The Arguecat Challenge

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<The Arguecat Weightloss Challenge
The only known picture of this user?


<@Penni-piper>someone will find it

<@Penni-piper>and ruin your life

<@Penni-piper> lol


—if only she had listened...

Is this the only known image of arguecat3? Who is the true pussy behind the cat? My fellow EDiot Sysops, I challenge you to find at least a picture of me on the interwebz. GO GO GO! Blowjorb for whoever succeeds.  (Stalk)

Hint list:

  1. I am a weeaboo.
  2. I have a JewTube Account.
  3. Firithfenion.
  4. Use the google, shitdips.

I win

My stalker senses are getting a boner, do i get blowjorb? Crazyconan Wanna chat? 01:27, 20 December 2008 (CST)

02:13, 20 December 2008 (CST)

FUCK. I missed it. - Raspberry Rush (talk) 18:27, 20 December 2008 (CST)

The Chunkmunky Challenge

The first person to find n00ds of Arguecat3 I will award the internet to. All of it. Chunkmunky 18:50, 20 December 2008 (CST)