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Are you of Jewish or Gypsy matrilineal descent? No. Jesus is my only lord.

Is the ability to ban someone the sole reason you want to be an ED Admin? The banhammer is a fucking tool, not a toy you can mess with.

If answered yes to either of the above questions you do not need to fill this form out any further. Please email back to the lead sysop and someone will get back to you

ED Username: Andrés (Formerly Severus Snape)

IRC Nickname: same as above.

Who recommended you? Well, TKN says yes. Meepsheep does too, and hipcrime agrees. I've got a recommendation from Oblique as well. And the new sysop, TylerRosenow wants me to be a sysop too.

Age: Although no one cares, 19.

Email address: [email protected]

Physical location (country/state)? Santiago, Chile

When are you active (approximate times)? 3 PM - 9 PM (GMT –4)

How long you've been EDiting? Lurking for months, editing with temporary interruptions since ends of 2011's october.

Articles you've done or contributed to? I like to mostly watch everything rather than editing because my sometimes not-so-perfect english and because I think I'm not as hillarious as ED needs (although it's a wiki, so people can improve my articles), I actually do more corrections, wikifyings and such. My contribs are in [[Special:Contributions/ Andrés]] and a summary of some of mein articles is available on User:Andrés/oldup.

How good are you at wiki? Over the average.

Do you have any websites of your own?(you can be vague): I used to manage some websites, now I'm dedicated to ED "full-time".

Do you have any programming skills? A bit of perl and the obvious HTML/CSS (I like Being a SysAdmin rather than a programmer).

How did you discover ED? While I was lurking in a retarded spic wiki, I followed a link to 4chan (my first time reading it), and I found a link to ED in it, which I followed thus lurking for months before getting enough balls to register.

What is your favourite ED article? Bill9929, SOPA, Cyndre, ED Singers (thus legi0n), furfag and Offended.

What is your favourite thing about ED? Thrilling Humour.

What is your least favourite thing about ED? "amirite" jokes.

In your own words, what is the mission of ED? Documenting Lulz (thus it's drama) and to show the world-as-is with truth about niggers, furfags, jews, etc without any censorship.

What will you do to uphold that mission and make sure ED stays true to it? Building a quality wiki with quality users who will do quality edits on an overrated community.

Why do you want sysop? Because I want to help in a better, more direct way to ED.

Why do we want you as sysop? Because I care a lot about wiki stuff and I'm glad to do everything for helping ED (also, I usually review Special:Random articles, the maintenance special pages and article histories as an asspie would do, viewing things others simply won't find.) And for last, teaching new users to don't be dicks and do the best edits they can, thus making a superb community.

What changes/improvements would you make if you become sysop? Regularly checking the deathnoticed articles for filtering them out from 'misunderstood new articles' and then re-reviewing them and thinking in 'what would affect if I flush this bad article?' and 'is this an unfixable piece of crap?' before flushing them, but the revision proccess is important because I want to make (real) crappy pages disappear, which are normally emo attacks. And also, most strange things I find on the wiki (spam, under-16 porn, et cætera) must go through an person in the middle, which is too retarded (TOW proved it), although I often ask for second opinions in most important actions, the man in the middle is pretty messy. I think I couldn't expose myself properly in this item but these are some of the most urgent things I want to do, TL;DR: No one does some tasks, I'm glad to do them and I want to help others and the wiki without many retarded interferences.

Are you a mod/admin/sysop on any other websites?(you can be vague): I'm a former anon admin, but I ragequitted, does this count? Oh, also I'm an Editor on ED. :)

If you were editing and needed some MediaWiki markup that you didn't know off the top of your head, how would you go about getting it? Googling it silently and if that fails, asking User:Mike_the_Great or User:TKN in PM.

What is a Tor node? A stupid idiot who thinks that he can make a difference with sharing his bandwidth with CP dealers while they connect to other Tor nodes, thus making them (the CP dealers) almost unable to track (a silly excuse for "anonymity").

What does a morphquote do? It's a neat, organizated way to not flood an article with quotes.

What Operating System do you use when you edit ED? Fedora with Firefox. (DISREGARD THAT, WINDOWS 3.1 FOR WORKGROUPS AND NETSCAPE).

Do you have a Facebook y/n? yes, but rarely ever use it.

How often do you use email? Twice a week if I didn't send any mails that week. How often do you use IRC? Everyday.

So I hurd you liek Mudkips? It's "heard".

If you were on South Park, who would you be and why? I don't care about South Park (Sorry but it is not a fucking lot popular show in Chile). But I think I'll be that boy with the orange coat (I think he is called kenny, iirc).

Do you own a cat? Nope, but I own a bunny :3

Any other things we should know about you? I like neatness and I'll do everything for my fatherland, ED.

Open book history test:

Who is ajt? From a search on ED, according to Oblique and hipcrime, he was Girlvinyls Boyfriend and a world-class IRC Businessman according to some logs.

Who is stabbington? By far the most abused bot on ED IRC which some people claimed that it helped on deciding who was going to keep the Vox Dramatica prize but the well known fact was that it was the whore of IRC.

Who is Wattage? The ediottest of the ediottest, part of the finer users ever (according to his imparcial article and a bit of further research).

What group did ODB manage in the 80's? The Beastie Boys

Why is loldongs so funny? And don't even try to say it's not: Because we all like dongs inside our anuses.

What was the first ED event to get us widespread coverage + mentions on national tv + crash our servers? the rfjason cl experiment.

Why was ED originally made? The first edits were focused to livejournal and TOW. Girlvinyl was just bored with a lot of free time (a nice way to say unemployed)

Please explain your understanding of why was redirected to OhInternet: Girlvinyl wanted more money (because almost almost no one would advertise on ED and the donations money wasn't enough to fill her greedy, fat pocket) and she did not care about our precious articles and revision histories.

What article was voted on ED's 5th anniversary to be the greatest on our website? Chris-Chan. (further reading: ED5)

Bonus Question (Worth 30% of total test score):

On a scale of 1/10 how much do you agree with the following statement, 1 being completely disagree and 10 being agrees completely: "Penis is great!" Please explain the choice you made in 3-5 sentences.


Because it can be sticken in in almost every "terrain" and it launches several kinds of liquid which are tasty. Also its more enjoyable and playful than other sexual organs.