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User:Another n00b/Rant on Mcdonalds

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The ones I've been in are in pretty nice shape, but I usually only buy coffee. Can't eat the regular food, although I've tried there oatmeal and haven't gotten sick. Worst thing about McDonald's (or any fast food place I've been in) are the customers. Many are rude, obnoxious and filthy, and that's just the kids...the parents are even worse. It surprises me sometimes that these companies can actually get people to stay long enough to become managers (yeah I know the pay sucks, too).

If you watch the movie, Supersize Me, it goes into detail on all the reasons why McDonald's is not healthy and a man goes there every day for 30 days. At the end, it shows how much weight he has gained. One time, he found a hair in his smoothie. I'm never eating at this restaurant ever, ever again. Not only does the place suck (which, in some places are actually pretty clean), the food sucks too. You know that the food never digests? And never gets raw? That's friggin' disgusting!

The most disgusting thing to see is overweight parents feeding their overweight children this non-food, empty-calorie laden fodder. This is because it is supposedly a family "restaurant", that parents loudly complain that their food is fattening, unhealthy and oppose when a McDonalds is due to open directly opposite their children's school. Yet regularly hold birthday parties there- for children.

It is either a strange-yet-genius marketing move, or well, just plain strange, but a recent McDonald's print ad from Finland sure has people talking (Adweek remarks that usage of the word "udderly" abounds in online commentary about the ad). The copy reads, "The Real Milkshake. Now with Double Flavor." The ad is supposed to be a picture from under the cow (note the background in the full ad below) and depicts a cow udder in which the teats are shaped in a peace sign. Oh wait, or do the two teats indicate the "double" flavor? Presumably, the inclusion of a cow udder is to emphasize the "milkiness" of the milkshake, but at the same time, it sort of makes me lose my appetite.

The most disgusting thing to see is overweight parents feeding their overweight children this non-food, empty-calorie laden fodder.


Today I visited a McDonalds in Walmart. After touching other utensils the manager placed our frenchfries on the tray without covering them with a napkin or using gloves. She actually grabbed the top of the bags with her barehands. When I mentioned it she said her hands were clean and I did not receive a refund. Sickened by this I threw our entire order in the trash. While doing so I observed her wiping her face, nose and mouth with her bare hands and then handling other customers food without bothering to wash her hands. Totally disgusting!

A grandmother was alarmed to find a condom in a happy meal gift pack bought for her 7-year-old granddaughter at a McDonald’s restaurant in New Zealand, local media reported Thursday. The condom was discovered Tuesday night in a bag that came with Maia Whitaker’s meal, which her grandparents bought at a McDonald’s outlet in the city of Wellington. Grandpa Rowan Hutch told The Dominion Post newspaper it was lucky his wife was first to look inside the small sports bag that came with the meal. She was aghast when she found the green condom and its packet inside the bag, he said. “I was pretty horrified really. The fact my granddaughter was going to look in the bag and find this thing. It would be difficult to explain, she’s only seven,” said Hutch. The outlet quickly swapped the happy meal for a hamburger and pencil case. McDonald’s is investigating the find.Green Condom Spokeswoman Joanna Redfern-Hardisty said because of its popularity, the previous happy meal gift had sold out at the outlet and prepackaged sports bags were substituted as children’s gifts. One was left unsealed for display purposes and “somehow” had ended up with the customer, she said, without explaining why the condom was present.

An American mother went to a McDonald's with her two 6 and 8 -year old children. She ordered two Happy Meals with chicken for the children and a hamburger with fries for herself. While they were eating, the 6-year old was more interested in the slide across the street than in the chicken nuggets which he didn't even touch. So the mother decided she would eat them. Without actually watching what she was doing she was bringing a chicken biggest to her mouth, just when her 8-year old son yelled not to eat it. So she looked at the biggest to find that -- despite the crust, it looked just like a chicken's head.The manager offered them their meal for free and two more weeks of free meals. The mother pressed charges and demanded 100,000 dollars compensation.

I think this is a temporary promotion, but I just had to try one given their apple pie remains a personal favourite of mine. Plus, banana and chocolate go together really well in terms of flavours. For those still tempted to try it, BEWARE because it tastes completely disgusting. We all know fast food joints use lots of artificial chemicals and preservatives in their food, but never has it tasted so obvious for me. The chocolate filling was kind of passable, but the banana was clearly just a gooey mess of yellow coloured pudding with artificial banana flavours.

In Case You Were STILL Eating at McDonald's... ...The food, even if it wasn't tampered with, is tastebud Hell. You will be shocked to discover many terrifying sights. The basic area is horrid, and the first thing heard is whiny children complaining that their "McNuggets" are too "salty" and obnoxious overweight adult customers arguing pointlessly at a random worker. Most seats are taken up by either a crowd of 100 college students clustered into the corners of the room wearing baggy bin bags for trousers, idiotic children or teenagers shouting random things about their "meals" or obese men and women who gorge on about 5 of the disgusting, greasy "burgers" which would make a pig look like it has better diet and dining sense. The smell and overall breathing space is terrible, and the tiny sweaty dining areas usually waft with odours of frying faeces coming from the hidden kitchens.

Mcdonald's the absolute crappiest fast food restaurant where only little children, hobos, poor people and fatasses addicted to their food go to eat.


Mcdonald's is the absolute crappiest fast food restaurant where only little children, hobos, poor people and fatasses addicted to their food go to eat. they say they serve healthy salads but the truth is one salad has more fat than one of their rat poisoned nazi burgers. The only restaurant on earth where you can miss one, drive one mile, and come to another. They are the largest fast food chain. idiots are eating too much of the food and got super fat. so instead of excercising and going cold turkey, they sued mcdonalds. what did they do with the money? bought more big macs.

It is a stinking cess pool of a restaraunt in which you would be hard-pressed to not find at least one of these places within a 5-mile radius in an area with at least moderate population density. Although most people who eat there admit the food is bad for you, these people have a strange sort of addiction to going there; it's effects are very similar to cigarettes. Part of what makes McDonald's so appealing is that their food is generally cheaper than it is at any restaraunt whose food wont give diarrhea with ingestion. Because of this, McDonald's has great appeal to people with low incomes. They like to single out minorities in their commercials because minorities stereotypically have low incomes. McDonald's may in fact have an evil scheme going in which they will render the poor extremely unfit, thereby making their chances of catching a big break even slimmer. It's no conincidence that both healthy and wealthy rhyme. It is a bad fast food chain. The food has grease and calories through the roof, is likely to cause food poisoning, and doesn't even taste good. Its symbol is often optimistically called the Golden Arches; but in actuality, it's a huge, piss-yellow "M."

I don't think it's the restaurant (although I don't like it there and try to avoid eating there). Most McDonalds restaurants are actually pretty clean and pretty good service, it's just the people who choose to eat there every single day, and raise their children on Big Macs because they can't be bothered to raise them properly. And also their milkshakes aren't vegetarian.. I have no idea what they put in them but the fact that they put something in milkshakes which is not vegetarian... that just goes to show how artificial their food is.

When using the bathroom in McDonalds, be sure to flush twice. It's a long way to the kitchen. It is a fast food place unfortunately found around the earth. Shitty food is easy to spot here, usually greasy beyond recognition, probably from the nasty pimple-faced losers rubbing their face in your food. These losers usually have voices that crack alot. McDonalds gets sued alot, and this is a good thing because McDonald's sucks. They are the shittiest "restaurant" in the world, where they inject fat into dog shit, and serve it in hamburger buns on a plastic tray.

The name is an acronym for their terrible food, and the shitty McDonalds experience overall:

M = Malnutritious
C = Crap
D = Disease-ridden
O = Overweight-customers
N = Never-get-served
A = Annoying-little-shits
L = Lard-filled
D = Disgusting

The menu? Plastic shaped to resemble food. With chemically produced smell and "taste". Despite there latest move into salad, they are still the crappiest "restaurant" in the known world. People only eat there, when they a) Can't cook,
b) Are stupid,
c) Are broke,
d) All above.


....A symbol of US dominance and filth. Demonstrative of the idea that an advanced society can exist and thrive without producing goods and services that relate to or possess quality.

The only good things at McDonalds, in my opinion, are the chicken sandwiches, the parfaits, the fries (in small amounts), the chicken selects, and the Big Macs SOMETIMES. Pulls people in with cheesy advertising and video of their food which never looks like it does when you order it. It is less of a fast food chain, and more of a public toilet with attached restaurant facilities. The high standards of quality and cleanliness seen in the toilets do not apply to the food, however. And after-all, it can't be called a "restaurant", because the food isn't real. Avoid, except on rare occasions.