User talk:CryptidsChild

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Yo--TrannyJesus 01:48, 25 April 2011 (UTC)

sup brah CryptidsChild 05:05, 25 April 2011 (UTC)


Evening, faggots. I arrive to ask if my services will be needed. You see, I tend to be a bit obsessive-compulsive and have saved 20k+ images from ye olde ED and 4chan on the trusty ole external drive. A rather chaotically disorganised /b/ folder, if you will. However, I fail at knowing how to do shit on wikis, because I can't be arsed to learn, and had to reference the help pages just to write this, so I am not going to upload them here myself. inb4lazyfgtgtfo

Would The New And Improved ED be interested in wading through a truckload of awesome pictures to see if any 'needed' images are in there somewhere? I have a lot of stuff from the DeviantART portal, a few meme galleries, tons of creepypasta, and reaction images, but it's mixed in with so much 4chan/4chan archive rubbish that it will take some time for some unlucky nigger to go through to find the gold nuggets within the cesspool. tl;dr, I am a lazy faggot with pictures that I can't be bothered to organize that I wish to dump on someone.

I am, though, weeding out pictures widely available through various other websites (such as FB fails, Art Of Trolling) to save on size. Do want, Y/N? CryptidsChild 11:19, 23 April 2011 (UTC)

Yes, definitely. Can you upload archives with all the images to Mediafire or something, and post the links here? Joepie91 13:00, 23 April 2011 (UTC)
It would be ideal if you have not altered the filenames when you saved them. That will allow us to simply upload them as-is and they would automatically be seen in their respective articles. --Duckhat 20:15, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
As far as I can recall I haven't altered the names of any file I've saved from ED over the years. Pics from outside of ED will generally have the classic string of numbers file name, though. And yes I plan to put 'em all into a .zip archive and upload it to mediafire. Might be a few days, but watch this space and I'll post the link. CryptidsChild 05:04, 25 April 2011 (UTC)
Thanks a lot. On a different note maybe I should try and create a Image-Search Batch/Bash-Script to look if any of the Wanted Images are on a users PC. What do you think of that Idea? (I copied the Conversation from the Main_Page for Context.) --Blob 11:03, 25 April 2011 (UTC)