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Hello there, UnknownEinherjar. Welcome to your Sandbox!

The sandbox is a great place for You to practice and improve your wiki markup and general editing skills.

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Chris-chan Subpage Navigation

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The Internets

Sonichu ComicsVideosWikipastaGalleriesReturnsVidya Drama

Chris IRL

PeoplePlacesED Timeline

Virgin with Rage

The Crazy PacerMale LesbianJUUULLLAAY!!1!Caught Fappin'

E-Mail Hax

Email Hax


Megan SagaTroll ArchivesThe Real Chris-chanAsperchuTomgirl

Memorable quotes and e-mails from CWC.

If I ever do find the one who is to be my sweetheart, I will give her such care, such tenderness, such love. If we get around to the hanky-panky, that's fine, that's...good


— CWC on how he's definitely not creepy

The Man in the Pickle Suit tricked me once again!


— Chris-Chan, completely oblivious to the same troll attacking over and over.

If I should see the "Sonichu" name used to describe any character, other than my original Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, I will send you an E-Mail to inform you if you have intruded into Copyrighted territory, and request that you remove the name from your website, or forum entry, and change it to something else. If, however, you do not abide to the request, or not reply to the E-mail within 14 days, I may take legal action against you.



The Game Place

The image of Chris referred to in this email, taken at the Game Place by anon.
His interrogation techniques are subtle.
Subject: Hey, Anna
I have been recovering from the worst weekend of my life. In a nutshell, explicit fan art freaked me out, then someone else put a copyright symbol on their fan art (giving the impression of Sonichu being theirs), I responded to both offenses appropriately, then I Googled "Sonichu", and I found a page that deficated on my person and character. And the second photo-jpg on there was actually taken at The Game Place last Friday, with me thinkin' the dude was taking a pic of the child I was playing Pokemon TCG with. I had asked the guys at The Game Place to check their servaliance camera footage of the timeframe, so I could possibly learn the identity of the person who took that photo. But the guys could not get it to work; they have to talk to their boss-type person. One of them put things in perspective for me, I calmed down for a while. Then my mother comes in during my peace with a lecture of doing more things around the house; I waited for her to finish, then I bursted out the events in a mouth-running-faster-than-my-brain fashion. Now, she is possibly on a warpath against this dude. A hacking terrorist group, Anonymous, and 4Chan are somehow involved in that page as well.



—Chris-chan, on ED


I'm sorry; I'm still recovering from the worst weekend of my life. I'll get back to you with more positive information soon.

Take care;

Chris Chan.


—No he won't.

Use scrollbar to see the full image

It's clear that he just couldn't resist and brought up the ED page again and was kicked out, and he had also once attempted to go in the back where the employees work without permission.

Subject: More words to add, since I was typing the earlier message on my PSP...


I've sent an apology letter to Michael at the Game Place; I hope that he will have an open heart, accept the apology and allow me back into The Place. Otherwise, if his heart was so dang sealed shut, he would really be showing himself off as the biggest Jerk and potential B-tard.


—Chris does some "investigating" of his own into the matter, subtle as usual.

Fake Chick

Use scrollbar to see the full image

Subject: Just to let you know...



This is Lori; the girl my buddy Joshua is hooking me up with. She had it done at JMU; that's why it has her name on it.


Use scrollbar to see the full image

That's right. Chris is warning her about perverts.

In this email Chris sent to Kathleen, Jason's girlfriend at the time, Chris blames everything on ED. Despite his claims, this page shows that Chris finally realized that Joshua had duped him. And on a side note, Megan said she loved him? And was his girlfriend? They were in love? While vandalizing this page, Chris expressed his hatred towards Joshua here.

Troll Chick

One day in March, 2005, I now go to Fashion Square, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with my Nintendo DS, GBAVideos, GBAJukebox, my Sonichu Scrapbook, and I've brought up some courage to start saying "Hello" to the girls I find very pretty, and possibly Boyfriend-Free.

Earlier this week, a girl, who shall remain nameless in this story, finally noticed and approached me. I was hoping for a moment like this. And she asked me to have a beverage with her and talk about things. I was very ESTATIC, and my SHATTERED Heart had a speedy recovery back to 100%; We had a nice "Mini-Date," I maintained Eye-Contact, I was very attentive, and I took notes about her. I thought she was very pretty, I enjoyed her charming wit, and I found her to be a very nice and lovely girl. But, later on, as I was figuring out steps for future dates, I learned from a couple of Gal-Pals, that I have previously made at the Shopping Center, that my new girlfriend was not serious; she was setting me up for a prank. I could not believe it at first, so I found and asked her myself. Unfortunately it was true. I was shocked, and my heart was re-shattered down to being 15% intact.


CWC vs. ED

I AM ADDING THE POSITIVITY THIS HELL-HOLE OF A WEBSITE NEEDS; you just do not appreciate the POSITIVITY I AM ADDING TO THE PAGE. What I am doing is a STAND against OFFENSIVE, UNNATURAL, UNREQUIRED Additions to ANY Female Image. What I am doing is a STAND for EVERY SINGLE WOMAN Everywhere, because NO WOMAN would EVER want such a Horrific Twist of Fate. What I am doing is a STAND against the VERY THING that is NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!!!!!

So, Draw Breasts, Vaginas, Uterus, Ovaries and the God-Given Eggs within them, you Two-Inch Short Dick-HEADS!!!!!!!!


Christian Weston Chandler, A Man For The Women, For the Women's Rights, For the Women's Justice, For the Women's Peace.




— Chris-Chan. Contradicting himself.

"...every other forum, internet document, lewdly drawn pictures with... dicks. I love dykes. Dykes, Dykes, CHINA. I'm straight. If I see a dick,I just look away. With a moment of being freaked out."


— Chris, on not knowing Chyna has a little dick

And if you have so much free time to play the cruelest game of "KICK THE AUTISTIC", then you CAN and SHOULD put the time to better use; volunteer for a social chore; take up the culture in tasteful art; go out and socialize.

