User:Braden/Tractor Invasion of 2011

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Raids...everybody loves 'em. Unless you have the misfortune of being a target of one that is.

/x/ tries to escape

The Beginning

On 29/04/2011, a thread was created on /b/ preparing to launch a tractor raid on /x/. When the launch code was given by the Tractor Commander, /x/ took refuge by launching a ship - anybody who's post ended in an odd number, was allowed to board. They landed safely on /an/, until it was revealed /b/ had planted a tractor there. Many /x/ans claimed Rule 48

/b/ follows to /an/

The War On /an/

A multi-board-war then broke out, the original Tractor Commander was b&. Several other boards, including /k/ and backups from /x/ arrived (there was a delay, due to something about the doors and a security clearance going on, at the same time). Much Tractor Death followed and it was a sad day for tractor kind. During the event, mods on /x/ b& the word "BRUM" from being posted; /x/ had fought off the attack.

/x/, /k/ and /an/ launch a counter-raid on /b/

The Invasion of /b/

The newly allied /x/ and /k/ and /an/, found their way to the Tractor HQ - which remained mostly unguarded and proceeded to launch an attack against the defenceless HQ. Back on /an/, a nuke is launched by the coalition in order to prevent the Tractors progression, however by the time it lands, the Tractors have gone back to the hive to protect the HQ; /an/ is destroyed. The war is still on going; though it appears that the Tractor Invasion of 2011, that Tractors - and /b/, did not come out winners.

After the tractor armies had been decimated by the forces of /an/, /k/ and /x/ the Tractor Prime was forced into combat with a chapter of Space Marines called the Angry Marines. After a long battle and gruesome fighting, The Angry Marines appear to have killed Tractor Prime. Small amounts of resistance tractors are still being exterminated. Combined forces of Ultra Nigger 2-1, Noble Squad, and Delta Squad, with the help of the USS Enterprise, USS John C. Stennis, USS Los Angeles, some fucktard in an F-15 with nukes, and Apache Helicopters defeated the main contingent of the Tractor Command Bunker. The last messages from the Tractor Commander insinuated that there was a more powerful ,yet to date unseen, tractor. this is disturbing due to the fact that Tractor Prime was arguably the most powerful being to assault 4chan with its presence.

Many tripfags from /k/, /x/, /an/ as well as /b/ were lost in the battle but as per usual.