Truth Box

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It's science!

Truth Box is one of the worst crapplications you can get on MySpace, made by Sumit Gupta (A.K.A. Bitrhymes), and is made for 16 year old girls. Originally built up around the idea of sending people comments on what you think about them anonymously and telling your secrets (anonymously or not) to other Truth Box users in the "Secrets" section, it has now become the worst image board evar with users doing their best to post things seen as "cute" in an attempt to get "emps" (see the "Emps" section below).

The crapplication went from bad to FUCKING SHIT when they removed the "Dislike" button from posts which would actually take away power points from the poster when clicked and would leave many people butt hurt. Now everyone thinks they are popular as the people who disagree tend to be too lazy to post a comment on the "secret" to show how much of a douche OP is.


"Emps" are when somebody clicks the "Empathize" button under the users secret to empathize with them. For every "emp" a user gets they receive one power point which they have started to harvest. They believe the more "Emps" you have the larger your Epenis is. When a user gets a certain amount of "emps" they will receive a power bar which adds an extra foot to their Epenis. A power bar is displayed by a little green bar under the users name when they make a post.

Posting Anonymously

Correct sir, OP is a fag

By default, when a user makes a post or comment they will post anonymously. To post and show your identity (show your avatar and a link to your MySpace page) then check the box next to the words "Reveal your identity". If you don't check this box then you will remain anonymous. Instead of showing your picture it will show one of 2 pictures (based upon your sex) where both pictures are clearly wrong.

If you're male:

This is clearly wrong as there are no niggers on the internet and also you most likely have a face.

If you're female:

Yet again, another error on Bitrhymes's account, due to the fact that there are no women on the internet.


The Secrets section of Truth Box is the most used section and therefore the worst section. When this was first made it was a place for users to confess their secrets (anonymously or not) to the user base and to feel better about themselves as somebody else had gone through it too and could help. Now all that happens is people post things trying to seem cute or funny or sensitive in a fail attempt at getting "emps" and increasing the size of their Epenis. Seriously, you don't want to go in there, what it's turned into is basically an imageboard of nothing but the cancer that is kill /b/, no win at all. NO WIN!!!!1!11one!11oneone

Posts tend to state the obvious with a picture (usually unrelated) to go along with it and the post will be finished with "Emp if you agree" or just even "Emp", the rude fuckers.

Hot Zone

The second section in the Truth Box range of fail. Here users post a picture of themselves and users then rate them on a scale of 1-10. Naturally this section is full of cam whores, sluts and 16 year old girls. This makes it good for pedos but bad for normals.

However, what's not good for anyone is when the ugly people post pictures. These pictures quickly loose their page rank and get lost (thank god) meaning the front page is pretty much always full of underage girls with little clothing/dignity.

Ask The Planet

This is basically the secrets section but instead of the "Empathize" button there is an "Interesting!" button. This section was made for users to post questions but has become another cancer filled image board now. Not only that but it has also become the page where many novice paedophiles and perverts like to lurk and post nude pictures of unsuspecting 13 year old boys.

How To Troll Truth Box

There are many ways to do this. Pretty much all of the ignorant user base believe themselves to be right all the time, are Americunts, are 13-16, will get extremely butt hurt when you speak out against them, are emo fags, want to be emo fags or are, try to be sensitive and open and all believe you have the same beliefs as them. Ages ago people could just click the "dislike" button to take away one of the OP's power points, alas this is no more since the "dislike" feature has been taken away and lost in the sands of the internets itself. However, trolling is still possible through numerous ways.

  • Say how hilarious you find 9/11
  • Exclaim your beliefs on a woman and her place in the home
  • Disagree with what somebody says (bonus points if they have power bars)
  • Start a "serious" debate over which out of 2 certain beliefs are better (religions, political parties, etc.) and watch the fun

...instead of writing loads of shit, basically, just be the sick fuck you are and say what you think is funny that wouldn't be accepted anywhere other than /b/ and they will love you for it.