User:HRH Prince Oleo Pudenda

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٭ˀʔƷˀ HRH Prince Oleo Pudenda ˁƸʕˁ٭

Who the hell names a kid "Argon Nunchuck", anyways? That's a goddamn lie. Why Jesus went inna hospital. Think my guts is bleedin' again. Gotta swallow some band-aids, the swellin' go down. I got that plastic can thing keeps my heart inside?

But I didn't listen. Sometimes it's midnight, when what happened to today can happen to yesterday, too.

I got some biscuits waiting in the dog. Got a SMOOTH DIAGNOSIS, HONEY! I GOT ON MY SHOES! Got a LIGHTBULB fulla VISINE. Gettin' ready to PARTY DANCE! Makes me wanna fly outer space to the Space Moon. One'a them angel horses has devilhorse bugs for eyes. FUCK that narcotics! Goin' straight to POLICE JAIL.

Special thanks to Fellatio Q. Cumberbottom and Hector Gormez Squabblecrotch for their invaluable help regarding sane and believable online aliases. Your deaths were not in vain.