User talk:Segfault Sammy

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Welcome, Segfault Sammy

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Likeicare 06:58, 18 November 2013 (EST)


Are not doing it right --Likeicare 06:59, 18 November 2013 (EST)

-I did. It wasn't just an attack page- it had meaningful content. I'll add more info, lock it if you have to for the time being, but I have even more decent content for it if that wasn't enough. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Segfault Sammy (talkcontribs)

I'm going to move it for you to work on it --Likeicare 07:44, 18 November 2013 (EST)

Do tell me what it's missing. Unlike that gay-ass example you showed which I had already seen, mine actually has sarcasm and humor. The fact that the guy is enough of a desperate neckbeard loser to use a dating site isn't enough? The gay-ass posing, the serial killer-esque facial expressions on his profile, and the embarrassing exposure of his intimate thoughts isn't enough? Samples of his gay furry art aren't enough? It's about as complete as a run of the mill small wiki article...

The moment I prattle on and fill the wall with a bunch of quotes from him is the moment it stops being a satirical cross-section of forum subculture and actually becomes one of those fucktarded attack pages like the one with the pale fat bitch from rakuhana. Still, if you want to make me walk a fine line between more laughs and excessive rambling, I guess I have no choice but to finish out the article. {{Segfault Sammy}}

It's about as complete as a run of the mill small wiki article...


— Segfault Sammy

We have higher standards than TOW. Mr.Jizzfart 09:52, 18 November 2013 (EST)
Thin skin noted. Mr.Jonzz 10:24, 18 November 2013 (EST)

Weak troll detection, proceed to send MrJizzfart's account across interwebs for max butthurt. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Segfault Sammy (talkcontribs)

:D • Mr.Jonzz 22:36, 18 November 2013 (EST)


If you need assistance with your article then please don't hesitate to ask. image  Interstellar Shipping & Trading Co. 12:11, 18 November 2013 (EST)