The Hatred Starts

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The Hatred Starts

PLP threatens Death to EDiots !!!! Listen
Crakwhrrr highlights the hypocrisy of LV users hating against ED
Hoverround explains to PLP that his Hate Speech is Against the LV ToS

PencilLeadProductions Uploaded a Clip "Death to ED!!!". Kyle (PLP) claims to have a Jew; but he is clearly a Nazi. HoverRound (ED's LiveVideo SpokesPerson) explained to him that his clip violated LV's ToS and has been reported. Like a Typical Hater, PLP responded "You Guys Suck".
This video and all the lulzworthy comments that went with it were subsequently removed and replaced with a "G Rated" version. However by the time this was posted everyone had lost interest and at the time of writing it had only garnered 2 comments.

The Hatred Starts

is part of a series on



Live Video Departments

THE PROMISED LANDED Exodus into The Promised LandThe Promised Land/LulzvasionThe First Plague: FireThe Hatred StartsLive Video Police DepartmentStar Trek DweebsTL;DW

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