User talk:CrackRabbit/archive3

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yea that's cool, just try not to hit anything when it's only a few days old. week and a half/two weeks is fine though Uberfukken 00:56, 4 August 2013 (EDT)

Hey when you flush spam accounts delete the summary otherwise their spam stays in recent changes. Uberfukken 21:21, 4 August 2013 (EDT)
For the spam accounts do it like this: Flush the page (delete the summary field), ban the account. You only want to hide the content if you accidentally forgot to delete the summary. Uberfukken 18:28, 5 August 2013 (EDT)
Lol no problem, anytime. Welcome to the world of the custodial arts. Uberfukken 18:37, 5 August 2013 (EDT)


Nice to see that you've been promoted to Sys now ••General Niggerson Page me. 00:54, 5 August 2013 (EDT)


Would you move Anokchan to AnokChan? Interstellar Shipping Inc. 01:57, 6 August 2013 (EDT)

Do you consent?

^...if I add your username to the ED Government template?

Okay. LIATBuster30011 19:43, 6 August 2013 (EDT)

Removed Yer Tags!  :)

I wasn't sure about these two though, cause they're pretty tiny:

Do you know for certain if those are the actual originals? --Onideus 20:15, 7 August 2013 (EDT)


I should also mention that he's generally a NON contributing user. Unless he's obsessing over me in some manner he's generally not actually ~doing~ anything on the site at all. In fact I'm fairly certain the only reason he's even here is because I'm here. I only ban Hatter Addicts for short periods and only when their buttmad reaches the point where they're constantly roll backing vanity edits to my article (edits where they name drop themselves, add personal related content to the top of the article, talk about themselves in the article as if they were someone else, stuff like that). If they want to add content, that's fine, but if they get all butt flustered when it's edited in a way they don't like, to the point where it becomes a literal edit war on the RC...yeah...I'm gonna put a stop to it, even if it is only for a day. --Onideus 20:26, 7 August 2013 (EDT)


Did you get that to work? I forgot to reply to you the other day; I didn't create it so I don't know how 2 doitrite... :D Mr.Jonzz 23:18, 9 August 2013 (EDT)

Could you give me an opinion on an article I wrote?

I wrote an article about BoyWiki, which is basically a wiki based shill for child molestors, and I was wondering if it needs more content or if you think it might be ready for release. DarkLordTR --> Talk here, n00bs. 18:20, 14 August 2013 (EDT)DarkLordTR


hey whats up. when you switch something on new articles replace the oldest entry with it -Uberfukken 14:30, 17 August 2013 (EDT)

ah ok good shit Uberfukken 14:40, 17 August 2013 (EDT)

Re:Can you let go of LIAT and Megan.

Today is the day it is enough, ma'am. Now time for the name change and moving on to something new just like you said. LIATBuster30011 20:53, 18 August 2013 (EDT)

Thank you for everything. I love the new name. Mirrors II 03:26, 22 August 2013 (EDT)

I fixed the duck hunt picture

But it seems ED is a bit drunk, and should go home. Atomicnumber27 02:23, 19 August 2013 (EDT)

17 Year Old Pics

That one is actually kinda fuzzy, cause technically speaking 16/17 is the average "age of consent". It varies from country to country and even state to state though. Like in some states 16/17 is "legal" but only if the partner is with a 5 year age's all kinda weird/nonsensical for the most part. Oh, and then of course there's also RUSSIA, where the "age of consent" is TWELVE in most places. o_O

--Onideus 10:21, 21 August 2013 (EDT)

re: scooby

Awesome, I'll try and throw together something this weekend. If you can slap a stub together that would be helpful, I'll expand on it. -Uberfukken 11:40, 21 August 2013 (EDT)

Series template

I was just cleaning the series-template page of userspaced stuff (nowiki-ing the bottom) but for some reason Template:Foolz won't play ball... is it going to be mainspaced? Mr.Jonzz 21:31, 22 August 2013 (EDT)

ℱoolz Archive has archived threads related
to this topic. [CollapseClick for Links]

From my experience you don't need it in the main space to work you just have to call it like {{:Template:Foolz|...}} Seems to work just fine unless I am missing something. Interstellar Shipping & Trading 21:41, 22 August 2013 (EDT)
i don't care if it works or not (it does) I was just getting rid of all namespaced templates from the Category:Series_Templates page (including my own) by supressing the series-links at the bottom. Foolz kept fucking me about with the <now1ki> tags. Mr.Jonzz 22:10, 22 August 2013 (EDT)
<3 Interstellar Shipping & Trading 22:13, 22 August 2013 (EDT)

It will be mainspaced once I figure out how to get it to work with the FoolzArchive url form, and get it to be blue text on light green background like the design/style of the FoolzArchive site.-- Talk to me|Contribs 13:30, 23 August 2013 (EDT)

Britam and fixing the main page

I messed up the front page. But we need the BRITAM article up because the Jews are trying to have another Chemical Weapons false flag in syria and we need to sound the alarms! Me Ne Frego! 03:39, 25 August 2013 (EDT)


I'm off work for a few days so have no computer to use; I've been lurking on the phone a little though... Mr.Jonzz 04:42, 31 August 2013 (EDT)

howto unspam

Hi Mr/Ms CrackRabbit,

I see you are doing a wonderful job of catching and clearing and dumping the evilly deceptive spammers. I'm very grateful for that. But I've also been tagging/blanking their pages when I catch them.

  • Is this helpful?
  • Is it pointless, because you will see them anyway and you are already fully equipped to deal with them?
  • Is there something else I can do that would be even more helpful?
  • Is it all pointless because ED revenue derives from profit-sharing with spammers and/or something else that I couldn't or wouldn't or shouldn't know anything about?

thx --Paul Atreides 19:06, 3 September 2013 (EDT) Thanks.

Doublethx. I've already been properly told off by uberfukken now though, so. --Paul Atreides 19:56, 21 September 2013 (EDT)


I reckon theres a lot to find out about Live Jasmin and its actual owners, I'll see if I can find out some stuff. If you wanna have some bonus lulz I recommend going to their live support and striking up a random weird conversation. Their reactions are often priceless. I once pretended to have contracted an STD from a camwhore there and that my wife was really angry about it. They tried to explain to me how that was impossible. --TROLAHOAR 10:04, 11 September 2013 (EDT)

Opera blinkies

I have Opera 12.Something. It properly displays everything as pretty rainbow, and the "have fun" section blinks in and out of existence. Have fun also blinks on Opera 9.64.
Atomicnumber27 01:55, 19 September 2013 (EDT)


<video type="youtube" id="h7CyrPiThzA&autoplay=1&loop=2" position="bottom|left" frame="false" />

{{YT}} Mr.Jonzz 17:19, 28 September 2013 (EDT)

deleted links

I'll be going back around to fix the articles after I'm finished deleting images, no need to sweep up behind me. Thank you though -Uberfukken 18:56, 30 September 2013 (EDT)

Stop changing the visibility that is pointless. -Uberfukken 19:18, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
That was an honest mistake. I don't know/care who Snacks is but it was drawn to look like lolicon. -Uberfukken 19:25, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
Actually, to be honest, it should be deleted. Srsly, I've got a giant fucking folder with about FIFTY Moot/Snacks drawings in it (most of which are pretty damn amusing)...and interestingly enough, none of them depict a "little girl" (which is what Moot is) being forcibly fucked in the ass with a giant dildo...I'm just sayin. --Onideus 19:33, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
Done. -Uberfukken 19:34, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
you mean "a catgirl." catgirl =/= human girl.-- Talk to me|Contribs 19:36, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
Sounds like something a furfag would say. -Uberfukken 19:37, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
lol, no. actuall i just looked at it again and the "little girl" onideus is referring to is [[[WT Snacks|Snacks]]-tan, a moe personifaction of an adult as well. oh well.-- Talk to me|Contribs 19:39, 30 September 2013 (EDT)

Dumbass, What The Fuck Are You Doing?

You apparently "missed a meeting" or something. We're doing a pedo sweep today, there's an entire fucking thread on the forums devoted to it. Drawn, real, doesn't the fuck matter, we're flushing the shit as per Zaiger/Mantequila's wishes:

--Onideus 19:21, 30 September 2013 (EDT)


get on irc fgt 22:54, 3 October 2013 (EDT)

Child Porns

Uber went all spastic and started mass burning shit off the server (including most of the images in the Softpaw article), so that's why I had to check. Apparently he was also using it as an excuse to remove stuff that he just didn't like even though it wasn't really directly child porn I'm basically double checking everything now to make sure nobody is deleting shit that shouldn't be deleted. --Onideus 19:23, 5 October 2013 (EDT)