User talk:G444

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Welcome, G444

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TKN Bot 18:42, 12 May 2013 (EDT)

File Titles

Please give any files you upload a proper name so they can be indexed/searched for...

No Good


Suggested Style


kthnxbai Mr.Jonzz 09:29, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

  • How do I rename a file after the fact? Seems like it won't fucking let me change the name. G444 09:44, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
They can't be changed after upload however they can be moved to a different title (if that makes sense) so that it's easier to link them in the future... if you want to retitle them now let me know what the titles should be and I'll sort it out. Mr.Jonzz 09:51, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
File:58fc632a5b288201af2e9e426bb504e1.png - File:n00bgrl_amanda2324_deviantart_screencap.png
File:D24328fdaa538b0f2f06486d92a9d915.png - File:n00bgrl_amanda2324_deviantart_screencap2.png
File:286257.png - File:kuroseki_humon_da.png
File:XHQSw.jpg - File:mrianna_humon_da.jpg
File:1234343w24f.png - File:demonwulf_deviantart_screencap.png
File:1234343w24f2.png - File:demonwulf_deviantart_screencap2.png
File:sSF5R.png - File:strawberryr_deviantart_screencap.png
File:4gry2r3r2ty4.png - File:overlapingleafs_deviantart_screencap.png
File:68rkujh4jki7.png - File:humon_projecting_vomit.png
File:1so2ki.png - File:pwnkage_the_older_they_get.png
thanks in advance
G444 10:07, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
Done. Mr.Jonzz 10:55, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

I like

When you're finished could you drop me a message so I can Article of the Now this? See you on the forum mystery user. 12:50, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

  • I'd say I'm finished for now, but that would be a tentative "finished" - I don't know anything about Scandinavia & The World and I'm pretty terrible at editing down comics to a reasonable display size on ED, so someone else will need to fill in for me on that (along with any juicy drama/bullshit). I've skimmed through the first 47 pages of the Humon thread on the forums to save time for everyone else; if progress is slow then I'll just keep filling in the article with stuff from the rest of that thread. G444 14:13, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
Alright. Will look it over in a couple days if not sooner. 14:15, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
Doing some clean up will let you know when finished. If you don't like an edit of mine you're more than welcome to undo it. 16:01, 17 May 2013 (EDT)

Suggestions for those Hulex pics you added to the Brony page

I was going to remove them since they looked liked they be better placed in an article about this Hulex guy, who seems like a real lolcow, but I decided to put them back in since I'm not sure.

I do recommend (if you can dig up enough information about drama caused by this luser) that you write an article about his specific e-drama.

DarkLordTR --> Talk here, n00bs. 21:46, 15 May 2013 (EDT)DarkLordTR

  • Draconis had the original source of the pictures (basically all three images in vertical sequence) and wanted to do something with them, but he wasn't sure if the single picture itself warranted a new article, so I suggested moving them to the Brony page. I'll see if I can get in touch with him about it, and whether we can get any other info on Hulex. You both seem to be on the same wavelength about Hulex warranting his own article. G444 21:59, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
    • He seems to have a live callout thread on some furry chan board AND a really terrible FurAffinity page. This could warrant a stub article maybe? G444 22:10, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
      • I would like to encourage the internet detectives to find any particularly awful shit they can on this guy, otherwise it's really just a stub of an article with links to generic furry shit. G444 23:03, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

Catgirl award

Good job with Humon and your recent contributions to Encyclopedia Dramatica! I award you with a catgirl!

16:00, 17 May 2013 (EDT)


Do you have the before drawing for this? 16:26, 17 May 2013 (EDT)

Appreciated. Something I noticed is there is no mention that Humon IRL is the result of rape. I think that was mentioned... somewhere. Am still cleaning up but should be good for tomorrow's AOTN. Can't stress enough that if you don't like an edit of mine you're free to undo it. 21:31, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
  • Well, I decided to hold you to it and go undo some revisions. If you think these revisions weren't very well justified you have free reign to revise the revisions:
  1. The biggest issue was putting the child image back at the top of the page because it requires the context that this was something Humon thought was a good idea. Putting it in a thumbnail on the right allows people to glance over it or pretend it's something thrown in to shock the viewer with no context ("they just added an image she didn't draw to be offensive"). That image absolutely should be the first thing people see and people should know why, especially if all they have to go off Humon is "she does those Scandinavia comics right" and "well it's ED, they always post bullshit about things that are popular". These people have to know what kind of person they're giving tacit approval to.
  2. Ditto the quote for the shield maiden series - a picture followed by a rambling wall of text is the kind of presentation Humon thinks is A-OK and we should preserve that; all the better to mock it (for how ugly it looks, how poorly it explains the comic series of pictures and how adequately it conveys the failure of the comic series of pictures to establish background and context). It is absolutely ugly and long.
  3. I put the galleries back under their respective headers since they fit better with the descriptive text rather than being jumbled together at the bottom. It felt like a weird disconnect to me. It'll be easier for the readers to find the header for a webcomic with the descriptive text and the galleries. More convenient than scrolling around the article looking for one or the other.
  4. Again if you feel these changes aren't justified, you can reverse them. The priority of these articles isn't for the authors to jerk their egos off, it's to get the message across to readers. G444 10:35, 19 May 2013 (EDT)
Everything is good to go. Humon makes Jiminycricketfan007 seem like an average girl with no mental health issues. Can't wait for this to hit the Main Page! 13:32, 19 May 2013 (EDT)