Welcome Home

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Welcome Home otherwise known as Gay Muppets is an ARG game made by PartyCoffin. It's an internet fandom that is filled with edgy tweens and lonely 14 year olds who fap to puppets.

Teh Plot

Due to Welcome Home being relatively new, the plot is up to the players imagination, however, we at Encylopedia Dramatica say its just gay.

The Characters

  • Wally Darling: Wally Darling is the main puppet whore of the franchise, he's a Homosexual looking for a good time who shoves apples up his rectum and paints porn of Julie Joyful, he's also your best friend.
  • Barnaby B. Beagle: Barnaby B. Beagle is the best friend of Wally Darling who knots inside him everyday, he is basically the gay furry dog version of Fozzie which only similarities being that both tell shitty jokes that makes you wanna an hero yourself.
  • Frank Frankly: Basically Squidward but a faggot who hates everyone and your mom he is supposed to be a foil to Julie Joyful, the fans love shipping him with Eddie Dear. He's also confirmed to be non-binary and use they/them pronouns, despite Clown himself using he/him.
  • Eddie Dear: The Homosexual that sticks his penis inside Frank's ass, he's often shipped with people other than Frank. Like Wally Darling.
  • Howdy Pillar: The Caterpillar who bags groceries, he isn't anything like Mr. Hooper as he is the only one working at his job.
  • Sally Starlet: A literal sun infected with Girl on the Internet Syndrome she constantly has to be in the spotlight otherwise she'll fucking commit an hero. no kidding, her bio literally describes her being an attention whore.
  • Julie Joyful: The Self Insert of Party Coffin himself, it's canon that she's genderfluid and an aspie, which makes the aspies in the fandom foam at the mouth. She has 3 other siblings making her the more hotter one.
  • Poppy Patridge: Big Bird's tranny cousin, she's a worry wart of a slut who basically worries more than your mom. She's also canon to be trans.

The Creator

PartyCoffin otherwise known as Clown is a faggot who barely knows how to control his rabid fanbase. Sounds awfully familiar..., known as an aspie who one day decided to make a fandom akin of that off muppets. His fanbase is akin to that of Dream who disregards everything he says, he created Welcome Home to be a project which caused a lulzcoaster to ensue when the autistic fucktards decided to label Welcome Home an ARG, which Clown didn't know what it was, The creator also didn't allow NSFW until the series was almost completely irrelevant, which didn't stop faggots and perverts at the time.

The Fanbase

The fanbase includes a lot of Autism and a lot of faggots.

See Also

  • Dream - Another faggot who has issues with his fanbase.
  • Autism - The requirement to be in this fandom.
  • Muppets - The original idea.
  • Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Another "Horror" webseries with muppets, which also has a faggot fanbase.
  • Tween - The Fanbases targetted audience.