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At some point, At least 100 years ago, there was a butthurt newfag angry that racism exists on the internets. Then one days he decided to make a YouTube channel to promote his self righteous bullshit by means of spamming and personal attacks. Furthermore, to prove that he's right, he makes multiple fake accounts to post his bullshit all over the YouTubez. (Protip: The latter can be used to cause immense amounts of butthurt, just mark everyone's comments as spam while one upping your own troll comments!) Anyway, have a look at his channel, and enjoy yourselfs as he's clearly a sane person.

Trolling RonPaulHatesBlacks

Ironically enough, it's quite easy to troll this fucktard. Here is a list of ways how!

  • Respectfully ask him about his multiple favored videos about Ron Paul
  • Ask him why he has a giant picture of him posted on his channel if he disapproves of him
  • Tell him you like Ron Paul
  • Tell him that Ron Paul loves black people!
  • Ask him why he spreads so much hate, and yet states that "all men are created equal and should be treated equally"
  • He claims that he's been through law school...ask him why he spends his time on YouTube.
  • Tell him slavery wasn't that bad!
  • Point out the fact that the flag of the United States flew over slave ships for 70 years prior to the civil war.
  • link him to this page!


I'm sorry...what was that again?

See Also

First admin to baleet gets a cupcake!!!!!!!!

RonPaulLovesBlacks/RonPaulHatesBlacks is part of a series on YouTube.

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