User:RainGhostLove/Nic Vizo

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‎>Eating spaghetti >Pick up my phone >It suddenly sprouts legs >It grows arms >It tells me to get on its back >I put my spaghetti in my pocket >I get on its back >It begins flying me to a random spot in space >I see a robot in the distance >The robot is actually 13,000,000,000 miles away >This robot is the size of VV Cephai >Eventually we reach it >I go into a hole in what looks like a foot >The hole is 14 miles wide >My phone turns into a phone >It opens "Draw for Free" >Writes "Go to the head" in cursive >Begin walking, as it shows the blueprint for the robot, and my location >In about 19 days, I haven't moved one pixel >Ask it to fly me. >It turns back into a robot, grabs me by the shirt collar, and begins flying at mach 8 >In about 5 months, we reach the stomach >I see a teleporter hub >I grab my phonebot >It turns into a phone again >We stand in the transporter >It transports me to the head >My phone leaps out of my pocket >It begins typing a sequence in a keyboard in the wall >It's in some odd alien language >A blue sphere appears >It's mapping out the universe >My phone types in the coordinates for the Milky Way >Fuck. >Along with the phone and the robot, they reach the Milky Way in under 5 minutes >It begins charging its laser >I tell the phone to stop >It won't >I remember the spaghetti in my pocket >I remember my family >It's lonely out here in space. >I miss my wife >I pull out the spaghetti, and throw it at my phone >The phone begins sparking >Its screen breaks >Phone sets on fire >Robot goes haywire >Only exit is a mile away >Start running like a motherfucker >Dive out of a viewing panel >I dive into my spaceship that I composed of stray parts while flying to the stomach >I find Mars >I stop to refuel >Earth is in view >Mars is a terrible place to raise your kids >In fact it's cold as hell >I'M A ROCKET MAN ROCKET MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN