Thank a Journalist Day

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Thank a Journalist Day (also known as The Day of the Rope) is a made up pseudo-holiday that takes place on March 13 and encourages the ignorant masses to thank their journalist overlords for spending the past few decades force-feeding them endless streams of liberal propaganda that was milked directly from George Soros' saggy old tits. Thank a Journalist Day was created in 2019 by members of der lügenpresse who were tired of constantly being referred to by the American people as "Fake News"—a term that the typical journalist legitimately believes to be akin to the Nigger-word—and who desperately wanted to suck their own cocks and feel that the worthless, pathetic, miserable lives that they've dedicated to indoctrinating the masses actually have purpose and aren't completely and utterly pointless.

Unfortunately for members of the media, this stunt quickly backfired as people began offering thanks to the wrong kind of journalists and began telling the shills to fuck off and "Learn to Code".

Thank a Real Journalist

A special thanks to real journalists who refuse to sell their integrity to the highest bidder. @Timcast @JamesOKeefeIII @Project_Veritas #thankajournalist


—tomicBoogaloo (archive)

#thankajournalist Thanks @Timcast , you've been a stand up guy in the world of independent journalism. Keep it up.


—IndieDaveComix (archive)

I #thankajournalist every day...

Thank you for being you Julian Assange @Wikileaks


—Knopperz (archive)

Don't Thank a Journalist

#ThankAJournalist I'd rather thank a crackhead at walmart than thank a journalist


—PoweralthIF (archive)

You're saying that I should #thankajournalist for spreading lies in order to push their personal political agendas?

Sorry, not happening.


—FromBeyondTheG3 (archive)

Thanks for being the scum of the earth #ThankAJournalist


—truebluetheo (archive)

See Also

Thank a Journalist Day is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Thank a Journalist Day
is part of a series on Donald Trump.

You're gonna love this article, believe me.