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ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read ED:101 and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot?

Who is She?

Her fursona

Supersonic Muffin is a camwhore "animal lover".

Let's begin with the basics:

Pathetic Excuses for Art

Her current boy-toy

Cam-whore quality photos


She loves Bettas. They are every where! She is involved with several things refering to them like here(she runs it),her name on here is supersonic muffin, what else?, and finally she's got them on Gaia too.


She loves them wolves an awful lot.

Obviously where she gets her best art.


Badly Colored


No gallery is complete with out a shit load of pictures with piercings in them. Vlad
Her main wolf character who is so NOT a furry >.> ((Furries come in all shapes and sizes.)) Thats rite! Vlad is a were not a furry

Traced images
She says she's original, but can she prove it?

The "Schism"

Alright the Schism involves teh following people: Supersonic Muffin and Xxkilledmeagain.

What Xxkilledmeagain sez (Taken from here) Last night one of the people I thought was a really close friend asked someone something, that I didn't want her to, since I was going to ask that person to begin with. SO once Vikki told that Britni didn't like me I myspace messaged her and this is our following convo:

This is EXACT convo. The other girl can't spell at all.

  • EDitor Note: These conversations are really long and really shitty. They are collapsed for your sanity, but should you feel the urge to REALLY understand what the fuck is going on here, you may expand them.


From: In Arkansas for the next 29 days
Date: 16 Jul 2007, 08:42 PM

why don't you like me?

From: Muffin
Date: Jul 16, 2007 8:46 PM

your obnoctoius, your art isnt origional your an art theif a laier, a plagerizer and your loud and bossy.. and i really am not happy with you, how stupid could yoube! youinviteme toa guild with a story line thats allmost word for word with my club on sheezy?!?!did you think i wouldnt care???

From: In Arkansas for the next 29 days
Date: 16 Jul 2007, 08:56 PM

You know what! I asked Vikki to ask you if it would be ok if I made a sister guild to your sheezy club, that it would be close to the same but be different like an alt. dimention and she never gave me an answer. And if I'm an art thief, so are you!

From: Muffin
Date: Jul 16, 2007 9:02 PM

oh?? really how am i an art theif?? hmm?? or are you just jelious that my work is pretty much all origiomal??
i told her to tell you no. aboslutly not. that was my thing. not yours or any one elses. ... also i reported the guild. . i only ever put up with you because every one els did...

From: In Arkansas for the next 29 days
Date: 16 Jul 2007, 09:09 PM

Yeah, you're an art theif! And why the fuck would I be jealous of you?! And you know, she never fucking gave me an answer, and I don't care if you reported it. You know what, if you didn't like me to begin with, why couldn't you have told me, instead of just ignored me? I trusted you. I considered you a close friend. I've defended you against people! Why couldn't you have just told me yourself? I didn't even want Vikki to ask you if you didn't like me or not, I wanted to know from you myself and I couldn't even get you to talk to me.

From: Muffin
Date: Jul 16, 2007 9:18 PM

i didnt ask you if i was , i asked you how i was. and now you know from me.
also if she did give you an answer, you must have really not got the point
also i just thought id add a few things in from vic and chase

Another fricking conversation.

Victoria Murphy: Did she just cpoy and paste what you wrote???
Britni Baker: most of it
Britni Baker: she changed the namesof the races and added 2
Victoria Murphy: She told me about it...I wasnt all that interested your dream was better. Also, she wants to know if you dont like her.
Britni Baker: tell her yes now way more than i did
Victoria Murphy: Okay.
Victoria Murphy: Well, why dont YOU tell her.
Britni Baker: cuz she prollywill ripp my head off
Victoria Murphy: I'll tell her then...
Britni Baker: she likes you better
Victoria Murphy: I'm beginning to not like her...
Victoria Murphy: Was looking through he gallery on sheezy and it just got me angry.
Britni Baker: i cant beleave she did that crap
Victoria Murphy: I know!!!
Victoria Murphy: Where did you find that anyway?
Victoria Murphy: Also, Kathy just signed out without answering my question...
Victoria Murphy: I asked if she gave credit to you in the description of her thing.
Britni Baker: i reported it
Britni Baker: forplagerism and asked for it to be deleied
Victoria Murphy: Where did she write it at?? Is it on sheezy??
Britni Baker: its on gaia
Victoria Murphy: Ah.
Victoria Murphy: Its a guild?
Britni Baker: yep
Victoria Murphy: I'ma go check it out.
Britni Baker: k
Victoria Murphy: I knew she was making this, but I neve really payed attention to it.
Britni Baker: ill give you the link
Britni Baker: and the stupis part is she invited me
Victoria Murphy: god...
Britni Baker:
Victoria Murphy: Also, Kathy didn't sign out she just went invisible to ingore me.


[rosenkrieger] 8:25 pm: why are you pissed?
[rosenkrieger] 8:30 pm: you there?
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:32 pm: yeah
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:32 pm: Kathy totally plagerized my story
[rosenkrieger] 8:32 pm: the dream you had recently?
[rosenkrieger] 8:33 pm: Vic told me a little
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:33 pm: yeah
[rosenkrieger] 8:34 pm: yeah... stupid ho went invisible to avoid vic, too
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:34 pm: i know
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:34 pm: and shes even more stupid for invitingme to join
[rosenkrieger] 8:34 pm: we should go kick her ass
[rosenkrieger] 8:34 pm: join?
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:36 pm: join the guild on gaia she made with my story
[rosenkrieger] 8:36 pm: ah
[rosenkrieger] 8:36 pm: you should just block her

[rosenkrieger] 8:51 pm: hm... what an idiot
[SupersonicMuffin] 8:54 pm: duh
[rosenkrieger] 8:55 pm: yeah..

[rosenkrieger] 9:01 pm: and if you don't get an answer, don't f***ing do it... how dumb is she?

From: In Arkansas for the next 29 days
Date: 16 Jul 2007, 09:36 PM

What the fuck are you talking about? I went invisible from every one because I gave my brother the computer to use. I'm using a compy that I can't IM from right now. so yeah, I went invisible so that I could just get back on when my brother got off. You do the same stuff with art as I do. You use references just as much as I do.

Want to know what the two were arguing about at the begining?
Alright here you go:
TWINDERRLAND (Supersonic Muffin's club on SA) - Retarded.
LIRDCER (Xxkilledmeagain's guild on GaiaOnline)

How many differences between the two can you spot?

  1. For one thing, at least Xxkilledmeagain can spell.
  2. They are both slightly ripping off Romeo Juliet.
  3. Xxkilledmeagain's is better written.
  4. Xxkilledmeagain's also has a better story line.
  5. Xxkilledmeagain's has four other races besides "earth and water" people.
  6. Supersonic Muffin's between a princess and a warrior, not two royalty.
  7. Supersonic Muffin's is alot shorter, and not that good, grammarically and in general.
  8. Supersonic Muffin's is from a dream.

Hi, Xxkilledmeagain here.

I'm the QueenofTown here on ED and here is some thing great to say: I don't have that Gaia guild anymore. Nope. In fact: I don't care about any of you. I just really want my five seconds of ED fame. Can I have it please? So, yes, that is why I post here now. Oh! And I fixed the stuffs about me. If enough people flame supersonic muffins acount on sheezy, i will post pix of my tits, but be warned they have a fungal growth around the nipple.

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See also