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Hello there, Adamisherebitches. Welcome to your Sandbox!

The sandbox is a great place for You to practice and improve your wiki markup and general editing skills.

Please take note anyone can still edit your Sandbox. You shouldn't worry that much about that and on the bright side, it encourages collaboration and improvement.

  • If you accidentally deleted what you worked on, do not worry! Check your page history in order to retrieve your previous work!
  • You may do whatever you want here, but do not turn this page into a redirect or remove this template, it would be counterintuitive.
  • To Admins/EDitors: This page should not be locked at any time.


Adamisherebitches/Sandbox looks like shit but it is NOT a {{crapstub}}. It is a work in progress!
If you require assistance beefing up this article, then hit up the experts on EDF.

The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.
This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry
This article is about a person who is under 18 years old.
You can help by knocking down their self esteem, telling them to stay in school and to get off of the Internets until then.
Lucas Capucho
Born June 22, 2007
Nationality Portuguese  
Residence Odivelas, Portugal
Ethnicity White devil
Gender Male
Sexuality Pansexual Pervert
Aliases Cipher, CipherAgent, Lucciph, The Great Mintleaf
Occupation Throwing tard meltdowns like a pussy, drawing sexual pictures and liking NSFW posts on twitter.


Cipher (Powerword: Lucas Capucho) is a 17-year-old sick fuck from Odivelas, Portugal. He was apart of TMAFE (Standing for "The Microsoft Agent Frontier Empire") until he got banned. He has been LARPing for America which we'll explain more in this article.

The Beginnings

Putting a flower on your face doesn't make you pretty, ugly fuck

The day was June 22, 2007, the abortion of Lucas failed, and Lucas was destined to live a fucking pathetic life, ever since that day, he lived to be a perverted moron (including drawing a sexualized picture of one of his classmates), annoying nonce, etc.

Allies (otherwise, neutral)

Cipher and Akko when achieving nothing in return.
Stop chewing on your toy, you're not a baby
  • Akko - a spic who is whiteknights Cipher


This is him alright.


Totally not tard raging about girls, amirite?
Lucas's Tard Rage and other shit About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

See Also