ED]]
Image:LolantiEDTruth.png|[[Truth|corrections]] on the frontpage!
Image:Brokenantied.jpg|It doesn't like large images in the sidebar
Image:LOLOWNED.png|Testimony for the [[Faggot|admin]]
Image:Screencapantied.PNG|Time it took for [[faggot|FagMan]] to hide? About an hour.
Image:AntiEDfight.JPG|This is why there have been no new pages written recently - also, this is TOTALLY NOT [[DivineAngel]].
Image:AntiEDgetpage.JPG|He was probably [[B&]] for daring to ask for a page.
Image:AntiEDGirlvinyl.JPG|SpleeNfat dares to try and blame [[Girlvinyl]] for the [[vandalism]] of ED. E-mail address hidden just to piss him off.
Image:AntiED IP.JPG|This might come in handy . . .
Image:AntiED Anon.JPG|At least [[Anonymous|Anon]] gave him a fair warning.
Image:AntiED Crybaby.JPG|[[SpleeNfat]] instructs his followers on how to [[Fail|win]] an argument with an [[EDiot]].
Image:SpleeNTriesToActSmart.PNG|SpleeN tries to [[Fail|act smart]]!
==[[Goodnight Sweet Prince]]==
Anti-Encyclopedia Dramatica is no more. It is unknown whether [[SpleeNfat]] will return to take his revenge or [[an hero|will be found hanging from his bedroom closet]] but for now his retarded offspring AntiED has fallen into a coma.
All glory goes to [ T-elos789]. You may now kiss their ass and worship them.
P.S. He is banned
==See Also==
*[[SpleeNfat]] and his butt-buddies:
*Other like-minded individuals and organizations:
**[[Paul Fetch]]
**[[The Anti-ED-Club]]
**[[Gay Diamond]]
**[[Intellectual Checkmate]]
*[[Attention Whore]]
*[[The Internet is serious business]]
*[[User:Angelinriotgear]] You may kiss his ass to show your appreciation.
==External Links==
*<s>[ The site itself]</s> Dead
*<s>[ Another, infinitely funnier, Anti-ED site]</s> Dead
*<s>[ Send him some love.]</s> Dead
*<s>[ SpleeNfat e-wrestles with angelinroitgear claiming 'someone' made an article about her. Unlike SpleeNfat someone actually comes to angelinriotgear's aid.]</s> BALEETED
*[ SpleeNfat claims it was a joke all along and drowns in his own shit.]
*<s>[ His NEW deviantART account]</s> - Not any more, [[banhammer|b&]].
*[ Anti-Anti-Encyclopedia Dramatica]

Revision as of 15:35, 18 August 2011