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Wannabealoserr = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

Wannabealoserr is an attention whore who makes vlog videos like your typical 16-year-old girl on JewTube. Originally from Seattle, she moved to Los Angeles in late 2011 after a fight broke out between her and her extremely hawt former best friend missalissa15.

Stuck-up personality

Wannabealoserr displays an extreme amount of GOTIS and unwarranted self-importance. She dyes her hair a different colour every video, uses way too much makeup, makes videos of herself doing mundane tasks like driving to work, and gets drunk in all her videos because she thinks it makes them more entertaining. All it really does is make her look like Hank Hill, and it causes people in other developed countries to ridicule the Americunts' unreasonably high bullshit drinking age of 21 even more. No British YouTubers would approve of her ways, especially because she's a handegg fan. WBAL also instantly goes on her period when you criticize her or call her out. She is the reason why more and more Americunts are becoming misogynistic.


Missalissa15 was Wannabealoserr's best friend for many years, until the loserr stole Alissa's boyfriend from her. He got Alissa pregnant prior to his dumping of her, so this meant Wannabealoserr was planning to be a foster mother. Alissa decided she had had enough of this bitch and quit YouTube forever in early 2012. Wannabealoserr unfortunately continued making videos and moved to California. Just like everyone who lives in that state, WBAL constantly shows off about living there and thinks it's the best place ever. But because she is female and therefore actually has good social skills unlike you and most males on the internet, Wannabealoserr is extremely successful there to this day and never receives any criticism. Until now! Troll her, please! Or you could plant cocaine in her bed and report her to the district attorney of Jackson County, Michigan. His name is John McBain and he is extremely misogynistic and wishes to execute all women in the country via electric chair because he is a power-hungry asshole with anger issues who loves cruel and unusual punishment, just like all Americunts do. But of course McBain wouldn't be such an evil jerk if it weren't for dumb bitches like Wannabealoserr.

Wannabealoserr is part of a series on YouTube.

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