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[[User:Totensiediefurfag|Totensiediefurfag]] likes this.

Totally original symbolism there.

Widget, the gray mouse with a thousand names, by the malign providence of Shub-Internet the queen of all dox, mortal shadow of the left middle finger of Nemesis, bane of Alexreynard and perverted Rangerphiles in general, bids you welcome to her userpage. As a troll, she represents the next stage in the social evolution of the human species, unencumbered by empathy and other dross found in the emotional constitution of lesser beings.

NOTE: I have fired Alexreynard as my archenemy, on learning that he was an unemployable welfare bum. In light of that information, a continued nemetical relationship between us would be embarrassing. I am not interested in further information/tips about Alexreynard, and I probably already know it anyway if the past is any indication. Thanks all the same. - Widget, 7/2012

Widget's hobby is doc dropping furverts. If you have a furvert you want doc-dropped, or Alexreynard is giving you trouble, email her at [email protected].

Docs Dropped:

  • Alexreynard: Morgan Eli Kohl of Royal Oak, MI. He was not amused. While some people might find a psychopath who has twice been in the nuthouse writing fantasies about them being brutally raped to be worrisome, I find this nearly as amusing as you do, because I live in a state with a castle exception and nothing says "yiff in hell, furfag" like double aught buck.
  • Ray Jones: Ray Jones of Corpus Cristi, TX (hey, it was hard figuring out which Ray Jones he was! There's a lot of them.)

Docs Not Yet Dropped, But Held as Insurance:

Docs the Fates of which are being Grimly Mulled by Widget:

  • BWalmer stumbled into Widget's wider intelligence network a few days ago. Dox obtained.

I would like to make an official statement: Alexreynard has accused of "threatening his family and friends." This is not true. Strictly speaking, I have never even threatened him. I categorically renounce violence against furfags, which should not surprise you given that a dead lolcow is no longer amusing. Also, thanks to all you folks on tumblr who reminded Alex just how deviant he is last month. Seeing your comments brings me the warm glow of inner happiness, as I am reminded that I still happen to be on the side of righteousness and stuff. Peace. Widget 00:43, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

To talk about oneself a great deal can also be a means of concealing oneself. -- Nietzsche