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ViperLover (Vy-per-Lu-verr)

aka James Alfred John Mintram

A young man of the Southampton area of the UK. First appeared on Reptile Forum UK in late 2009 as a "keen to learn" novice reptile keeper. Subsequently he has lied, insulted, threatened and abused his way into notoriety within the worldwide reptile keeping community. Examples of his "craft" are:

"I have the UK's largest collection of venomous snakes" c2009, to an American keeper when James was still only 16 "She's a fake f**king herpetologist, a sh*t shovelling nazi bitch" referring to a female zoo worker "she's a c**t" referring to the daughter of a renowned American reptile keeper

He is a racist, homophobic mysoginist prone to outburst and threats of violence, followed by fake contrition and self pitying promises of change