User:Tama/Yes friend

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Yes friend is a stupid ass fag for a single person or gang leader, when they say jump the Yes friend will jump for them. Anything to make their gang leader or friend happy, they will do, even at the expense of their other friends or family.

The Yes friend will jump to their friends' defense whenever people diss, make fun or claim they're guilty of a crime, or even help stalk that person who is dissing their beloved friend and will deny that their so called friend is anything but an innocent victim of the person who is dissing them. Which is a huge joke as they're the jokes as everyone knows that the Yes Friends are mindless zombies who is most likely having their nose shoved deep into the ass or pussy of their beloved friend. They usually will be in the numbers of two or more defenders of the person or gang leader.

They do not have a voice of their own, only the voice of their leader will tell them what the Yes friend wants to hear and they will only believe what their leader tells them as everyone else is wrong.

Where you can find these Yes friends at.

  • DeviantART <-- This is the major hub of where you can find Yes Friends at.
  • Livejournal
  • Message Boards

How do I counter them, if I encounter them?

  • With snap retorts which makes them think.

What happens if I am blocked from replying to them?

  • Make a journal post or a screencap deviation with your retort, where you get to laugh at the Yes Friend's stupidity. All your watchers and friends will be able to laugh with you at the stupidity of the Yes Friend.

The Yes friend are really nothing more than a goon for their leader, their friend really doesn't consider their Yes friend to be anything but someone to order around and the Yes friend is too ignorant to say no to them, they are like mindless zombies doing the dirty work for their beloved friend.