Web traffic

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Web traffic is the key to the unlimited disposable income toward which all websites strive. The ability to generate and retain high amounts of web traffic is a direct measure of one's e-worth.

Those with no financial motivation, such as bloggers and LiveJournal users, still try to get web traffic because it determines popularity and status on the internets. Such attention whores and internet celebrities can sometimes leverage their e-fame into a business, but others are content with comments and pageviews.

Those seeking web traffic will do anything to get it. Propagating memes, quizzes and link whoring are all fair game when it comes to generating web traffic. It is said that the internet is a rolling river of money, and one's ability to generate web traffic is like trying to catch those silver, swift fish called dollars. If someone teaches you the right formula for generating web traffic, you will eat for a lifetime.

See also

Web traffic is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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