User:Vitisvinifera/Mark Vine

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An addictive substance, bearing close relation to Scrumpy, its main ingredient.

Can be found in darkened corners of Pubs, Inns, Taverns, and any other place where strong Alcoholic beverages can be found.

Overdosing can cause complete delirium, and possible death, though an LD50 has not been formally established.

Symptoms of over-exposure include an unwarranted sense of well-being and comfort, inexplicable joy and hope, extreme arousal, and a smile like a smack-head in the Wicked Witch of the West's Poppy-Field.

Withdrawal effects include loss of appetite, loss of reason, Delirium Tremens, extreme pain in the heart-region, excess lacrimosity, paranoia.

Often mistaken for other similar specimens such as Alice Cooper or Severus Snape, MV can be distinguished by his Do'set accent, and enticing scent of cider, leather and piracy.

His Occulticity is Over 9000. Really.

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