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Wyatt Mann

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Repeat after me class...

A. Wyatt Mann (Powerword: Nick Bougas) is one of the greatest cartoonists of this or any other generation.

It is through tireless struggle in the name of our glorious white race that he has finally brought to light the imminent threat posed to our white way of life by the inferior mud races! But if there is one thing that you remember from the teachings of this man, remember this: Niggers? Jews? BAD NEWS!

Racist Propaganda? Moar liek fucking lulz amirite?

Those of the darker races, or those lacking a sense of white pride have been quick to condemn A. Wyatt Mann as an unfunny overweight alcoholic coward. These people are of course members of the international ZOG Machine bent on enslaving our Aryan men and raping our white wimminz, and should be shown the error of their ways.

This would never work. Not only is there no music on MTV, only 16 year old girls watch it anyway.
Blargh is born.

Other rumors also suggest that A. Wyatt Mann is in fact a gay nigger jew who is either a self-hating mongoloid, or one of the most awesome trolls in the history of the internets who is simply doing it for the lulz.

These rumors can neither be substantiated or disproven.

However, one matter of Manns personal life that is known is that ED's resident racist Blargh was the result of the Un-holy coupling of A. Wyatt Mann and a jar of mayonnaise, from which the fertilized egg was carried to term in the cunt of a negroid woman. LOL GONE

Deep down, you always knew he was from /b/
The correct way to deal with niggers.

A Wyatt Mann: The poet

Not since Shakespeare has there been a man gifted with such eloquent prose, surely his words shall echo down through the ages. Ogden Nash has nothing on him. Whether it be the epic poem of Coon Coon Baboon, or his quick little ditty about the alternate spellings of "Dirty Jew," his rapier wit cuts through all of the LIEberal's deception.

Coon, Coon.

Black Baboon.

Brutal, Worthless,

Thieving Goon.

Often High, Thrives In Jail,

His Welfare Check Is In The Mail.



A Wyatt Mann: The Comedian

Unlike that unfunny kike Seinfeld, A.W.Mann is a REAL entertainer. His mastery of the one liners will leave even the most conniving of hebes from the A.C.L.JEW fleeing in terror.

A Wyatt Mann: The JEW LOVER???

According to this blog:

""A. Wyatt Mann" is the pseudonym of a quasi-famous racist cartoonist. I recently happened to come across some art by the same guy under his real name. I will not out him here, even though you could argue that by drawing in the EXACT SAME STYLE as A. Wyatt Mann under his own name he has outed himself, but I googled his name and practically everything I found about him made reference to his associations with Jews. He has a girlfriend of several decades with a Jewish surname, he's referenced by a (goyish) quasi-famous writer as having been introduced to another (Jewish) quasi-famous writer at AWM's house, and a few others, and there's a tribute on the net somewhere by AWM to the former writer's deceased (Jewish) wife. He even directed a movie that's apparently a puff piece about another quasi-famous Jew. There's not a whole lot of information about him on the internets because he's rather obscure, and he seems to have been most active pre-internet, but almost everything that's out there has something like this. Remember, this is the author of Tales of the Holohoax we're talking about."

"The guy in the comments who said he knew AWM was the real deal and he told me about other Jews AWM is friendly with. Some of them are famous so I don't want to name names because I'm still not trying to out him. But there are probably Hassidic Grand Rebbes who have fewer Jewish friends than our AWM. I have also found out that AWM posts at an online forum under his real name. Somewhere there he has a heartwarming, completely unironic story about helping a homeless black man. Yet the ex-friend of AWM who commented here said that he's also completely sincere about his racism."

Wyatt Mann: Wyatt Kaldenberg

A few Aryan brothers have identified A. Wyatt Mann as Wyatt Kaldenberg(website is now a fake virus detector), an Odinist and all-around really nice guy. He even has a Facebook- be sure to hit him up!

In the 1980s, Wyatt Kaldenberg broke Geraldo Rivera's nose on live television (look for the guy throwing the chair).

A. Wyatt Mann himself, an exemplar of Nordic, Aryan masculinity if there ever was one.
Some say that this man is the one, true Wyatt Mann.


A Wyatt Mann has gained a cult following among b/tards, where it is not uncommon to see his glorious propaganda and sage words of wisdom crap flooded by the ravenous hoards of /b/.

Zyklon Ben??

Ben Garrison is a pro libertarian and constitution cartoonist that makes unfunny editiorial cartoons on the internet. In the eyes of /pol/ his cartoons are subtlely aimed at exposing the real banking elite, and are prime to be decoded to make the message more accesible Ben has not responded favorably to this, which only encourages /pol/ more.


In June 2016 the jewish kabbalah powers waned under a black sun eclipse and temporarily allowed Wyatt to escape from his interdimensional Zog prison that held him since the late 80's. Catapulted from the kike vortex he ended up on planet fullchan. As the god emperor of Shlomo art he wasted no time to produce new masterpieces and exchanged a few words with the polacks many years younger than him. Some suspicious anons feared the new Merchants might be a trick from alphabet soup to sniff out their super secret NEET identities or that they might even contain viruses. Wyatt's strength left him after a few hours of shitposting and he bade pol a merry adieu and a happy 1488. Leaving behind farewell gifts of AWM styled Trump's and Pepe's.


The truths that the ZOG machine doesn't want you to know

His works of art About missing Pics
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Catchy Rhymies (and we hate Hymies)

  • If you're white, you are right.
  • If they're black, send em back.
  • If they're brown, shoot em down.
  • If they are Yids, kill their kids.
  • All kinds of chinks, all of them stinks.
  • No Jews, No Blacks, No Gays, No Fags.
  • Will Rap 'fo food, we be livin' good.
  • Pull that trigga, kill that nigga.
  • Armenians and Jews! Watch your wallets toos.

See Also:

External Links:

Wyatt Mann is part of a series on National Socialists
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Sieg Heil!

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Wyatt Mann is part of a series on 8chan


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Featured article June 14 & 15, 2013
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