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Hello there, Coelacanth. Welcome to your Sandbox!

The sandbox is a great place for You to practice and improve your wiki markup and general editing skills.

Please take note anyone can still edit your Sandbox. You shouldn't worry that much about that and on the bright side, it encourages collaboration and improvement.

  • If you accidentally deleted what you worked on, do not worry! Check your page history in order to retrieve your previous work!
  • You may do whatever you want here, but do not turn this page into a redirect or remove this template, it would be counterintuitive.
  • To Admins/EDitors: This page should not be locked at any time.

Templates i'm working on

GoAnimate attack article

Oh look, here's another unfunny attack article on some random GoFag nobody cares about.
ED does NOT need another {{crapstub}} about some loser that makes shitty GoAnimate videos, nor does it give two microscopic shits about whatever petty drama you might have. STOP making shitty attack articles about random GoFags and lrn2wiki.


This article is a massive turd clogging the sewers of ED, and should be CLEANED UP immediately.

{{Offended}} but for jews.

Oy Vey!

Is Coelacanth/Sandbox not kosher enough?
Click here and let G-d know how much of a bad goyim this article's author is.


Thirsty for some Kool-aid?

This page contains many an heroes.