The Kewl Kids

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The Kewl Kids was originally a secret association of YouTube members (full name The Kewl Kids Association or KKA). The association held the nominal stated objectives of mutual assistance and the promotion of brotherly love among its members.

They wish they were this cool

New Leadership, New Objectives

Damien Estreich. Internet scammer and leader of both the YouTube Street Team and the Kewl Kids Association (KKA)

Inside sources have revealed that the despised internet scammer, Damien Estreich has used his position as leader of the YouTube Street Team to seize control of the Kewl Kids Association and its solitary purpose is now to swindle money out of the YouTube watching public by whatever means possible.


  • Kimberleigh - Member of YourTubeNews. Never been featured. Keeps appearing on the Signup_invite page. Worked as bait in the Bobs4Kim scam.
  • Paperlilies - Member of YourTubeNews. Has been featured and has appeared on the signup_invite page (most recent appearance on 24 June 2007). Originally just fap fodder for Damien. Will e-blow any KKA member for Mutual Assistance.
  • visiblemode - Spotlighted and member of YourTubeNews. Has appeared on the Signup_invite page. Makes fetish videos that no one watches. Update - Featured on 2 March 2007.
  • Sxephil - Spotlighted and featured after including Damien in one of the worst featured videos ever seen on YouTube. The video in question is said to mark a turning point in the KKA's activities were their rush to achieve their financial objectives exposed any presence of their members being actual entertainers. Has appeared on the Signup_invite page. Update - Featured for a second time within a month and made a video begging for money shortly after. Was made a YouTube Partner when the scheme opened. Made a second e-begging video in June 2007.
  • TonyStockert - Member of YourTubeNews. Expected to get featured and appear on the Signup_invite page as soon as he makes a video with his clothes on. Placed on the signup_invite page on 2 March 2007 as predicted.
  • DaleATL2 - Spotlighted and member of YourTubeNews. Has been featured (by making a video about YourTubeNews). Has appeared on the Signup_invite page.
  • DentonUSA - Spotlighted. Membership awaiting formal ratification.
  • Daisymate - Membership awaiting formal ratification, currently just fap fodder for Damien Estreich.
  • Boomfire8263 - Makes suck-up videos for YourTubeNEWS. Has appeared on the Signup_invite page. The blurb on his Its latest video is a perfect example of grovelling KKA behaviour; "...shout out to damien! for his inspirational views on bmw's i think i want the 7 series .... keep smilin broseph ! anyways check out these channels and subscribe ! damien aka BMW lover.....ryan leslie ....mia rose....and for natalie"
  • Welcomestranger Has been featured (in the New Years Day front page crap-flood on YouTube). Has appeared on the Signup_invite page. This individual is so pathetic it is doubtful that he is fully accepted by the KKA, but he goes through the motions anyway, sucking up to Damien Estreich at every opportunity. Despite being given 3589 (click through) subscribers this truly unfunny loser struggles to get even 300 views on his videos. His YouTube channel is a place where old jokes go to die; Avoid it at all costs. (WelcomeStranger has been added to this article because of his incessant pleading to be included, despite the fact that he is only a KKA cheerleader and not a real part of Estreich's team - His entry may be subject to deletion in the near future).

Also Known As

  • The Smiles and Sunshine Club
  • The Kewl Kids Klub (KKK - A humorous dig at Argent009 who had been promoting his own rival pro-Nazi KKK group on YouTube before he was usurped from the Street Team by Damien Estreich.)

Secret Association

The Kewl Kids Association (KKA) meets in a private chat room on Stickam. Meetings normally consist of the ratification of new members and the selection of targets for "social exclusion".

Damien denounces The Kewl Kidz (4/26/07)
  • Ratification: Kewl Kid Members are normally devoid of any talent whatsoever. It is this lack of talent that drives them to seek other methods of achieving YouTube notoriety. Initiation into The Kewl Kids Association normally requires the applicant to make a YouTube video publicly debasing themselves whilst praising Damien Estreich. It is believed (but is as yet unconfirmed) that a second private sex video of the applicant is submitted and held by Damien Estreich (under threat of publication) to ensure the applicant's continued obedience.
  • "Social Exclusion": This is treatment that is normally reserved for people on YouTube that are considered to possess talent. Too many talented people on YouTube would cause the Kewl Kids to lose their exalted public profile and would cause people to question how the Kewl Kids consistently manage to accumulate honorz without talent.

Mutual Assistance

Mutual assistance within The Kewl Kids Association covers a wide range of activities.

  • The signup_invite page. The fundamental form of assistance is considered to be Damien Estreich abusing his role as "Community Advocate" (leader of the YouTube Street Team) to pressure YouTube Head Office into repeatedly placing particular Kewl Kid members on the signup_invite page.
This video is too dark to watch, yet it was featured. It simply contains a KKA member (Sxephil) praising Damien Estreich
  • YourTubeNews. The YourTubeNews propaganda channel is made available to all Kewl Kids Association members for self promotion and as a decoy to disguise the true source of The Kewl Kids member’s subscriber numbers (which is the signup_invite page).
  • Obligatory Video Responses. Kewl Kid members are expected to make a video response to at least one other member's video every week and post positive comments on as many other Kewl Kid member's videos as possible.

Brotherly Love

Only disturbing rumours have been gathered so far about what this term now means under the rule of Damien Estreich.

The Kewl Kids Association Financial Activities

The House of Jigsaw money-for-subscribers business has been documented elsewhere and whilst its services are made available to The Kewl Kids, the profits belong solely to Damien Estreich.

YourCONTEST in association with Warner Bros

The official rewards for winning this contest are to get featured on the front page of YouTube and the gifting of a new iPod. The contest "winner" is actually chosen by Damien Estreich based upon who is the best position to immediately pay The Kewl Kids back for being chosen.

In the first contest Damien Estreich chose Blunty3000 to win. Estreich then added an advertisement for his Bobs4Kim scam onto the end of the "winner" announcement video. He ordered Blunty3000 to make him a promotional video for the Bobs4Kim event as payback for the contest "win".


Original request for a new Mac posted by Kimberleigh on 12/26/2006

Bobs4kim (1/19/2007) was the first Pay-to-view event to be organized by "members of the YouTube website". The event was purportedly to raise money to buy a member of YouTube a computer. The event created Internet drama when the Kewl Kids involvement aroused the suspicions of many different individuals. Tempers reached boiling point when it was discovered that the event had been organized by the KKA leader (Damien Estreich) for one of the members of the KKA (Kimberleigh).

Brief excerpt from the Stickam channel promotional blurb:

Full promotional blurb for the Bobs4Kim scam of January 2007
    • We're holding a 12 Hour chat on Stickam from 11PM Friday (US EST) to 11 AM Saturday (US EST) 1/19 to 1/20. To enter just send a US $3.00 or more donation to [email protected] using PayPal or click the links below. The 12 hour chat will be filled with popular YouTubers and hosted by Jipsi Kinnear of Producing101.

Damien Estreich tried to disguise his leading role in the scam by ordering Paperlilies and MysteryGuitarMan to respectively produce and host promotional videos for the Bobs4Kim event. Blunty3000, whilst not actually being a member of The Kewl Kids, was ordered to make a Bobs4Kim promotional video to repay the contest-fixing debt he owed to The Kewl Kids Association. Estreich managed to convince everyone that Blunty3000 was the driving force behind the Bobs4Kim event. The importance of this Kewl Kids "mutual assistance strategy" can be seen by the effective way in which the entire backlash from the scam was deflected onto Blunty3000 (who was not a member of the KKA).

The event is known to have scammed 176 people out of $3.00. This in itself is unremarkable as the world is full of suckers. The final "donation" actually amounted to $1,200, which caused major drama amongst the users of YouTube for several distinct reasons.

Kimberleigh, A KKA member pretending to be unable to afford a computer
  • Accounting anomalies.

176 People would have generated $528. This leaves a balance of $672 unaccounted for. It is believed that this $672 comes from slush fund payments to Kimberleigh which will be compensated for over time by the KKA "Spotlighting" donors on the YourTubeNews propaganda channel and awarding YourCONTEST competition "wins" to the most "generous" donors.

Paperlilies, another KKA member pretending Kimberleigh is unable to afford a computer (in a sarcastic way presumably, you can never tell).
  • Unethical behavior.

Many people are aware that the Kewl Kids subscriber numbers (and hence perceived popularity) are a result of systematic abuse of YouTube's corporate promotion tools. They objected to Damien Estreich making money from these artificial popularity statistics and YourTubeNews' press-ganged audience simply because they found his unethical behavior personally repugnant (and they mistakenly thought that a career criminal like damienestreich would care what they had to say).

  • Jealousy (even from so called friends of KKA members).

Many people on YouTube are "down and outs" and they are too dumb to see that wasting their time creating content for YouTube plays a part in keeping them "down and out". From their perspective Kimberleigh received $1,200 that could just as easily have been theirs if they had asked for it first. This is a source of extreme mental agitation to them. The money would of course never have come to them unless they were members of the KKA (as was proven by the recent 24Hr-Darfur-Charity-Appeal-Stickam-Chat which raised $88 Canadian. No one from Darfur is in the KKA as they are all to busy scamming, robbing and raping each other in real life).

IceFlowStudios trying to raise some cash (but being ignored)
    • IceFlowStudios who took part in the Bobs4Kim event was nevertheless its most virulent attacker. He had debts of $20,000 and had worked hard to pay off $8,000 of those debts (by asking his parents for the money). Rather than getting a job he made two videos about why people should send him free money. IceFlowStudios is not in the KKA and is widely ignored by everyone (including his parents).

  • The event was crap and nothing happened so people want their $3.00 back. (The House of Jigsaw operates a no refund policy and people who do ask for refunds are immediately added to the list of candidates for KKA "social exclusion". At the very least their YouTube IDs are forwarded by Damien Estreich to YouTube Head Office for channel suspension).

The YouTube Reaction Against the Bobs4Kim Event

Don't go to Bobs4Kim! from rickyste (Lazydork)

Bobs4KimberLies from theestranger

Re: Don't go to Bobs4Kim! from RoccosHouse

Blunty3000: Wife Beater from YTWatchDog

Blunty3000 Goes Apeshit In Defense Of Kimberleigh's Honorz

As Damien Estreich's unwitting fall guy, Blunty3000 received the worst of the backlash against the Bobs4Kim event. He is is still making videos asking people WTF happened. Blunty3000 has developed a nervous facial twitch which triggers every time he hears the word Bobs.

Blunty3000's Pay Day - A very Special iPod - 25 January 2007

Blunty3000 received the second installment of his payment for the part he played in the Bobs4Kim scam. The new iPod he received courtesy of Damien Estreich fixing the YourCONTEST (sic) Circle Circle Dot Dot competition was a limited edition Red Hot Chili Peppers iPod.

In the video Blunty3000 fabricates a far-fetched detective story where he and Damien Estreich have to figure out what the prize to the competition that Damien Estreich had organized was. Blunty3000 then pretends to be totally amazed and thankful for receiving the prize.

Blunty3000 in the very first video posted on the YourTubeNews Channel

Blunty3000 has been a fixture on the YourTubeNews channel since its very inception. He has always had enough subscribers to not need Damien Estreich's help to get more. Money is a totally different matter. Blunty3000 needs money and he is not shy about broadcasting that fact.

Blunty3000 and Katz20two listed as support sites the YourTubeNews Channel

By 12th October 2006 Both Blunty3000 and his girlfriend Katz20two had their websites listed as support sites on the YourTubeNews channel.

The Mutual Assistance link between YourTubeNews and Blunty3000 is undeniable. In Real World terms Blunty3000 would be considered to now be an employee of the YourTubeNews channel. In Real World circumstances he would not have been eligible to enter the Circle Circle Dot Dot contest on the grounds that his relationship with Internet scammer Damien Estreich gave him an unfair advantage over every other entrant.

Blunty3000 and his Limited Edition "30 Pieces of Silver" iPod

No competition actually took place. Blunty3000 was given a Limited Edition iPod for his part in the Bobs4Kim scam that raised $1,200 for the KKA. Blunty3000 caused a lot of anger in the YouTube community by swearing at the members of that community that pointed out to him that the Bobs4Kim event was a scam. It would be easy to suggest that he knew it was a scam all along and he suddenly felt as though he had been caught in a lie and reacted like a cornered animal. Everything points to that being the case, except for the fact that he made a video about the iPod player.

Damien Estreich and Blunty3000 knew that if the actual value of Blunty3000's iPod payoff was made public by anyone other than Blunty3000 then the last shreds of Blunty3000's credibility would be gone (Estreich has no credibility of his own which is why he trades on the reputations of other people). The reasons why Blunty3000 could have made the video about the iPod are;

  • He was afraid that the iPod's value was a secret that Damien Estreich would use to blackmail him into taking part in future scams
  • He was afraid that Warner Bros would issue details about the iPod's value in their publicity literature about the "contest" and this would have people questioning his silence about the iPod's value
  • He was afraid that when he auctioned the iPod off people would question its origin
  • His conscience told him to (almost) come clean.

Arguments on the Internet are serious business. Please be respectful of the opinions of others

To a casual onlooker the question as to whether Blunty3000 should keep the Limited Edition iPod may seem like a trivial affair.

Encyclopedia Dramatica has experience of these matters, and understands how arguments over something so simple as a Limited Edition Red Hot Chili Peppers i Pod being misappropriated by an Internet scammer and used to purchase the complicit involvement of a third party in fraudulent, (if not criminal), activity, can spiral out-off-hand and lead to loss of life.

It would be out of place for a chronologist to suggest any course of action to the subject being studied. For the benefit of the readers of ED alone some possible outcomes do loom heavy on the horizon and are worth noting, if only to assert that they exist:

  • Blunty3000 will keep the i Pod and hope that people forget how he obtained it
  • Blunty3000 will accept that he made a mistake by taking handouts from a criminal and auction the iPod for a real charity
  • Blunty3000 will embrace the fact that it is more profitable to forget about animation and join The Kewl Kids Association. He may lose his reputation and have Damien Estreich for a master but he will get regular Honorz.

Bobs4Kim Scandal - No Honor Amongst Thieves

Few people were surprised when it was discovered that the money "donated" to the Bobs4Kim scam had gone directly into Damien Estreich's Paypal account (many of the people donating were after all just buying future favors from Damien Estreich). However, even critics of the scam did expect that a computer would be bought by Kimberleigh out of the money collected (whilst suspecting that the remainder would be kept by Estreich as a "handling fee").

This did not happen. First Damien Estreich told Kimberleigh that he was going to be in San Francisco at the start of February and that she should wait two weeks so that he could buy the computer whilst he was in America. In February Estreich told Kimberleigh that he had actually ordered the computer online and they had refused to accept payment from foreign VISA debit card but they had withdrawn the money from the account anyway whilst refusing to supply the new computer. He has stated that it took two weeks for him to sort this matter out with the company he ordered the computer from. So at approximately mid-February (one month after the Bob4Kim scam) they would have sent him a cheque to repay the Bobs4Kim money to him.

After Paperlilies made a video asking Estreich what had happened to the money, he stated (on 16 March 2007, two months after the Bob4Kim scam) that it was going to take another four to five weeks for the international cheque to be cleared for payment.

Very few people believe any of Damien Estreich's story, and his refusal to back anything he says up with tangible evidence has only served to confirm the fact that he is a scammer in the minds of hundreds more members of the website.

Some members of the website with Credit Control expertise have pointed out that Damien Estreich is employing classic delay tactics to put off repaying the money. These tactics include:

  • Adding nonsensical complexity to a simple transaction
  • Stating that the transaction was beset by problems beyond the debtor's control
  • Claiming to have been too busy (for weeks) to sort these problems out
  • Never sorting out the problems in such a way that money or goods are sent to Kimberleigh
  • Setting no definitive date on which the debt will be settled
  • Constantly adding weeks onto the debt's duration
  • Introducing a fictitious third party who may act in bad faith causing the money to disappear altogether
  • Making no attempt whatsoever to speed up the debt repayment process

The experts have advised that someone exhibiting Damien Estreich's current behavior is likely to be on (or indeed past) the limit of his credit and it is possible that his bankruptcy is imminent. In such a poor financial state, any money Estreich would have received would have been quickly consumed by outstanding interest payments.

One expert in Debt Collection techniques has suggested that Damien Estreich is simply hoping for some unforeseen event(scam) to drop the money into his lap over then next few months. The same expert has advised that taking temporary possession of his car would help him to realize that he owes the money "right fukkin now" and that immediate payment with cold hard cash is what is expected of him, not vague mumbling and name-dropping two months after the money was collected.

Kimmy's computer & chocolate milk


The weight of public opinion that was consequently brought to bear upon Damien Estreich forced him to do the right thing and send Kimberleigh (via Paypal) the money that had been collected for her. She was able to buy a new computer by 3 April 2007, just two weeks after Damien Estreich's stalling had been exposed.

Ongoing Kewl Kids Association (KKA) Scams and Systems Abuse

2 March 2007 - KKA day

A crap video belonging to KKA member Visiblemode was front-page featured. As usual both the video and its description include Mutual Assistance references to other KKA members (MysteryGuitarMan and Tony Stockert).

2 March 2007

As predicted by ED on 21 Jan 2007, Tony Stockert was placed on the signup_invite page. Tony Stockert joined the KKA and YourTubeNEWS channel after he was told by MysteryGuitarMan that Damien Estreich would place him on the Signup_invite page and get him front-page featured.

21 March 2007

As more and more videos were made pointing out that Damien Estreich was obviously "pulling strings" for his KKA members and clients, YouTube was eventually forced to make a blog entry acknowledging the fact that Estreich was on YouTube's payroll (as confirmed by Estreich in his Your 'Tube "Community Advocate"(sic) video which sparked immediate protests from the community.

22 March 2007

KKA member MysteryGuitarMan's crappy A Message from the Creators video was featured.

29 March 2007

MysteryGuitarMan got paid by to promote their shit web-video overdubbing site in his A Message from the Sponsors video to all the YouTube subscribers he has accumulated through his KKA activities and his own independent cheating.

3 May 2007

Sxephil was named as one of the YouTube Partners in the YouTube Blog.

8 June 2007

Sxephil made a second video claiming to be poor and begging for money (The fact that he had been on holiday in Hawaii a few weeks previous may have put some of his regular cash-cows off, but there are always new suckers subscribing to his YouTube promoted Partner Channel every hour of every day). This video was taken down by Sxephil after a day, just like the previous one had been, leaving only a few (more entertaining) responses as a record of its existence.

12 June 2007

ChannelReviews, the sycophantic critic that defended Damien Estreich when Estreich's Miaarose scam was exposed, was given his long overdue payment for his efforts to clear Estreich's name by being put on the signup_invite page (as predicted on 31 January 2007).

24 June 2007

Paperlilies back on the signup_invite page for the 9000th time gaining another 2,500 zombie subscribers.

Related Videos

Damien Estreich created his own parody of a KKA meeting on Stickam. The parody is unremarkable and and contains the oft-repeated Estreich tactic of masking his real opinions with the audio equivalent of typing "lol" after every sentence.

Damien Estreich's parody of a KKA meeting - From Zenophile808

What is interesting is Estreich's attempt to link TheHill88 with the KKA . Encyclopedia Dramatica is aware that this is just a ploy by Estreich, as two ED researchers have separately interviewed TheHill88 on different occasions, prior to the recording of this video, regarding the KKA and have confirmed that at the time of those interviews, no such link existed.

Estreich was attempting to shift the spotlight off himself and onto another expendable non-KKA YouTube member (much as he did with Blunty3000) in order to buy himself a few days.

Encyclopedia Dramatica regrets to inform its readers that it is not at liberty to release the details of what Damien Estreich will be doing in a few days time and it can only say that it fully aware of what is "on the cards" and will report on the matter as soon as it is free to do so (i.e. as soon as the information is in the public domain).


ED 1/28/2007

Damien Estreich released the fact that he was flying to California to beg a job from YouTube into the public domain in the video he posted on 1/29/2007 on the YourTubeNews channel. The video is documented on Damien Estreich's own page.

The following video details the contents Blunty3000's emails to Pigslop, in response to Pigslop's "THE MR KETAMINE SHOW 60/YOURTUBENEWS IS PROPAGANDA" video. The emails were sent to Pigslop on 1/25/2007, the same day on which Blunty3000 posted his video about the iPod he had "won" in the YourTubeNews contest.


Related Articles

External Links - Scam website belonging to Damien Estreich LOL BALEETED

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