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Note: a bunch of stuff got deleted off my article so basically this is a version that had a lot more info. I eventually plan to host the removed content on my userspace.

For now, check out the April 15 and May 11 dramaz. Plus crucible and sadly the why isn't he red? thread got deleted by censoring mods.

If anyone from those forums has any questions, feel free to hit me up. Apparently ban evasion doesn't work too well if you don't bother to reset your IP =P Not to mention I think even if I did, people pick up on my posting style and I'm not about to change that.

Actually, I'm going to call out shit-talkers by name, defend your assumptions sirs! BTW this was initially in order of my discovery but alphabetizing's easier. Tymec 00:09, 13 May 2012 (EDT)

400Lb Gorilla

"Yeah pretty sick."

  • What in particular do you assume is true that's sick?


"I would believe it is. That is a lot of work just to disparage a single person's name."

  • Why do you believe? Yes, it is a lot of work to disparage. It's not that hard to impersonate someone, and people are willing to put in the time if someone pisses them off enough. You know well enough that I'm argumentative.

"He always posts anime/cosplay/furry stuff or talks about it. He has linked pokemon and those characters are all supposed to be like 15 and under in it. Although some of the females are a bit too voluptuous, the one he would post the most or talk about (Misty) is a mosquito-bite chested gal in the show."

  • Always? I only recall posting furry once, which was an adult male wolf doing bodyweight exercises that I thought was funny. I don't even remember posting pokemon. If I did, it obviously stands out more in your memory than in mine. Misty's flatchested and cute, yes. She's also not a prepubescent child, so thinking she's hot doesn't qualify as a reason to label someone a pedophile. I happen to life voluptuous women too, FYI.

"He's been aruond youtube awhile. I know he had commented on one of my videos awhile back. Just said something about "bert". "

  • Oh, hm, wish I could remember the account name, lol.

"TONS of crap on him. From pro-pedo sites, him having long PMs with others"

  • Posting on the sites of people who promote extremist ideologies doesn't mean you share them. Believe it or not, as long as you're polite enough to avoid getting banned, you can go there to criticize people and have great arguments. I had many arguments. Not sure what you mean by PMs, EU doesn't have any PMs up I'm aware of, possibly you mean journal communities.


"I mean "yay"."

  • Once again, I think you guys are more happy to have someone who calls you out gone. You don't value criticism as highly as I do.

"what is his bicept routine."

  • Chins and rows, used to curl as a teen, not so much these days.

"can't be that doesn't work."

  • Try harder. I'm confident it would, I just avoid trying since it seems like a bad habit to start. Like cigarettes.


"it's no surprise to anyone here there was a screw loose but that confirms it."

  • What confirms what exactly?

"It's one thing for someone seeking attention to make a few comments 'for shock factor' as you described, but this guy has been at it for a long time. Certified oddball."

  • You already knew I was odd 'nik :)


"Somebody outed him. They found a website that claimed to have information about him and his activities, along with a photo and proof, I guess."

  • The term 'outed' makes it sound as if some truth were revealed. What 'activities' do you mean? There were photos, yeah, but 'proof' of what? You guess indeed.

To Matt297: "Go join Tyciol wherever it is he posts these days. They'll be 'tolerant' of your 'culture'" "Like I said, if that is your "culture", go join Tyciol on his forums."

  • Shit this guy got you mad, what did he post? Had trouble finding it.


"Did anyone notice "Tyciol" commented on one of the Kaveniskiysik YouTube videos? Isn't Tyciol that "evil" guy that was being talked about the other day? Hmm. Yeah."

  • I comment on a lot of videos. What of it?

"You wonder if people like Tyciol aren't just going for shock factor -- and doing it almost entirely if not entirely because they are attention whores. Someone not aware of your existence every second? Say something shocking, or troll people. That not working quite enough for your needs? Start doing even more shocking crap. Seems possible to me."

  • I do say things for shock factor, but not 'just' for shock factor. I'm an attention whore, but I don't say the things I do entirely for that reason, or even almost entirely.


Lol at Tyciol trolling youtube now. I've been wondering where he went. edit: Tyciol has nearly 10,000 subscribers.

  • Over 9000, so proud.

"Pretty much what I thought I heard. I heard it was the teen section. Anything slightly more specific?"

  • Who told you that? AFAIK it got dropped on the crucible, I don't recall any recent drama in the teen section. I rarely post there, I prefer normal Misc and WWE.

"Or ancient Greece"

  • I doubt I'd get by there, too much manual labour, too little anime. Also: I'm no boy-loving Athenian.

"His presence here, as elsewhere, seems like a practice, or more likely a derivative in leu of those other flagged sites. Appropriate grounds for ban nonetheless."

  • My presence on, since 2006, much longer than you Serpant, is because I was and am interested in bodybuilding. That was it. Any other assertions are pure speculation on your part.

"They sure did use a creepy picture on evil awareness site for his profiling."

  • I could supply them with some more recent less creepy ones, but I have learned something from these ordeals and I'm not THAT stupid anymore.

"I was wondering if it be plausible if someone was pranking Tyciol."

  • Some people are. I'm not every tyciol on the internet. There are others using the name to impersonate me and say incorrect things that do not represent my belief. This has been a particular problem with a lot of YouTube socks I've tried to get banned in particular.


"I'm sure you have."

  • Sir, what do you imply about GS?


"fat, lazy, useless AND a legit pedo to boot? Doesn't get much worse than that."

  • wtf is a 'legit pedo' and why on earth would someone think I was?

"Hopefully bans him as they dont really need a 'child sex activist' posting on their forums."

  • If I called you a child sex activist, would that make you one?


"I hope he is banned."

  • I am, don't worry, none of you guys have to actually worry about my having the ability to address your accusations or call you out on your bullshit, least not on your forum.

"My biggest "wtf" for the whole Tyciol thing is why in the hell would you use the SAME username on the "less than desirable" boards/websites you frequent if you didn't want it to be a known thing."

  • Gullible innocence and belief in people's goodwill to keep things on topic and not detract conversation with ad hominem attacks. That and: remembering a bunch of different names is hard.

Chaz: "The more this guy posts the more I think it is Tyciol"

Farley: "I could see that"
Peter: "His posts seem shorter and more to the point. Hard to say."
Hish: "His preference is for shorter things to touch his point."
  • I lol'd.


"mind blown = at tycoil"

  • You spelled it wrong =/


"Googled "Tyciol". Kinda wish I hadn't. BRB, feeling sick to my stomach."

  • Weak

"Unfortunately, I don't think he is subbed to this thread. We may have to wait until his May workout before he addresses this."

  • Or forever, since mods don't want to give people a chance to defend themselves.


"ha ha ha oh gosh!"

  • Are you making fun of my physique?


May 10: "Post xx: "Tyciol sub-buffer": Supine or pronated Hanging Leg Raises and how can one simultaneously "raise" and "hang" ... historical analysis multi-quote of hanging. And raising. In depth."

  • That's silly. The arms and torso hang, the legs raise. Parodies like this make me sound dumber than I am.


"He is."

  • I hold no grudge for stating the truth, but how'd you get banned bro?

"who will over-analyse content and master the multi quote in the exercise forum now?"

  • Oh I see, perhaps for saying something that


"Good Lord... Ugh... there's a place for people like him: the state penitentiary. Seriously, I can't help but think about that one girl in Great Bend, KS, who was raped, murdered, and burned beyond all recognition at an asphalt plant by a guy much older than her. I have absolutely no sympathy for such people."

  • Ossizen is the coolest guy yet, apparently is convinced I am a murdering rapist. Cool.

"Apparently, his name and usernames/aliases have been noticed all over the web for a while. I don't know if Toronto (or Ottawa) has a sex offender registry (that most of the States have down here). But if they did, it would have been noticed quite readily. One of my former high school classmates was convicted of rape and sodomy (on his OWN son in '96). Apparently, he attempted another attack on his son again last year. That caused his ex-wife to be in fear of her life."

  • Cool, now according to Ossizen I am now also a sodomizing sex offender. Don't stop there, accuse me of stealing tanks and using them to run over some puppies.


"that **** is ****ed up."

  • Am wondering Peter if you could clarify what you think is fucked up. This could be taken several ways.

"I'd rather him not be banned. As Tyciol we now know who and what he is. If he is banned he will just come back as someone else and remain unknown."

  • I wish Wikipedia took the same stance as you. My first attempt to bypass the ban failed, but that's only because I didn't change my IP. From now on I'll be using Tor so they won't be able to find me this time. So yeah, your stance is reasonable. FYI the stated reason for my ban is:
    "We may suspend or terminate your account and your ability to use any Site or portion thereof for failure to comply with these terms of use or any special terms related to a particular service, for infringing copyright, or for any other reason whatsoe"
  • So basically: "any reason whatsoever" = mods can ban whoever they like, based simply on disliking who they think you are, as opposed to breaking rules, since I never did.

"Being a pedophile..........seriously."

  • To be clear: that's not why I was banned. The reason I was banned wasn't conveyed to me by the banning moderator. I was simply told that we can be banned for any reason whatsoever, and no further clarification was given.


"i have a feeling that renferos is tyciol."

  • No, he isn't. I'd think of a cooler name than that.

"Hish, don't try to understand. He isn't right in the head. Things that might seem crazy or illogical to a normal brain are not crazy or illogical in his brain."

  • Any with experience reading my posts know I'm a pretty logical guy. Feel free to test it. My conversational skills eclipse those of many people you apparently think to be more logical than I am. Telling people to 'not try to understand' is pure silliness. Even for the irrationals out there, why do you think psychology is studied?

"Tyciol is nuts. Don't be surprised at anything he does. By all means be grossed out though"

  • You and others like you who wait until I'm banned to speak your thoughts exude cowardice. You can get away with anything because I'm not there to reply directly.


"Because he most likely (unconciously) DID want it to be known. If he was truly "in the closet" with his beliefs, NO ONE save the NSA would have been able to track him down. People act like it's hard to cover your tracks in the digital world..."

  • Interesting theory. I don't know my unconscious so I guess it's possible. That said: my beliefs have been distorted and misrepresented, and the altered quotations used to do that are quite dated and no longer current. I don't suppose anyone else has ever gradually changed their beliefs on various topics as they learn and reflect more on the issues?


"Jerking off to adolescents."

  • I don't recall having done this since I was one myself. The only real people I fap to are those I interact with in person (aka ones you have a chance with) and I interact with few females on any indepth level. Those few I have were adults. So yeah. Believe it or don't. Now if you want to include imaginary characters, that's a whole other ballgame.


"How did they get him in the first place? I was looking at his posts, see nothing but training talk."

  • Exactly, because I never abused the forum and kept on topic, obeying every rule. A perfect citizen: save for the lack of lifting.



  • Thoughts?


"no wall of text answer to being called a pedophile?"

  • Hard to do if you're banned by the time you read the posts.


"Assuming the "Evil Unveiled" web page is credible"

  • Not a good assumption to make, but I admire that you have enough skepticism to understand that it hinges upon their truthfulness, which I can assure you is flexible.

"I would assume that nobody was all that interested in him, at least not to the point of bothering to "misc. detective" him.""

  • I think the reason this initially happened was because I gave in to suggestions to keep a training journal. Retroactively, that was begging for undue attention. Guess that shows how operaets as a community: actually keep a journal and try to succeed like people encourage, and instead, they stalk you and get you banned. Course some people were nice and didn't actively do that, but as far as I can tell, they're standing by and letting it happen.

"Some guy posted a link in the "Why is Tyciol Red" thread that lead to a page which seemed to out Tyciol as a pedophile."

  • I appreciate the 'seemed to'. Some people still have their heads on straight.

"It wouldn't have surprised me to learn that he was posting from a padded cell somewhere"

  • I haven't finished constructing that yet. Good place to practice handstands I think.


"@Tyciol thing.....Well, another one bites the dust."

  • Another what?


"So is Tyciol banned because of all that now? For good I hope."

  • Of course, I think there were times when I would contradict your views on lifts. Enjoy the lack of opposition and criticism.