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Latest revision as of 12:30, 29 July 2011

Typical Vortex noob thanks to the newb unfriendliness of the game.

Vortex (also known as Pvmtex or Sporetex as of 4.3) is a free mod for Quake2 with RPG elements that has been been released since 1999. Even though the game is completely free, some guy has actually donated $50. The developer most likely bought alcohol with the money.

The game's most prevalent feature is the absurd amount of AI monsters. The game is plagued with DOS commands so much that 90% of the newbs can't figure out how to log in to the game, since it's so unclear and unfriendly because the developer is drunk most of the time and gets an erection when coding more AI. Good luck joining.

black person made a Vortex version for your web browser. It requires no downloads and it's a pretty damn accurate remake.

I said it before and I'll say it again: as long as there is interest, I'll keep working on Vortex.


—GHz, Vortex developer, afk since: forever.

Actually, Vortex is about PvP just as much as it's about PvM.


—GHz, Vortex developer.


Notice the extreme lack of AI monsters?
Welcome to level 6.


—The message you will see the most.

The main goal is to kill your enemies to gain experience points to level-up. You are granted ability and weapon points. Using these to purchase some unique abilities and upgrade your weapons, but be careful, don't put any thought into your build or your whole character will be nerfed in no time.

Don't forget, vote for PVP.


Vortex has a class system. Each class has class specific skills which can be upgraded to a higher level. They also come with talents that are completely useless and gimmicky since the latest update.

Here's the list of all the Vortex classes.

  • Soldier: Horrible class that either camps with grenades or becomes a glass cannon.
  • Poltergeist: Most broken class ever. It can morph into monsters that come with 10x more health than all other classes with lolwut resist and regen. Their talents are all based on PVM so all PVM-tards can use this class and whore on AI.
  • Vampire: A class that excels at leeching life from enemies and staying alive which is redundant since almost all classes have access to the vampire ability. Only reason to pick this class is for its lolwut health and imbalanced talents.
  • Mage: Soldier's magical counterpart, this class can cast spells dealing over 9000 damage. Typically built stupidly spreading its ability points on several spells. Talents are dumb and unoriginal.
  • Engineer: Engineer was intended to be a camper class with its sentries and autocannons. The engineer is the best PVP class ever made without using any of those. It has the 2nd highest health and armor value in the game with a skill that gives you auto-aim. Good job.
  • Knight: Knights can only use the worst weapon: the Sword. The tankiest class, having over 600 health and armor, but because the game sucks dick, he still dies in 1 shot.
  • Cleric: Cleric is the 2nd worst class. Everything about this class sucks except for the health and armor value and the Purge talent. Way to go.
  • Necromancer: This class was intended to fight by summoning monsters. It is now used to oneshot players with a very balanced combination of the skills: cripple and lower resist, dealing over 750 unpreventable and unreduced damage with auto aim, not bad.
  • Shaman: Shaman is the shittiest class. It used to own with haste, a skill which granted 2x the fire rate, but GHz thought the best solution would be to remove the haste skill from the class itself.
  • Alien: Ummm, see: Gloom.


Once you've leveled up you are awarded with 2 ability points. You can choose where and when to invest those points by yourself. Vortex contains over 100 abilities but only a small percentage of them are useful or even worth upgrading.

Here's the full list of all the Vortex abilities. It's more detailed than the original Vortex encyclopedia found on the official website.

  • Vitality: raises your max health and health per level. The amount depends on your class (Eg. vitality for soldiers sucks cock since they gain like 1 extra health per level.)
  • Regen: only worth upgrading if you're a knight. Level 10 gives 20 health per second which is actually pretty OP.
  • Resist: decreases the amount of damage you take. Pretty solid ability if you ask me.
  • Strength: increases the amount of damage you give. Not bad.
  • Haste: no words can describe how fucking horrible this piece of shit ability is. Level 5 is like 1% faster fire rate and it's capped at level 7.
  • Vampire: damaging foes will give you health. Kinda sucks, because it's no instant leech anymore.
  • Jetpack: not worth upgrading, comes free with the Necromancer class. It makes you fly...how about you just upgrade the Flyer skill which costs 1000 less cubes and even grants a smaller hitbox, health regen and costs 3 ability points less.
  • Cloak: stand still and you'll turn invisible. Pussies use this to hide when they are spreewarring.
  • Knock weapon: deal damage and there will be a chance your enemy's weapon will be knocked off from his hands.
  • Armor upgrade: reduces the amount of armor lost when taking damage. This skill makes people cry because they wonder why their weapons deal shit damage.
  • Ammo stealer: fucking terrible, it's a spell that steals a small percentage of ammo from your enemy. Just get EMP which costs less cubes, can be spammed and actually destroys ALL the ammo even at level 1.
  • ID: not worth upgrading, you get it for free when your character reaches level 5. With this you can see other players their health, armor and if they're a virgin or not.
  • Max ammo: increases the amount of ammo and power cubes you can hold.
When a player has ghost upgraded his appearance changes.
  • Grappling hook: shoots a blue laser (the game calls it a hook, makes no sense) which attaches the user to walls and ceilings.
  • Supply station: a depot which can hold over 9000 ammo and armor. One touch grants instant ammo and armor and is OP.
  • Auto-Quad: once you've made 10 kills without dying you'll be granted with quad damage for 1 second.
  • Auto-Invin: same as auto-quad, but with invulnerability.
  • Power shield: use your cells (ammo) to take less damage. Sucks.
  • Detonate body: piece of shit ability. Don't even talk about it.
  • Ghost: when upgraded there's a chance the damage you take will be reduced to 0. Your appearance changes and you'll be transparant when you have ghost upgraded.
  • Salvation aura: increases your resistance by some aura. Costs power cubes so you must spend 2 extra ability points to make this ability work correctly.
  • Force wall: creates a green wall of magic which can either burn enemies or block. The best way to use this skill is in invasion mode. Create a solid forcewall in front of all the players' sentries, monsters, etc. All shots will be blocked and monsters will rape the base.
  • Ammo regen: regenerates ammo for the user. This is the only skill that is hard capped at 5 even with runes, because this skill is ¨overpowered¨. Happens when the developer is drunk most of the time.
  • PC regen: regenerates power cubes for the user. This ability is a must.
  • Lasers: only helpfull against monsters and BS!/Ivan. They like to abuse a certain laser bug which gives 5000 experience points per second.
A necromancer that summoned a tank, brain and medic.
  • H/A pickup: increases the value of health/armor pickups. Pretty good.
  • Sentry guns: a sentry gun that will fight for you. People get a boner when they see their sentry shooting at other AI.
  • Boost spell: boost yourself with alot of velocity and reach high spots. Global cooldown after using boost: 30 minutes.
  • Parasite: morph into a parasite monster and jump around like a retard. The leech attack ignores all types of armor and resist and goes for the enemy health. It still sucks though.
  • Proxy grenade: place a grenade on the wall and when the enemy comes near the grenade explodes. Makes a very annoying 150 decibel beep. The ability itself sucks by the way.
  • Monster summon: summon monsters that will fight for you. People love this skill because they have AI monsters that will fight for them.
  • Superspeed: move 2x faster while wasting 700 cubes per second.
  • Armor regen: it's better to wait for one armor shard to respawn than upgrading this ability...
  • Bomb spell: spam magic grenades like a fucking moron. The damage isn't even good, it's the spam of explosion sounds that is annoying as fuck.
  • Chain lightning: see: Diablo 2...just upgrade railgun.
  • Mirror: make clones of yourself to confuse your enemy. Your enemy must have an IQ below 70 to get confused. This ability is pretty good since the majority of the Vortex community gets confused by this ability.
  • Holyfreeze aura: creates a freezing aura that slows down enemies around you. This ability is hilarious at level 15. Another skill people cry about.
He must've upgraded pierce resist.
  • World resist: reduce the damage taken from the world, such things as lava, fall damage and global warming.
  • Bullet resist: receive less damage from bullets.
  • Shell resist: same as bullet resist, but from shells.
  • Energy resist: gain resistance against energy based damage like hyperblaster bolts.
  • Piercing resist: receive less damage from piercing weapons like railgun.
  • Splash resist: explosions will do less damage. So many gimmicky abilities lol, all these x resist abilities.
  • Cacodemon: Doom rip off. Insane regen, insane damage, can fly...what do you want more?
  • Plague: infest everyone with AIDS and hide. Damage is based on the enemy's max health.
  • Corpse eater: the name of this skill makes no sense since you can also eat living players. Each bite gives health and goes over your max health.
  • Hell spawn: another Doom rip off, way to go...it's a flying AI skull that does bullshit damage and is hard to kill.
  • Beam: shoot a green laser which does crap damage. Good thing: it doens't use power cubes, it has its own charge meter.
  • Brain: morph into a Quake2 brain. The most cheap morph of all, it has the highest DPS of all abilities/weapons and comes with free power shield that scales with the brain level. Not OP at all.
  • Mag mine: a piece of magnet you throw to the ground and everyone near will be pulled towards the magnet.
  • Cripple: a skill that's not supposed to kill, it's used to HELP killing an enemy, nuff said.
  • Magic bolt: shitty bolt made of magic which can be spammed and does mediocre damage.
  • Teleport: teleport a few units forward. You can teleport through walls and ceilings. OP.
  • Nova: creates a small explosion where you stand at. Shit sucks badly, get blessed hammer.
  • Exploding armor: create fake armor that explodes when an enemy gets near, but it's very obvious it's fake because what armor has a big fucking red shell around it?
  • Mind absorb: a passive ability that does shit damage every 100 seconds to players nearby. Also steals cubes.
  • Life drain: a curse that drains health for several seconds. Don't upgrade it.
  • Amp damage: overpowered curse that makes other players receive 3x more damage.
  • Curse: change the enemy's vision to the one GHz has while coding.
  • Bless: bless yourself for 3000 cubes and get alot of shit which sucks and no one cares about.
  • Weaken: reduce the speed and strength of your enemy to theirs IRL for a few seconds. Sucks.
Detector is a very interesting ability.
  • Healing: a spell that heals yourself or other players. Only usefull to get rid of plague.
  • Yin spirit: summon a white ball that eats corpses which gives you health, armor and ammo. What the fuck was the developer thinking?
  • Yang spirit: worst ability ever. Summons a yellow ball that shoots 10 damage blaster bolts at enemies. The yang spirit's accuracy is laughable.
  • Flyer: morph into a Quake2 flyer and get ready to camp.
  • Mutant: morph into a Quake2 mutant and jump around the map hoping for a kill. Got nerfed for no reason (no more health vamp).
  • Morph mastery: become a pro at morphing and get extra features for your upgraded morphs. Useless.
  • Napalm: throw a grenade which explodes 500 times and spams 8000 flames and makes everyone overflow.
  • Tank: morph into a Quake2 tank. It's slow as hell and sucks since its resist got removed.
  • Medic: morph into a Quake2 medic. It used to own but since the poltergeist change it sucks now.
  • Meteor: broken spell which does 4000 damage and the flames do 100 damage per second.
  • Autocannon: create a cannon which shoots to enemies to the location it's aimed at. Invasion mode fags' favorite ability.
  • Blessed hammer: spam 10 blessed hammers in 1 second for only 100 power cubes which do 800 damage each. OP.
  • Fire totem: summons a totem which shoots fire to enemies. Causes overflows, because it spams 100 flames per second.
  • Water totem: a totem which slows down enemies. The best totem of all.
  • Air totem: this totem absorbs damage you take. Could be a pro totem if only the air totem had more health.
  • Earth totem: the earth totem increases your strength. Doesn't stack with ANYTHING so don't even bother upgrading this unless you're a shaman.
  • Darkness totem: emo totem which vamps 0.0001% health when you damage someone. Sucks.
  • Nature totem: a totem for tree huggers which regenerates health and armor. It only heals like 10 health and 5 armor every 5 seconds, not worth it.
  • Fury: deal damage and there will be a chance you'll become the fury. When you're in fury mode you'll regenerate health, armor and you'll deal 2x damage. Pretty solid ability. Newbs say it's OP.
  • Totem mastery: gives your totems 10 more health, woohoo!
  • Berserker: morph into a Quake2 berserker. Good for raping AI monsters since it deals 5000 damage per punch. Use it to annoy PVM players and steal all their kills.
  • Shield: create a shield which blocks all the damage from the front. Pretty good, but not worth upgrading.
  • Caltrops: lay spikes on the ground which deal lolwut damage. Just hope for retards to walk over them because they can be avoided easily.
  • Spike grenade: throw a floating grenade which shoots spikes. Used to rape because it couldn't be killed, but crybabies were involved and it got nerfed.
  • Detector: place detectors on the wall and nearby enemies will glow yellow. All projectiles shot by the detector owner will follow the detected players (see: auto-aim). This ability made alot of people cry and it needed 3 nerfs in total. It takes 5 seconds now to make 1 detector rofl.
  • Conversion: steal AI. Skill is broken and only works on 10% of all AI abilities in the game.
  • Deflect: cast a spell which makes you deflect projectiles. Sucks because it's broken and doesn't stack with certain abilities.
  • Scanner: if you want to overflow, use this ability.
  • EMP: PVM-tards' favorite ability. You can spam EMP grenades which completely stun monsters for a few seconds. It also blows up ammo, so it can be used to piss of players by blowing up all the ammo in the map.
  • Double jump: make a second jump mid air. Not worth upgrading.
Best way of using caltrops is with a combination of flyer and mag mine.
  • Lower resist: same as amp damage, but even more broken.
  • Fireball: just the same as magic bolt, but with gravity and flames.
  • Plasma bolt: another magic bolt clone, but this one bounces. It used to own but again, people were crying and it got nerfed.
  • Lightning storm: summon a lightning storm which does insane damage and can be spammed all around the map.
  • Mirv grenade: ear rape ability. Throw a grenade which explodes into 8 more grenades. Sucks.
  • Spike: throws 3 spikes which stuns enemies. Crappy ability.
  • Wormhole: create a wormhole to noclip outside the map. Another ability used by spreewarring pussies to hide.
  • Spiker: a Gloom spiker which shoots spikes to enemies. Stolen.
  • Healer: another Gloom feature. Very shitty ability, don't even try.
  • Obstacle: Gloom obstacle...turns invisible and does 1000 damage per second when an enemy touches it. Pretty fair right?
  • Gasser: sigh, another Gloom ability...this one is just overpowered. You can spreewar with level 1 gassers easily. If someone gets close to a gasser it shits out a big cloud of poison which deals 3000 damage per second.
  • Cocoon: a big ugly cocoon you can summon. When you step into the cocoon you'll gain more strength and resistance. Very strong.
  • Acid: throw vomit at enemies. Pretty solid damage.
  • Spore: the infamous spore. When this skill got introduced 90% of the player base left because it was so stupidly overpowered. It summons a ball with spikes which follow enemies and deal 2000 damage if they hit. The spores can't die unless you have explosives. Sporetex was fun untill it got nerfed. Spores suck now so don't waste your ability points on it.

That's about it. If you ever need information about Vortex abilties check out this page. If you see someone asking questions about certain abilities, link them to this article. Fuck the Vortex encyclopedia on the official website, that one is unfinished and is inaccurate.

Game Modes

Invasion mode also lacks AI monsters.

Vortex has a few game modes which can be voted by the players.

  • Player versus Player (PVP): The most fun and rewarding game mode. You fight against other players here. Unfortunately the majority of the remaining player base disagrees with the lack of AI monsters in this mode because they usually get owned.
  • Player versus Monster (PVM): The most popular game mode. The server spawns monsters in the map and you must kill them, so much fun. Note: Doesn't actually exist anymore since the new combat system, see: FFA.
  • Capture the Flag (CTF): Just camp and hope that your team knows how to capture flags.
  • Free for All (FFA): A combination of PVP and PVM. It's an extremely stupid and annoying game mode. All of the PVP players will get blocked by newb monsters. This game mode can be abused by helping your PVP friends by healing them and shit while you're in PVM mode and blocking all your enemies, since they can't hurt you.
  • Invasion (INV): You must protect your base from incoming AI monsters. They will kill your spawns and if they all died you lose. If you survive the whole 20 minutes you will win and will be awarded 1000 experience points. Dumbest mode ever and a complete waste of time.
  • Domination (DOM): You must hold the enemy flag for long as possible, if you die you'll lose the flag. Worst experience points ever. Kills give 1 experience point and the flag you hold gives like 2 experience points every 10 seconds.

Stance on Trolling

Vortex's stance on Trolls.

If I see you being a dick, you're gone. If you add nothing to the conversation, and you just interject pointless insults or vague assholery, you're gone. I'm sick of seeing it. This goes for you, decino, rev, sharpshooter, and anyone I didn't name. I'll ban your usernames, ban the IP ranges you use, and ban any new usernames I suspect you making. If you get too butthurt about it and decide to flip out, I'll ban you from the server. Like I said in another thread, I don't care if you're the last vortex player alive, if I have to deal with your childish bullshit I WILL ban you. Stop being little girls, man the fuck up, and play the game or leave. This is a gaming community, and you don't have to be a part of it.


—Jordan, the edgy, weed-smoking Webmaster.

Can't take this guy seriously when the bottom of his site looks like this.


Vortex fucks with people's minds.

BTW I am 4ngry5murf, I gave you 50$ a few years back to keep vrx alive in a time of need, I know that's chump change but that's beside the point. I return here to have emp nerfed (it was hard before to isolate a heph with it, now it's impossible) and for people to say "quit qqing bitch" when I have given you cash and contributed to the server. It's really poor treatment of a customer, GHz.


—Ivan, angry because his favo skill got nerfed.

Great to see vortex hasn't lost it's ability to attract world's greatests retards, seems to have gotten worse if any, people are actually willing to pay GHZ and demand to be treated like a "customer"


—Gaara, well said.

Incidentally, my Kam_Pa char although level 25 did not abuse this bug. I would have been level 50 by now.


—Icman, after playing this game over 100 years, still hasn't figured out the max level is 25.

BTW if anyone see me on there by myself with two chars - I am transferring runes. I would also appreciate the person not fragging my chars either. Thanks.


—Icman, a total irrelevant post he made in a thread that was about someone that got caught cheating.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.


—Sharpshooter is wise.

I was there a few times and my beef with mutants came from being in a mode alone with Deviate unable to vote out and unable to have any monsters to kill because of his overpowered character, unfair mobility and greedy behavior. It's frustrating when you put half a clip of ammo into a tank and deviate jumps into the room and kills the brain, the bitch, the gunner, the mutant, and the tank in that order before you can even kill the tank. Two slaps and a tank his own level would die, and Mutant was defended as an ability that "makes sense" and is "well balanced"


—Ivan crying because he couldn't make any kills in PVM thanks to Deviate.

shitty attitude my ass u guys should hear IVAN crying all day when he gets killed


—BS!, Ivan's IRL brother.

Buzzard wrote: The server has been down for a while now and you have not been much active either. What are you doing GHz??

Ivan writes back: Wow man STFU. You sound like you're paying money to play. GHz is neither your employee or slave. The dude's mom might have died, so chill!


—Oh, the irony!

whoo wrote: When you get into quake 2, just type...connect soon as it 'connects' respam connect force-connect, wins.

Icman writes back: Is the above method approved by the GHz? It worked but I didn't stay on the server since I didn't want to be permanently banned.


—Icman is afraid he'll be permabanned because he could connect to the server with a ¨special¨ method.


Vortex is serious business. It's a pretty frustrating game but if you keep getting raped without making a single kill, it's because:

  • A: You fail at Vortex.
  • B: You only target the strongest char in the game.
  • C: You fail at life and your name is BS!/Ivan and PVM 24/7.

Anyway, BS! is Black Hole in the logs below and Ivan is Agony. You might have figured that out by yourself by just looking at those cheesy names.

Click on the links below to show the content.

[Hide contentBlack Hole moaning and crying.]

Juvenile.Va was humiliated by GeLD
(Spectator) Black Hole: wow dude thats lame as hell
GeLD is on a 9 frag spree!
-pedro!- was humiliated by GeLD
GeLD rampage: 10 frag spree!
-pedro!- was eviscerated by GeLD's sword
Juvenile.Va: lol
Juvenile.Va: everyone complains about it
GeLD rampage: 11 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: so cheap
GeLD is god-like: 12 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 13 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 14 frag spree!
eL-soplete rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 15 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 16 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: o yeah u wernt even looking on that 1
GeLD is god-like: 17 frag spree!
-pedro!- was humiliated by GeLD
GeLD is god-like: 18 frag spree!
NemesisX was humiliated by GeLD
Black Hole starts their reign.
GeLD rampage: 19 frag spree!
Black Hole was humiliated by GeLD
GeLD is god-like: 20 frag spree!
Black Hole was humiliated by GeLD
Now using salvation aura.
GeLD rampage: 21 frag spree!
Black Hole was humiliated by GeLD
GeLD is god-like: 22 frag spree!
Black Hole was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 23 frag spree!
Black Hole was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Juvenile.Va: lol
GeLD rampage: 24 frag spree!
Black Hole was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
You have 2 minutes to war. Get as many frags as you can!
GeLD SPREE WAR: 25 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Black Hole disconnected at 18:50:49 on 03/15/10
Black Hole entered the game
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur a fag
Juvenile.Va disconnected at 18:50:54 on 03/15/10
Juvenile.Va entered the game
GeLD SPREE WAR: 26 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD: ty
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: lols
Juvenile.Va starts their reign.
GeLD SPREE WAR: 27 frag spree!
Juvenile.Va was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Juvenile.Va disconnected at 18:51:07 on 03/15/10
Juvenile.Va entered the game
(Spectator) Black Hole: he thinks hes good too is what kills me
GeLD SPREE WAR: 28 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur a lame ass
GeLD SPREE WAR: 29 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: lol u hatin cause he usin skills available to him?
GeLD SPREE WAR: 30 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD SPREE WAR: 31 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD SPREE WAR: 32 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: im not hating shit he has auto aim
GeLD SPREE WAR: 33 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: who couldnt do that
GeLD SPREE WAR: 34 frag spree!
-pedro!- was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: anyone could
GeLD SPREE WAR: 35 frag spree!
-pedro!- was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD got a 2fer.
GeLD SPREE WAR: 36 frag spree!
eL-soplete was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: yeah any1 thats gay
GeLD SPREE WAR: 37 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Hurry up! Only 30 seconds remaining...
GeLD SPREE WAR: 38 frag spree!
-pedro!- was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: cause that shit is broken
GeLD: it got nerfed already
GeLD SPREE WAR: 39 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: 38 kills with little effort
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: lol
HURRY! War ends in 10 seconds. GeLD must die!
(Spectator) Black Hole: shut the fuck up it needs to be removed
GeLD's spree war ran out of time :(
GeLD: haha
GeLD: nerd rage
GeLD: hahahaha
NemesisX was humiliated by GeLD
-pedro!- was humiliated by GeLD
-pedro!- was humiliated by GeLD
NemesisX was humiliated by GeLD
NemesisX 's torso was removed by GeLD's chaingun
GeLD is on a 6 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: apparently ur the nerd cause u cant let any1 have fun
u gotta cheese the op skill
GeLD: you make no sense
GeLD: silly nerd
GeLD is on a 7 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD got a 2fer.
GeLD is on a 8 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur a fuck
GeLD is on a 9 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 10 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD: guess what
GeLD rampage: 11 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 12 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: lols
(Spectator) Black Hole: and u are really fucking gay
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur cool
GeLD is god-like: 13 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: auto aim
GeLD rampage: 14 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur a fag
(Spectator) Black Hole: looser
GeLD rampage: 15 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 16 frag spree!
-pedro!- rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
(Spectator) Black Hole: no skill
GeLD is god-like: 17 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: GELD NO SKILL
GeLD is god-like: 18 frag spree!
NemesisX rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: GELD NO SKILL
GeLD rampage: 19 frag spree!
delta rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: GELD NO SKILL
GeLD: :)
(Spectator) Black Hole: detector at ssg
(Spectator) Black Hole: every1 let him play alonee
GeLD: this is going to the forums for sure
GeLD: 'kid crying about vortex'
(Spectator) Black Hole: yeah it sure will
GeLD: gg
GeLD rampage: 20 frag spree!
-pedro!- was humiliated by GeLD
(Spectator) Black Hole: cause ur shits weak
GeLD: it still owns you
(Spectator) Black Hole: auto aim
GeLD: so idc
GeLD rampage: 21 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: auto aim does u dont
GeLD rampage: 22 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 23 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD rampage: 24 frag spree!
NemesisX was humiliated by GeLD
You have 2 minutes to war. Get as many frags as you can!
GeLD SPREE WAR: 25 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD SPREE WAR: 26 frag spree!
-pedro!- was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD SPREE WAR: 27 frag spree!
-pedro!- was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD SPREE WAR: 28 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: go play counter strike if u want to use auto aim
GeLD: no thanks
GeLD SPREE WAR: 29 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD SPREE WAR: 30 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur really good
GeLD SPREE WAR: 31 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: haha
(Spectator) Black Hole: no
GeLD: i'm too pro
GeLD: i'm too pro
GeLD SPREE WAR: 32 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur a hoe u aint pro
GeLD: i'm too pro
(Spectator) Black Hole: o yeah
(Spectator) Black Hole: with auto aim
GeLD SPREE WAR: 33 frag spree!
eL-soplete was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD SPREE WAR: 34 frag spree!
engpeter!! was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Hurry up! Only 30 seconds remaining...
GeLD SPREE WAR: 35 frag spree!
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
HURRY! War ends in 10 seconds. GeLD must die!
(Spectator) Black Hole: douche
GeLD: i'm too pro
GeLD's spree war ran out of time :(
(Spectator) Black Hole: bag
engpeter!! was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: douche
GeLD: i'm too pro
engpeter!! was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: bag
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: What are you accomplishin by bitchin?
GeLD: attention
NemesisX was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: annoying like he is
GeLD: you're not annoying
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: ur gay
GeLD: so you've failed
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: you dont annoy me.. just make yourself look foolish
(Spectator) Black Hole: i dont care hes a fuck
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: and you act like you the first to notice it
(Spectator) Black Hole: thinks hes god with auto aim
GeLD: i never thought that
engpeter!! rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is on a 6 frag spree!
delta rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is on a 7 frag spree!
k1ll3r rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is on a 8 frag spree!
engpeter!! rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: no one can play cause he wants all the xp
GeLD is on a 9 frag spree!
k1ll3r rides GeLD's rocket
GeLD is god-like: 10 frag spree!
engpeter!! rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: hes playing his character
GeLD rampage: 11 frag spree!
k1ll3r rides GeLD's rocket
(Spectator) Black Hole: and no one can get shit
GeLD is god-like: 12 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: let them feed his xp lols
GeLD is god-like: 13 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 14 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD rampage: 15 frag spree!
ToMe was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD rampage: 16 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 17 frag spree!
ToMe was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 18 frag spree!
ToMe was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 19 frag spree!
k1ll3r was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD rampage: 20 frag spree!
engpeter!! was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 21 frag spree!
k1ll3r was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD is god-like: 22 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD got a 2fer.
GeLD is god-like: 23 frag spree!
k1ll3r was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: lol no
GeLD rampage: 24 frag spree!
k1ll3r was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Spectator) Black Hole: this is bull shit
You have 2 minutes to war. Get as many frags as you can!
GeLD SPREE WAR: 25 frag spree!
k1ll3r was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
GeLD SPREE WAR: 26 frag spree!
delta was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Fraglimit hit.
GeLD: that was fun
(Spectator) Juvenile.Va: gg

There's more!

[Hide contentAgony fails and starts dropping tears like a little girl.]

Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
prowler andy was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
nebriss was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
prowler andy was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
nebriss was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
prowler andy was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
nebriss was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
prowler andy was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
nebriss was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Defense) GeLD: lolx
Agony disconnected at 21:26:57 on 03/20/10
Agony entered the game
Agony starts their reign.
Now using salvation aura.
(Blue) Agony: OK detectors? rly?
(Defense) GeLD: yes
(Blue) ma-BomBoMan: cry agony
(Blue) ma-BomBoMan: lol
(Defense) GeLD: detectors
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Blue) Agony: Fuck you geld
>Diestr0< was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Blue) ma-BomBoMan: rage
(Blue) ma-BomBoMan: more
(Blue) Agony: Str8 up eat a dick
(Defense) GeLD: cry
(Defense) GeLD: cry
(Defense) GeLD: cry
(Defense) GeLD: cry
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Defense) GeLD: cya
nebriss was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Blue) nebriss: and im facen gel;d
(Blue) nebriss: screw this
(Blue) Agony: Geld you can eat a dick
(Blue) nebriss: im bout to leave
(Defense) GeLD: cya
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Defense) GeLD: owned
(Blue) Agony: Fuck you
stoupe entered the game
(Defense) GeLD: rage
(Blue) Agony: Auto aim means you can't aim eat me
(Defense) GeLD: owned
(Defense) GeLD: owned
(Defense) GeLD: owned
(Defense) GeLD: owned
(Blue) Agony: Fuck you
(Defense) GeLD: fag
(Blue) Agony: Fuck you
(Blue) Agony: Fuck you
(Blue) Agony: Fuck you
Agony detonates his ammo.
(Blue) ma-BomBoMan: rage more
Agony detonates his ammo.
(Defense) GeLD: haha
(Defense) GeLD: sucka
Agony detonates his ammo.
(Defense) GeLD: fail
(Blue) Agony: Bullshit geld
(Defense) GeLD: you suck
(Defense) GeLD: lolx
>Diestr0< was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
Now using salvation aura.
(Defense) GeLD: my team owns
Agony was liquidated by GeLD's hyperblaster
(Defense) GeLD: bye
(Red) Agony: Yeah gtfo
(Defense) GeLD: haha
Agony was humiliated by GeLD
(Defense) GeLD: blasted
(Defense) GeLD: owned
GeLD got the Red flag!
GeLD captured the Red flag!
(Defense) LoLuAmP?: Wtf do I pay you people for.
(Defense) GeLD: vent
Now using salvation aura.
bosco was humiliated by GeLD
(Red) Agony:
(Defense) GeLD: lolx
(Defense) GeLD: i love you all
(Offense) LoLuAmP?: Even me?!
(Defense) GeLD: yea
(Offense) LoLuAmP?: Shit.
>Diestr0< was humiliated by GeLD
>Diestr0< was humiliated by GeLD
nebriss was humiliated by GeLD
Agony made a leap of faith.
(Defense) GeLD: my healing owns your plague
Timelimit hit.
GeLD: gg
(Red) Necron: g
SoulReaper.M: GG

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

(Spectator) GeLD: gotta post my condump
(Spectator) GeLD: :D
ma-BomBoMan: xd
Agony: Yeah fuck you ppost that too
(Spectator) GeLD: plenty of tears fallen
(Spectator) GeLD: = worth a condump
SoulReaper.M: EW y would u wanna fuck him
Agony: Yeah get detects nerfed
Agony: you fuckface
(Spectator) GeLD: anything left to say agayny?
(Blue) Agony: Yeah how about
(Blue) Agony: Lets fuck each others mothers
(Spectator) GeLD: aw was hoping for something original
(Spectator) GeLD: too bad
(Red) SoulReaper.M: id rather fuck my sis

This is what makes Vortex fun. Moar PVP please.

Ivan's case

Professional artist my ass, anyone can learn how to draw anime in less than a week. Drawn by Ivan.

Ivan is a Vortex player known for playing PVM every day. His playing time ranges from 6.0 to 12.0 hours PVM a day. If he ever plays PVP and constantly gets raped by the same player over and over again, he will assault the forums with crying, PMing the admins, whining, bitching and more. Here is a bit of his Vortex life story.


  • Nickname: Ivan
  • Real name: Isaac Abner
  • Age: 29
  • Job: none
  • Lives at: his mommy
  • Fails: yes
  • Playing time: over 6 months (in hours)
  • Friends: Jordan, because he's a pothead aswell
  • Enemies: everyone
  • Sucks at Vortex: yes

And Ivan wonders why everyone hates him...

All these stats are confirmed by his brother, BS!. He also gave 50$ to GHz which wasn't needed AT ALL (probably for sucking up, he claims to keep the servers alive).

Ivan has like 10 level 25 characters (max level as of 4.7) and all of them reached that level by PVMing 3000 hours long and bug abusing. Usually (for normal players) it takes a few months to reach level 25 (excluding polts and bug abusing). This Ivan guy got level 25 in 1 week by PVMing nonstop on a necromancer, three times.

He is a ¨professional artist¨ and he works under his own label: Piss-Skull Studio.

I know the characters are done in the "Anime" style, but don't confuse me with one of those people who drools over Japan. I typically don't like anime. I am proud of my work and I recognize it as being similar to anime, but I am an American, these pictures are cartoons, and I think my design skills can help someone out there in the mod world.


—Cut the crap Ivan, it IS fucking anime style. Be original.

Another drawing by Ivan. He sure is a sick psycho fuck, holy shit.

Ivan hates everyone:

Looking at Ivan's private messages, he sure hates a large number of the Vortex community. He's also a fucking suck up to the admins.

If anyone is right about something, Ivan gets mad. He also gets mad when he gets raped in-game without making a single kill. He must be insecure or some emo/goth faggot.

The second option would fit the best, just look at the nicknames he uses: Anger, Agony, Violence...stop being an emo fuck, damn. All those characters are necromancers aswell, with all the same fucking build. Speaking of wasting your time.

He also makes use of the friends/foes feature on the forums. Can't handle the truth? Is the foes feature your only escape?

Here are a few private messages he sent:

Fuck you.


—Sent to someone he got owned by on the forums.

Kild has been all over me ever since my bitching raised enough stink to get Mutant nerfed. Why does he have to be so rude to me with about everything I say, and why do you guys have such an immature prick on the admin team? I mean honestly if it's a matter of knowing some HTML I could be a better candidate than someone who goes out of their way to insult someone who never directly attacked them or intended to be an enemy.


—Aww, poor Ivan getting owned by someone that is 12 years younger than him.

News of my developement of a new character model has alot more substance than what you just said. Get your head out of your ass please. PLEASE.


—One year later, still not a SINGLE model/map/skin provided by Ivan.

Well, you don't understand civil communication. You are an enemy, good day.


—Rage more Ivan, he was right, you weren't.

Eat my dick whoo.


—Ivan sends alot of these private messages.



—A link he sent to someone, because he got owned in-game by that same person.

I've said harsh things, but I have always tried to better the mod. Needless to say I fucking hate this guy, I believe he goes too far with this. I know you guys have love for you holland born friend, but this shit really pisses me off. I request a ban. I know, he has made maps for this mod in the past, but this shit is starting to cover every other post I do it seems. It detracts from the topic, he has instigated me in the game, he lowers the quality of the mod and the forum. He has always, always been a prick toward me, and I can't handle it. I am so steamed over it.


—Ivan is mad, because of the comics the other guy made (see the gallery below for the two comics.)

Please remove the posts Decino has made against me. If not I will retaliate with my own graphics, and I am a professional at graphics. I don't want to get ugly, but I feel I will have to retaliate if Decino isn't silenced.


—Lmao, he will make a come back with pro graphic comics! What a sad stonerface.

Ivan (Ceres on the screenshot) abusing a bug. He claims he didn't, but of course Ivan! Everyone can get 17.8k exp by making 8 frags!

Ivan got caught cheating:

Somewhere in mid-July, Ivan and his bro got caught abusing a serious bug. Ivan claims he saw 3 other players abuse the same bug earlier, but he had absolutely no proof and quit Vortex. After that, Ivan has been hacked. His password was HIS FUCKING LAST NAME. His forum password was his favorite entitiy in Vortex: monster. With access to his forum account, you could see all the private messages he sent and received.

Rule is simple: Do not gain experience points, credits, or items that you didn’t earn. The most common offense of this kind is dummy killing, whereby players kill one another without fighting. Another example is capturing the flag in CTF without opposition (e.g. the teams agree to capture each other’s flag without fighting). This is a serious offense and usually gets your character deleted (or worse).

Let's take a look at the private messages he sent to the admins.

I don't understand. I play pvm, get one count of bug abuse and I'm banned, meanwhile you let this Kild guy laugh his ass off because he got away with abusing the same bug. He does nothing but wait for this sort of thing especially from me, then accuses me of abusing bugs where I have not. How can you tolerate this guys company and not mine? This is not fair in the least.


—Cry motherfucker, there's so much proof you abused the bug just stfu.

I had royally messed up a reset with my character Ceres and a freind offered to place lasers for me to destroy. There is a bug involved that was abused, and I had seen Templar and Kualo Sentry use the bug earlier without being rebutted, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to get one reset out of it before it was fixed. I get totally chastised for it. Banned, and my character likely deleted. I support with bug reports, I welcome new players with tips on character creation, and all I wanted was one reset. I am down with being given my due, but I will not tolerate being punished where others are not. Jordan's Trolling warning is a joke, Kild shouldn't be on the forum or in the game. You want your game to survive, cut from it the cancer. Last time I left the game it was over the constant barrage of negative rhetoric that soil otherwise productive threads with nothing less than psycological assault. I would happily take this punishment if it were just, but it is not. I do not understand why Kild is even still here. I am beginning to see no reason to be here myself. I want to help with the mod, and just when I get started on my course with 3D animation I get banned, and because of who? My number one fucking enemy Kild.


—Your character didn't get deleted, it got hacked bitch. Thanks for your pro runes though!

I am going to point this out and so help me if it's true. I am on GHz server all the time, I hate Kild's guts, so if Kild wants to abuse a bug, what better way to get away with it than to ban the very guy that would report him for it (though I will be totally up front with you, I think banning players for pointing out that the code is total shit and thus exploitable is the worst and most common modus operandi among multi-player RPGs all around, and due to this I would merely laugh and give less of a fuck if he did). What I'm getting at is, if you want to see Kild make an ass of himself NOW is the best time, now that I'm not there. He will show his ass. You people should apologise for taking my free beta-testing for granted, for having ten years and still failing to debug this mod, for being negligent in policing the forums, for leaving me hanging on a pile "maybes," for banning me for something that isn't a real offense in the first place, (How is saving myself the headache of another 8 hours of grinding with a bad reset when an avenue granted by GHz brand code sits right there, after I've put a million hours in the mod and only wanted a reset for 2 characters, such an awful thing?) Maybe the mod will get it bugs removed, maybe balance issues will be addressed. Maybe not. It's a waste of my time to see if I can connect to a mod I wanted to help out, that so badly is in need of help and interest. I wanted to get into game development with YOU people, I wanted to learn and contribute to THIS. You shove me away and you lose me as a partner. You don't even know what talent, what an asset you are losing in me. I will be granted full reversal of this decision or goodbye. You have 3 days. Respond sooner than that and I will not read the message and I will not return. Kild can dance in his underwear and throw a "Good Riddance Ivan" party.


—What a crybaby. Can you believe he's 29 years old?

His brother gets mad:

Ivan and his brother shared the same characters. Ivan quit, but his brother BS! kept playing. Here is his reaction when he finds out that he can't access some of his characters and notices that all his runes are gone (he got hacked):

So all my runes i found got deleted... all my good ones anyways... because of a stupid ass bug i didnt have anything to do with... soo im quiting vortex FUCK YOU ALL dont care anyways just letting you know theres one less player CYA

5551 gl /3 str 3 ac 3 napalm/ 6 str 3 cloak / 3 str 3 emp / and more gone thanks alot guys

KILD ur a cock sucker by the way hope you got punished too... cause i didnt do shit and got all my shit deleted b/c of you...


—And thanks alot BS! for the pro runes.

What a hypocrite, earlier that week he said this:

i just think you all need to stop geeking out its a 10 year old game really who gives a fuck. bad code is bad bugs. server hasnt been reset in for ever anyway's why? Because NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS ANCIENT ASS GAME. just play it have fun stfu and play with the skills... and stop trying to act like you never have done it cause every one here knows if there is a bug in the game you will exploit it... no one should be banned and if ghz really cares about the bug he would have fixed it along time ago...and reset the server and honestly i think both of u arguing back and forth makes ghz and all the admins hold their head so i really dont know the point of all this cry baby shit...



Click on the link below to show more content. Note: BS! keeps changing names, so don't get confused like a dumbfuck.

[Hide contentBS! finds out he got hacked.]

BS!: getting mad cant find my runes :/
(Spectator) Black hole: wow black hole cant be acessed
back1: think u got my polt banned...
Agony: deleting his cjhar
Agony: fuck him
Agony: hes a fag
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> who?
Agony: my bro
Agony: this is BS!
Agony: fuck this shit
Agony: deleted all "MY
Agony: "
Agony: runes
Agony: ivan delted all "MY" runes cause he's quiting
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> Did you yell at him?
Agony: i just found out it was him on the forums
Agony: asked him in person and he said he didnt know what happened
Agony: like a fucking fag
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> did you punch him?
Levi: hes at school right now
Levi: so i just fucked his shit up
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> will you punch him
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> what did you do
Levi: no i dont care about vortex like that
Levi: i didnt do shit
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> you should punch him
Levi: no
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> call him a pvming fag
Levi: im just not gonna smoke my funk with him
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> spit in his soda
Levi: thats worse than a punch
Levi: hes not gonna smoke any weed i pay for again
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> that's a little harsh
(Spectator) TANKZILLA!: no its not
(Spectator) TANKZILLA!: he dont buy shit
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> why not
(Spectator) TANKZILLA!: and he's scared to tell me he deleted my runes
(Spectator) TANKZILLA!: cause hes a 29 year old looser living at moms house with no job is why he dont have weed
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> Oh :(
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> does he at least try to get a job?
TANKZILLA!: no he goes to collage and my parents pay for it
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> college at 29?
TANKZILLA!: and my parents bitch me out telling me i need to move out cause im 21
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> you going to college?
TANKZILLA!: they wont pay my way
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> you at least got a job though
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> that sucks
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> You got a job though?
TANKZILLA!: and he changed my password for my polt
TANKZILLA!: no not at the moment but im not 29 years old
TANKZILLA!: i just turned 21 and thinking about going to the military
Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> that's good
TANKZILLA!: he changed my password on my polt so i cant get runes
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> a few people who played vortex were in the Army
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> haven't heard of them in a while though
TANKZILLA!: sorry for blaming you about that shit dude just got pissed
TANKZILLA!: and i asked ivan
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> well I gotta go
(Spectator) conesole: <Kild@IRC> no worries
TANKZILLA!: and he said he didnt do it
TANKZILLA!: so i flipped


Things are getting pretty damn serious, 6 months after the epic cries and lulz, Ivan makes a comeback and finds about this article.

He is not amused:

I am Piskull.


All that is needed for confirmation is a message to Piskull because Piskull is Ivan. I will gladly prove that I am Ivan.

All I ask is that Ivan's legacy be destroyed or else you will have a real enemy on your hands. You don't need some punk like me crashing the party. Just delete Ivan (or forward this message to someone who can) and I will go away, as I should have gone away a year ago and would have stayed if it weren't for my cousin, who has never played vortex in his life. He doesn't need his info posted on the Encyclopedia Dramatica (STAbner). You fucks have taken this too far. My personal info? Really?

This is harassment and if I have to get the law involved I will.


—Shit, wat do?

Oh yeah, you care so much about your personal info so you've made a Facebook account? Ok.

This PM was sent to an admin, here is the admin's reply:

I'm offended, you jump straight to threatening.

You're welcome to get the law involved though, they of course can reach me the same way you can. I expect verification.


—O shi-

But that's not all, a few weeks later Ivan replies to the admin's PM, prepare for some epic laughs:

I only jumped straight to threatening because I sent messages to Jordan and GHz with no reply.

Thank you very much for acknowledging my message. I have not received the same courtesy from the other moderators, which will not help this situation.

I realize I am showing a lack of patience, but what cause, considering everything, have I to be patient at all?

My art is being used without my consent and Tommy Abner is a family member of mine who is being badmouthed directly for never having anything to do with vortex. It was Levi Abner who played the character BS! and even after his name was mentioned several times your cherub-like buddies STILL got it wrong, probably deliberately just to rile me up.

My cousin doesn't need defamation of character while Levi Abner and Isaac Abner (Ike being me) could care less. Also, isn't being aggressive my style? Do you need any more proof of who I am?

The two things that need to happen are easy. Just delete/ban Ivan on this forum (I don't care about the vortex game as it doesn't even exist to me) and set the record straight on who BS! actually was instead of bad-mouthing a guy that has never and will never play Vortex. It's that simple, and you have until the end of March of 2011. I will check in about once a month from then.

I will be making preparations to sue over the use of my copyrighted mark (the piskull) that the images used on this site http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Vortex bare and I will be holding GHz responsible (not because I believe he deserves grief over this, but because he is the only party who could have prevented this entire thing from happening in the very beginning by actually banning those who break rules, like banning trolls, namely me, and because it is easiest to pin this whole thing on him because I know who he is). I can let it all slide given the provision that Tommy Abner be left out of this AND Ivan be rightfully annihilated from the forum. I could give a flying shit about the Vortex game itself, I'm not asking for Ivan's host of characters to be painfully gutted as all are welcome to use the characters as they please. I'm asking that his profile on the forum be blocked and Tommy Abner's name be removed from the record.

That's not asking much and the threat is very fucking real. MARCH 30th is the deadline. If I cannot get legal actions in motion then whatever, I have plenty of free time. Ban Ivan and adjust the info on the wiki. Easy as opening a browser window. I attempted to adjust the data myself and was unsuccessful (I deleted the article and my IP was banned and the erroneous data restored, haste and anger brought me to merely "ctrl a" and backspace the article). I shouldn't have to bother with spiking my modem for a new IP when the guilty parties can adjust the data as they very damn well WILL at risk of being sued on the grounds that my copyrighted art is being used against my consent.

I have grounds to be grumpy over this, I should have been gone a long time ago but I got a message from Tom over the wiki page and I am very rightfully fucking irate. Your shitty community of trolls have brought this upon you and GHz, not me. I want to be gone, make it easy for both of us.

I truly wouldn't have returned if it weren't for Kild and Devil's campaign of loserdom against me. I have real life to attend to, so please consider this very seriously or I will cause some real life problems in the form of legal action. I am not causing you this headache, keep that foremost in mind. Meet my simple as hell demands or things are going to get extra complicated for your friend GHz. I'm being very fair about this and I AM ready for war. As I said, meet my demands and that will be that. Please make this the last message I have to send, and please forward the message as you see fit to GHz and Jordan because I understand that you have reasons to give a shit less.

Thank you, Cruel. I do not care about personally being badmouthed, this really is more about Tommy who doesn't deserve this shit. You have family too, so I know you understand, and also understand that I am a shit person and so is Levi, but my other family members are not and they don't need to be pulled into this crap.


—tl;dr - We're going to jail.

Well good luck, see you 30th of March. PS: yes we fucked up the dox, it wasn't BS!'s dox, but hey, welcome back Ivan!


  • GHz:
  • Real name: Joseph Stalin


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


  • Homepage - Don't expect much informaton, the developer doesn't care about revealing certain skill stats and shit.
  • Forums - Watch out, trolling won't be tolerated.
  • Vortex IRC - Chat with people that are playing Vortex. Spam the server with ¨*** PLEASE RECONNECT***¨ and see people actually reconnect because they think an admin said it.
  • Wooden Gun Cabinets


Join the Vortex IRC channel for epic lulz and have fun catching cheaters.

  • Vortex IRC - This is the web IRC link for the Vortex channel.
  • EdgeIRC - This is for the mIRC client users.

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